Black Cat Publishing — 2 книги

Black Cat, a world leader in the production of beautifully designed, innovative and dynamic teaching materials, is the imprint of Cideb publishing, which since 1973 has been well-known in the international educational publishing market.

Black Cat books are admired all over the world for their creativity, innovation and constant attention to the highest production values.

Категория: личные подборки Теги: Audio books
Le Morte d'Arthur (with audio CD; Адаптация для уровня Intermediate)
Sir Thomas Malory
Год издания:2002
Издательство:Black Cat Cideb
Серия:Reading & Training

Le Morte d’Arthur tells the story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. The tale begins with Arthur’s birth, his education, and his rise to the throne.
It also…

The Canterville Ghost
Oscar Wilde, Derek Sellen
Год издания:2007
Издательство:Black Cat Cideb
Серия:Reading & Training

When Mr Hiram B. Otis decides to buy Canterville Chase, everyone tells him that he is crazy because the house is haunted by a ghost. And when the American family comes to live…