Список рекомендованных книг-2015 от журнала "Локус" — 81 книга

картинка Solnechnaja2201

Добро пожаловать в Ежегодный список рекомендованных книг от журнала "Локус"! Этот список опубликован в февральском номере журнала за 2016-й год и составлен общими усилиями редакторов и рецензентов "Локуса".

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Водяной нож
Паоло Бачигалупи
Год издания:2016
Издательство:АСТ, Neoclassic

К середине XXI века юго-западные штаты Америки испытывают дефицит воды. Водные ресурсы стали ходовым товаром, государственные чиновники и игроки на биржах вынуждены осваивать новые статьи: параметры потока в кубических футах в секунду, количество снега и отклонения от нормы таяния, глубина и заполненность дамб и резервуаров. Угроза превращения некогда плодородных земель в пыльную каменистую пустыню вполне реальна. Калифорния перехватывает инициативу у других штатов, играет против правил, пытаясь монополизировать живительный поток реки Колорадо, подкупая продажных политиков и отрезая от водных артерий поселки и малые города. А в это время отчаявшиеся внимают проповедникам секты «Веселых Перри», верящим, что бог пошлет им дождь. Чиновники продолжают плодить тонны бесполезных бумаг. Бедняки безропотно умирают… А юная журналистка, описывающая гибель города Финикса, осмеливается заглянуть за кулисы системы распределения воды. Что же принесет ее опасное расследование?

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 1 февраля 2016 г., 16:29

Джеймс Брэдли
Год издания:2017
Издательство:Titan Books

Compelling, challenging and resilient, over ten beautifully contained chapters,Clade canvasses three generations from the very near future to late this century. Central to the novel is the family of Adam, a scientist, and his wife Ellie, an artist.Clade opens with them wanting a child and Adam in a quandary about the wisdom of this. Their daughter proves to be an elusive little girl and then a troubled teenager, and by now cracks have appeared in her parents' marriage. Their grandson is in turn a troubled boy, but when his character reappears as an adult he's an astronomer, one set to discover something astounding in the universe. With great skill James Bradley shifts us subtly forward through the decades, through disasters and plagues, miraculous small moments and acts of great courage. Elegant, evocative, understated and thought-provoking, it is the work of a writer in command of the major themes of our time.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 1 февраля 2016 г., 16:40

The Darkside War (The Icarus Corps)
Zachary Brown
Год издания:2015
Издательство:Saga Press

Aliens have conquered Earth, but they haven’t conquered humanity—yet. A young army conscript battles for survival in this action-packed futuristic thriller that will appeal to fans of Halo and Inglorious Bastards.

People used to wonder if we were alone in the universe. Well, we’re not. Not by a long shot. Aliens come in all shapes and sizes, and even the good guys are likely to haunt your nightmares. And oh, you’ll have nightmares, even after you leave the service. If you leave the service.

Devin is a reluctant conscript to an alien-run army: when the Accordance conquered Earth, they said it was to prepare against the incoming alien Conglomeration forces. But as Devin travels to the dark side of the moon for boot camp and better acquaints himself with his so-called allies, his loyalties are increasingly tested. Because the enemy of the enemy is not always a friend. Sometimes they’re a far, far worse threat.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 1 февраля 2016 г., 16:41

James L. Cambias
Год издания:2015
Издательство:Tor Books

In the early 2020s, two young, genius computer hackers, Elizabeth Santiago and David Schwartz, meet at MIT, where Schwartz is sneaking into classes, and have a brief affair. David is amoral and out for himself, and soon disappears. Elizabeth dreams of technology and space travel and takes a military job after graduating. Nearly ten years later, David is setting himself to become a billionaire by working in the shadows under a multiplicity of names for international thieves, and Elizabeth works in intelligence preventing international space piracy. With robotic mining in space becoming a lucrative part of Earth's economy, shipments from space are dropped down the gravity well into the oceans. David and Elizabeth fight for dominance of the computer systems controlling ore drop placement in international waters. If David can nudge a shipment 500 miles off its target, his employers can get there first and claim it legally in the open sea. Each one intuits that the other is their real competition but can't prove it. And when Elizabeth loses a major shipment, she leaves government employ to work for a private space company to find a better way to protect shipments. But international piracy has very high stakes and some very evil players. And both Elizabeth and David end up in a world of trouble.
Space pirates and computer hackers . . . James L. Cambias's Corsair is a thrilling near-future adventure!

