Гермиона Айр - Viper Wine

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At Whitehall Palace in 1632, the ladies at the court of Charles I are beginning to look suspiciously alike. Plump cheeks, dilated pupils, and a heightened sense of pleasure are the first signs that they have been drinking a potent new beauty tonic, Viper Wine, distilled and discreetly dispensed by the physician Lancelot Choice. Famed beauty Venetia Stanley is so…

Форма: роман

Первая публикация: 2014

Язык: Английский

Лауреат: 2015 г.Китчис (Золотое щупальце (дебют))
Номинант: 2015 г.Премия Вальтера Скотта (Историческое произведение)
2015 г.Фолио (Премия Фолио)
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