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The first novel in a thrilling new historical series, featuring the adventures of Henrietta Lightfoot, courtesan, spy, actress, artist, forger, card sharp and suspected murderess on her journey through a Europe torn by revolution and war.

Mistress of My Fate begins in England in 1789, where the sheltered seventeen year old, Henrietta Ingerton escapes from the country estate on which she was raised only to find herself plunged into a world for which she is wholly unprepared.

Told in her own words, Mrs Lightfoot reminisces about her youth and seeks to set the record straight about the events that shaped her into the woman she became.

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: Mistress of My Fate

Дата написания: 2011

Первая публикация: 2011

Язык: Английский

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