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 1 февраля 2016 г., 16:43

C. J. Cherryh
Год издания:2015
Издательство:DAW Books

Tracker is the sixteenth installment of CJ Cherryh's acclaimed Foreigner series.

It’s been a year of upheaval, since Bren Cameron’s return from space—a year when he and the aiji-dowager, one of his most powerful atevi allies, returned home from their two-year interstellar mission to find the government over­thrown and their world in chaos.

Now, at last, things are calming down; the Assassins’ Guild is functioning again, working out its internal difficulties, and Bren is settling back into his routine: not as Lord of the Heavens; not—to his regret—as Lord of Najida peninsula, where his leisure estate is located; but as paidhi-aiji, an official in the atevi court.

His current ambition is to keep himself and his bodyguard out of harm’s way, and to shepherd the aiji-dowager’s daring new trade agreement through the appropriate legislative committees. Combined with Tabini-aiji’s recent appointment of his young son Cajeiri as his official heir, Bren’s workload is challenging, but at least things on the atevi world seem to be on the right track.

Something is coming, however, quietly, stealthily, just the first ominous twinkle of a new star in the heavens….

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 1 февраля 2016 г., 16:46

Игры Немезиды
Джеймс Кори
Год издания:2018
Издательство:Фантастика Книжный Клуб
Серия:Science Fiction

Открытие далеких миров повлекло за собой величайшую в истории человечества экспансию. Искатели приключений тысячами отправляются в путешествия на поиски лучшей жизни, а между тем основы власти в Солнечной системе оказываются под угрозой. Многие корабли колонистов исчезают без следа. Тайно формируются мощные военные силы. Последний образец протомолекулы похищен. Атаки террористов держат в страхе внутренние планеты. Грехи прошлого возвращаются, взыскивая высокую плату. В то время как в огне и крови устанавливается новый порядок, Джеймс Холден и команда «Росинанта» вынуждены бороться, чтобы выжить и вернуться в единственный оставшийся у них дом.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 18 декабря 2018 г., 18:48

Dark Orbit
Carolyn Ives Gilman
ISBN:0-765-33629-4, 978-0-7653-3629-3
Год издания:2015
Издательство:Tor Books

From Nebula and Hugo Award–nominated Carolyn Ives Gilman comes Dark Orbit, a compelling novel featuring alien contact, mystery, and murder.

Reports of a strange, new habitable planet have reached the Twenty Planets of human civilization. When a team of scientists is assembled to investigate this world, exoethnologist Sara Callicot is recruited to keep an eye on an unstable crewmate. Thora was once a member of the interplanetary elite, but since her prophetic delusions helped mobilize a revolt on Orem, she's been banished to the farthest reaches of space, because of the risk that her very presence could revive unrest.

Upon arrival, the team finds an extraordinary crystalline planet, laden with dark matter. Then a crew member is murdered and Thora mysteriously disappears. Thought to be uninhabited, the planet is in fact home to a blind, sentient species whose members navigate their world with a bizarre vocabulary and extrasensory perceptions.

Lost in the deep crevasses of the planet among these people, Thora must battle her demons and learn to comprehend the native inhabitants in order to find her crewmates and warn them of an impending danger. But her most difficult task may lie in persuading the crew that some powers lie beyond the boundaries of science.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 1 февраля 2016 г., 16:49

Weighing Shadows
Лиза Голдстейн
Год издания:2015
Издательство:Night Shade Books

Ann Decker fixes computers for a living, and in the evenings she passes the time sharpening her hacking skills. It's not a very interesting life, but she gets by—until one day she's contacted with a job offer for a company called Transformations Incorporated. None of her coworkers have ever heard of it before, and when Ann is finally told what the company does, she can hardly believe it: TI has invented technology to travel in time.

