Цикл книг «Obsidian and Blood» — 4 книги

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Альетт де Бодар

Предыстория Акатля, ацтекского жреца бога мертвых, главного героя цикла Obsidian and Blood.

Servant of the Underworld
Aliette de Bodard
Год издания:2010
Издательство:Angry Robot
Серия:Obsidian and Blood

Year One-Knife, Tenochtitlan the capital of the Aztecs. The end of the world is kept at bay only by the magic of human sacrifice. A Priestess disappears from an empty room…

Harbinger of the Storm
Aliette de Bodard
Год издания:2011
Издательство:Angry Robot
Серия:Obsidian and Blood

The year is Two House and the Mexica Empire teeters on the brink of destruction, lying vulnerable to the flesh-eating star-demons – and to the return of their creator, a…

Master of the House of Darts
Aliette de Bodard
Год издания:2011
Издательство:Angry Robot
Серия:Obsidian and Blood

The year is Three Rabbit, and the storm is coming...
The coronation war for the new Emperor has just ended in a failure, the armies retreating with a mere forty prisoners of war…