Больше историй

23 апреля 2024 г. 07:07


Предполагай хорошие и плохие последствия

Конечно, большинство войн преследуют в первую очередь удовлетворение экономических интересов для завоевательной стороны. Бывает такое, что правители бывшей колонии хотят завоевать крупные города в бывшей метрополии и наоборот. Но только вот вопрос: "А что будет, если завоеванное ляжет тяжким бременем на экономику страны"?
Пример ниже - отличный образец того, как Византия пошла завоевывать Рим и прилегающие территории в 6 веке и к чему нехорошему для Византии это привело.

"Although the Byzantines had won the war, the victory was hollow. Italy was devastated—the cities had lost much of their population and the rural economy was in tatters. The traditional Latin-speaking ruling classes found that Greek-speakers from Constantinople were given all the key positions. Rome was treated as a provincial outpost of the Byzantine Empire, and hopes that the city might be restored as the center of imperial power were dashed.
The effects of the war, together with a plague that killed one-third of the empire’s inhabitants in 542, made it hard to find troops that could garrison Italy. The new province provided little tax revenue and it became a major financial drain. The optimism that greeted the capture of Rome was replaced by a profound gloom—a mood confirmed when in 568 the Lombards, another barbarian group, invaded Italy and took most of the Byzantine land in north and central Italy.
Although the Byzantine Empire survived a further nine centuries, it was never again able to make another serious attempt to restore the Roman Empire in the west. Instead, it focused on defending its Greek-speaking core in the east, leaving the Germanic kingdoms in Italy, France, and Spain free to develop unhindered."