Soon Ann is visiting a matriarchy in ancient Crete, and then a woman mathematician at the Library of Alexandria. But Transformations Incorporated remains shrouded in mystery, and when Ann finally catches her breath, there are too many troubling questions still unanswered. Who are Transformations Incorporated, and what will they use this technology to gain? What ill effects might going back in time have on the present day? Is it really as harmless as TI says?

When a coworker turns up dead, Ann’s superiors warn her about a covert group called Core out to sabotage the company. Something just isn’t right, but before she has time to investigate, Ann is sent to a castle in the south of France, nearly a thousand years in the past. As the armies of the Crusade arrive to lay siege, and intrigue grows among the viscount’s family, Ann will discover the startling truth—not just about the company that sent her there, but also about her own past.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 1 февраля 2016 г., 16:52

Europe at Midnight
Dave Hutchinson
Год издания:2015

Europe is crumbling. The Xian Flu pandemic and ongoing economic crises have fractured the European Union, the borderless Continent of the Schengen Agreement is a distant memory, and new nations are springing up everywhere, some literally overnight. For an intelligence officer like Jim, it's a nightmare. Every week or so a friendly power spawns, a new and unknown national entity which may or may not be friendly to England's interests; it's hard to keep on top of it all. But things are about to get worse for Jim. A stabbing on a London bus pitches him into a world where his intelligence service is preparing for war with another universe, and a man has come who may hold the key to unlocking the mystery.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 1 февраля 2016 г., 17:01

Слуги милосердия
Энн Леки
Год издания:2018
Издательство:Фантастика Книжный Клуб

В прошлом Брэк была мощным десантным кораблем на службе непомерных колонизационных амбиций лорда Радча. Теперь, получив простое человеческое тело, она стала капитаном флота на отдаленной базе Атхоек, где сумела завоевать уважение и власть. Защищая интересы обитателей базы, Брэк готова противостоять политическим интригам ее руководителей, вести переговоры с загадочными и опасными пришельцами Пресгер и погружаться в тайны, скрывающиеся по ту сторону Призрачного шлюза. Однако настоящая угроза исходит от Анаандер Мианнаи, правительницы Радча, разделившейся на несколько сущностей и ведущей борьбу с самой собой. Ставки высоки, и, чтобы вступить в решающую схватку с главным врагом, Брэк понадобятся любые союзники, поддержкой которых она сможет заручиться.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 3 февраля 2018 г., 21:10

Темный лес
Лю Цысинь
Год издания:2017
Серия:Sci-Fi Universe. Лучшая новая НФ

Трисолярианский кризис продолжается. У землян есть 400 лет, чтобы предотвратить инопланетное вторжение. Но угроза полного уничтожения, вопреки ожиданиям, не объединяет человечество. Сверхдержавы отстаивают свои интересы, космические флоты, становясь независимой политической силой, вовсе теряют связь с Землей. Тотальный контроль над научно-техническими разработками со стороны чужой цивилизации, во много раз превосходящей нашу в развитии, не оставляет людям шанса на победу. Исход войны решат проекты "Отвернувшихся" — лучших мыслителей планеты.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 6 августа 2018 г., 23:18

