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Эксперт Лайвлиба

31 мая 2015 г. 17:38



I'm starting to read an adapted literature in English.
It is very interesting!
Genre of book is detective history.
Book has the surprise in the end.
I am sorry for the main characters of "Brown Eyes".
They were very happy because they loved. But they had enemy. He had revenge in his soul.

Language of book is very easy. I needed to take next level))
Excuse me for my bad English :)

I recommend reading this book to anyone who has a basic level of English.
I can share a link to download the book


Good Job!

Есть пару ошибочек, но в целом молодец, что стараешься!

Book has the surprise in the end. (Обычно люди не говорят surprise end. Но surprise в конце может скрываться :)
I am sorry for main characters of "Brown eyes". Персонажи книг переводятся как characters.
They were very happy (не was) because they loved (запятая не нужна. В английском языке намного меньше запятых, чем в русском).
English как и любой другой язык, например Russian пишется с большой буквы.

Thank you very much!