2 апреля 2012 г. 20:12



Эту книгу купили за 4 года до моего рождения. За это время, её прочитала вся моя семья. Эта книга переезжала с места на место, из города в город, из страны в страну. Но всё же, остановилась "здесь" в "этом" городе. К совершеннолетию, я взял эту книгу в руки.


Вокруг света в восемьдесят дней - Писатель рассказывает нам о человеке - Филеасе Фогге. Который заключил пари с членами своего клуба - сделать кругосветное путешествие с запада на восток не более чем за 80 дней. Поставив на кон -двадцать тысяч футнов стерлингов.
И так, вместе со своим слугой - Паспарту. Филеас Фогг начинает путь из Лондона. Далее его маршрут выглядит так:

Путь - Способ - Продолжительность:
Лондон — Суэц (поезд, пакетбот) - 7 дней
Суэц — Бомбей (пакетбот) - 13 дней
Бомбей — Калькутта (поезд) - 3 дня
Калькутта — Гонг Конг (слон, пакетбот) -13 дней
Гонг Конг — Иокогама (пакетбот) - 6 дней
Иокогама — Сан-Франциско (пакетбот) - 22 дня
Сан-Франциско — Нью-Йорк (поезд) - 7 дней
Нью-Йорк — Лондон (пакетбот, поезд) - 9 дней

Итог: 80 дней


За эти великолепные и скверные дни, у них на пути случаются масса различных историй. Они видят новые места, знакомятся крепкой дружбой с людьми, чувствуют новые запахи, испытывают новые ощущения. И несмотря ни на что, держат свой курс.

В книге описывается природа, обычаи, достопримечательности, истории городов, и ещё много удивительных вещей таится в этой замечательной книге.

Хочу сказать Спасибо, Жюль Верну. За это непостижимо чудесное, наполненное красками путешествие, в котором я побывал вместе с его героями.

Читайте и путешествуйте с героями книги, как это делали миллионы людей по всему земному шару.

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 The Role of Social Signals in SEO for US E-Commerce Sites

In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO for e-commerce, leveraging social signals has emerged as a vital strategy for businesses aiming to enhance their online visibility and drive organic traffic. As US e-commerce sites continue to thrive, understanding the impact of social signals on search engine optimization usa is essential. This article explores the significance of social signals and how incorporating them into your SEO strategy can propel your US-based e-commerce business to new heights.

  1. Defining Social Signals: Social signals encompass the engagement and interactions your brand receives on social media platforms. This includes likes, shares, comments, and overall social media visibility. Search engines, including Google, consider these signals as indicators of a website's credibility and popularity.

  2. Building a Strong Social Media Presence: Establishing and maintaining an active presence on popular social media platforms is fundamental. US e-commerce sites should prioritize platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest to connect with their target audience and foster a community around their brand.

  3. Social Signals and Search Engine Rankings: Search engines, like Google, factor in social signals when determining search rankings. A robust social media presence and positive engagement can contribute to improved visibility in search results. Social signals act as a vote of confidence, signaling to search engines that your content is valuable and resonates with users.

  4. Content Sharing and Amplification: Creating shareable content is key to generating social signals. Develop engaging and visually appealing content that encourages users to share it within their social networks. Shared content can reach a broader audience, driving more traffic to your e-commerce site and positively influencing local seo services company.

  5. Influence of Social Platforms on SEO: Google considers the authority of social media platforms. Links from reputable social media sites can impact your site's authority and, consequently, its search rankings. Ensure that your social profiles are optimized with accurate business information and links back to your e-commerce site.

  6. User Engagement and Brand Trust: Social signals contribute to building brand trust and credibility. Positive interactions on social media create a sense of authenticity and transparency, factors that influence both user trust and search engine algorithms.

  7. Localized Social Engagement: Tailor your social media strategy to engage with the local US audience. Encourage customers to share their experiences, leave reviews, and tag your brand in their posts. Localized engagement enhances your brand's visibility in local search results.

  8. Utilizing Social Meta Tags: Implement Open Graph Protocol and Twitter Card tags to optimize how your content appears when shared on social media. This not only enhances the visual appeal of your shared links but also provides additional metadata for search engines to understand and index your content accurately.

  9. Monitoring and Analyzing Social Metrics: Regularly track social metrics such as likes, shares, and comments. Analyzing these metrics provides insights into the effectiveness of your social media efforts and allows you to refine your strategy for optimal results.

  10. Integrating Social Signals into Overall SEO Strategy: Social signals should complement your broader SEO strategy. Integrate social media efforts with on-page optimization, link-building, and content marketing to create a holistic approach that maximizes the impact of social signals on your e-commerce site's SEO.


For US e-commerce sites, recognizing the symbiotic relationship between social signals and SEO is crucial. By fostering a robust social media presence, encouraging user engagement, and aligning social strategies with broader SEO goals, businesses can amplify their online visibility, build brand credibility, and ultimately drive organic traffic to their e-commerce platforms. Embrace the power of social signals to stay ahead in the competitive landscape of local seo optimization services.

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