Новая Луна
Йен Макдональд
Год издания:2017
Серия:Звезды научной фантастики

Луна хочет тебя убить, и у нее есть тысячи способов добиться своего. Вакуум, радиация, удушающая пыль, слабеющие кости… Луна - новое государство, где нет законов, но есть бесконечные договоренности, где за воздух и информацию постоянно надо платить, и всем правят пять Драконов - пять индустриальных кланов. Между ними давно поделены сферы, каждый занимается своим делом, но основатели кланов стареют, их смерть уже близка, и между многочисленными наследниками развязывается жестокая борьба за новые сферы. Адриане Корте восемьдесят. Ее семья управляет корпорацией «Корта Элиу». Компания выжила в жестоких корпоративных войнах, но приобрела немало врагов. И теперь, когда с таким трудом завоеванный мир начинает трещать по швам, дети Адрианы должны спасти империю матери от развала… а еще от самих себя. Так начинается один из самых масштабных научно-фантастических романов последних лет, эпическая сага об интригах, предательствах и мести в зримом, жестоком, неожиданном и потрясающе реалистичном мире будущего.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 17 июня 2017 г., 13:01

Galapagos Regained
James Kenneth Morrow
Год издания:2015
Издательство:St. Martin's Press

James Morrow's Galápagos Regained centers on the fictional Chloe Bathurst, an unemployed Victorian actress who finds work on Charles Darwin's estate, nurturing the strange birds, exotic lizards, and giant tortoises he brought back from his trip around the world. When Chloe gets wind of the Great God Contest, sponsored by the Percy Bysshe Shelley Society―£10,000 to the first petitioner who can prove or disprove the existence of a Supreme Being―she decides that Mr. Darwin's materialist theory of speciation might just turn the trick. (If Nature gave God nothing to do, maybe He was never around in the first place.) Before she knows it, her ambitions send her off on a wild adventure―a voyage by brigantine to Brazil, a steamboat trip up the Amazon, a hot-air balloon flight across the Andes―bound for the Galápagos archipelago, where she intends to collect the live specimens through which she might demonstrate evolutionary theory to the contest judges.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 1 февраля 2016 г., 17:14

Going Dark
Linda Nagata
Год издания:2015
Издательство:Saga Press

In the third book in The Red Trilogy, former Army Lt. James Shelley becomes a black ops sniper working for the Red—a suspected rogue artificial intelligence that is ripped from today’s headlines.

James Shelley has left his lover, Delphi, and his companion-in-arms, Jayne Vasquez, with a fortune acquired from a fallen oligarch. They believe him to be dead, and he doesn’t try to set the record straight. His long-running question has been answered: There are other soldiers like him who have served the purposes of the Red—and he has accepted his place among them. As a soldier of the Red he pursues covert missions designed to nudge history away from existential threats—but that doesn’t mean the world is growing more orderly. It’s only in the froth of a “managed chaos” that human potential can grow and thrive. Shelley’s missions eventually take him into orbit—and into conflict with those he loves—Delphi and Jaynie—who are determined to escape the influence of the Red.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 1 февраля 2016 г., 17:16

Emma Newman
Год издания:2015

From Emma Newman, the award-nominated author of Between Two Thorns, comes a novel of how one secret withheld to protect humanity’s future might be its undoing…

Renata Ghali believed in Lee Suh-Mi’s vision of a world far beyond Earth, calling to humanity. A planet promising to reveal the truth about our place in the cosmos, untainted by overpopulation, pollution, and war. Ren believed in that vision enough to give up everything to follow Suh-Mi into the unknown.

More than twenty-two years have passed since Ren and the rest of the faithful braved the starry abyss and established a colony at the base of an enigmatic alien structure where Suh-Mi has since resided, alone. All that time, Ren has worked hard as the colony's 3-D printer engineer, creating the tools necessary for human survival in an alien environment, and harboring a devastating secret.

Ren continues to perpetuate the lie forming the foundation of the colony for the good of her fellow colonists, despite the personal cost. Then a stranger appears, far too young to have been part of the first planetfall, a man who bears a remarkable resemblance to Suh-Mi.

The truth Ren has concealed since planetfall can no longer be hidden. And its revelation might tear the colony apart…

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 1 февраля 2016 г., 17:18

The Book of Phoenix
Nnedi Okorafor
Год издания:2015
Издательство:DAW Books

A fiery spirit dances from the pages of the Great Book. She brings the aroma of scorched sand and ozone. She has a story to tell….

