Не плачь обо мне аргентина

3 книги

  • El secreto de sus ojos Эдуардо Сачери
    ISBN: 978-84-663-2269-0
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Punto de Lectura
    Язык: Русский
    This story inspired Juan Jose Campanellas movie, 2010 Oscar winner in the foreign film category. Set in the Argentina of the 1960s and 70s, the detective story takes place at a time where the country begins a gradual descent into political violence and unrest, and its characters fight against impunity, the bureaucracy of the judicial system, and personal and shared miseries. Thirty years before, a homicide case crossed Benjamin Chaparros desk, one he was unable to forget. Now retired, he reviews a large portion of his life, the instances of the case and the unsuspected consequences, and the story of a forbidden love that keeps him trapped between passion and silence.
  • August Romina Paula
    ISBN: 1558614303
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Feminist Press
    Язык: Английский

    Traveling home to rural Patagonia, a young woman grapples with herself as she makes the journey to scatter the ashes of her friend Andrea. Twenty-one-year-old Emilia might still be living, but she’s jaded by her studies and discontent with her boyfriend, and apathetic toward the idea of moving on. Despite the admiration she receives for having relocated to Buenos Aires, in reality, cosmopolitanism and a career seem like empty scams. Instead, she finds her life pathetic. Once home, Emilia stays with Andrea’s parents, wearing the dead girl’s clothes, sleeping in her bed, and befriending her cat. Her life put on hold, she loses herself to…

  • El viento que arrasa Selva Almada
    ISBN: 987269656X
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Mardulce
    Язык: Испанский

    Un reverendo y su hija de viaje por el Chaco, en un clima de conflictos y tormentas, entreveros y catástrofes latentes, diálogos filosos y locura solapada. Casi cinematográfica, El viento que arrasa es una novela en la que los personajes son nítidos, corpóreos, se escuchan sus voces, sus modos. Y los del paisaje: el monte, el sol fuerte, los árboles achaparrados, los autos rotos, las camisas transpiradas y las vidas destruidas.

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