The Book of Phoenix is a unique work of magical futurism. A prequel to the highly acclaimed, World Fantasy Award-winning novel, Who Fears Death, it features the rise of another of Nnedi Okorafor’s powerful, memorable, superhuman women.

Phoenix was grown and raised among other genetic experiments in New York’s Tower 7. She is an “accelerated woman”—only two years old but with the body and mind of an adult, Phoenix’s abilities far exceed those of a normal human. Still innocent and inexperienced in the ways of the world, she is content living in her room speed reading e-books, running on her treadmill, and basking in the love of Saeed, another biologically altered human of Tower 7.

Then one evening, Saeed witnesses something so terrible that he takes his own life. Devastated by his death and Tower 7’s refusal to answer her questions, Phoenix finally begins to realize that her home is really her prison, and she becomes desperate to escape.

But Phoenix’s escape, and her destruction of Tower 7, is just the beginning of her story. Before her story ends, Phoenix will travel from the United States to Africa and back, changing the entire course of humanity’s future.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 1 февраля 2016 г., 17:20

Kit Reed
Год издания:2015
Издательство:Tor Books

In a coastal town on the Outer Carolina Banks, David Ribault and Merrill Poulnot are trying to revive their stale relationship and commit to marriage, and a slick developer claiming to be related to a historic town hero, Rawson Steele, has come to town and is buying up property. Steele makes a romantic advance on Merrill and an unusual 5 a.m appointment outside of town with David. But Steele is a no-show, and at the time of the appointment everyone in the town disappears, removed entirely from our space and time to a featureless isolated village―including Merrill and her young son. David searches desperately but all seems lost for Steele is in the other village with Merrill.
Kit Reed's Where is a spooky, unsettling speculative fiction.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 1 февраля 2016 г., 17:22

Poseidon's Wake
Alastair Reynolds
Год издания:2016
Издательство:Ace Books

“Few SF writers merge rousing adventure with advanced futuristic technology as skillfully as Alastair Reynolds” (Toronto Star), the award-winning author of On the Steel Breeze. In the conclusion of his Poseidon’s Children saga, the Akinya family receives an invitation from across the stars—and a last opportunity to redeem their name...

Send Ndege…

The cryptic message originated seventy light-years away from the planet Crucible, where Ndege Akinya lives under permanent house arrest for her role in the catastrophe that killed 417,000 people. Could it be from her mother, Chiku, who vanished during a space expedition decades earlier?

Ndege’s daughter Goma, a biologist, joins the crew of the Travertine dispatched to Gliese 163 to uncover the source behind the enigmatic message.

Goma’s odyssey will take her not only into the farthest reaches of space, but centuries into her family’s past where the answers to the universe’s greatest mysteries await...

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 1 февраля 2016 г., 17:24

The Thing Itself
Adam Roberts
Год издания:2015

Adam Roberts turns his attention to answering the Fermi Paradox with a taut and claustrophobic tale that echoes John Carpenters’ The Thing.

Two men while away the days in an Antarctic research station. Tensions between them build as they argue over a love-letter one of them has received. One is practical and open. The other surly, superior and obsessed with reading one book – by the philosopher Kant.

As a storm brews and they lose contact with the outside world they debate Kant, reality and the emptiness of the universe. The come to hate each other, and they learn that they are not alone.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 1 февраля 2016 г., 17:28

Ким Стэнли Робинсон
Год издания:2018
Серия:Sci-Fi Universe. Лучшая новая НФ

В 12 световых лет от Земли 2122 пассажира гигантского корабля "плывут" по Млечному Пути к новому солнцу. Спустя полтора века пути и 6 поколений вынужденные эмигранты, самоотверженные исследователи приближаются к звезде G-класса Тау Кита и водной планете. В замкнутой системе на 12 порядков меньше Земли они воссоздали архипелаг всех климатических зон. Ждет ли обитателей рукотворного ковчега процветание за пределами Солнечной системы?

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 18 декабря 2018 г., 18:50

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