Азар Нафиси

Azar Nafisi

  • 6 книг
  • 3 подписчика
  • 602 читателя
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Новинки Азар Нафиси

  • О чём я молчала. Мемуары блудной дочери Азар Нафиси
    ISBN: 978-5-907784-17-8
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Лайвбук
    Язык: Русский

    Красочные, полные запоминающихся деталей мемуары Азар Нафиси, дочери мэра Тегерана, рисуют драматичную историю одной семьи на фоне политических потрясений в Иране. Отец Нафиси, блестящий политик, оказывается в тюрьме, а через какое-то время после освобождения уходит из семьи. Мать, с которой у Нафиси складываются крайне непростые отношения, избирается в парламент страны. Но из-за революционных событий она вынуждена отказаться от должности и, как все иранские женщины, надеть хиджаб. Пока страна раздираема политической борьбой, героиня взрослеет. Она учится, с упоением читает Фирдоуси и Набокова, влюбляется, выходит замуж, разводится,…

  • Read Dangerously: The Subversive Power of Literature in Troubled Times Азар Нафиси
    ISBN: 0062947362
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Dey Street Books
    The New York Times bestselling author of Reading Lolita in Tehran returns with a guide to the power of literature in turbulent times, arming readers with a resistance reading list, ranging from James Baldwin to Zora Neale Hurston to Margaret Atwood.

    "[A] stunning look at the power of reading. ... Provokes and inspires at every turn." —Publishers Weekly (starred review)

    "Remarkable. ... Audacious." —The Progressive

    "Stunningly beautiful and perceptive." —Los Angeles Review of Books

    What is the role of literature in an era when one political party wages continual war on writers and the press? What is the connection between political strife in our daily lives, and the way we meet our enemies on the page in fiction? How can literature, through its free exchange, affect politics?

    In this galvanizing guide to literature as resistance, Nafisi seeks to answer these questions. Drawing on her experiences as a woman and voracious reader living in the Islamic Republic of Iran, her life as an immigrant in the United States, and her role as literature professor in both countries, she crafts an argument for why, in a genuine democracy, we must engage with the enemy, and how literature can be a vehicle for doing so.

    Structured as a series of letters to her father, who taught her as a child about how literature can rescue us in times of trauma, Nafisi explores the most probing questions of our time through the works of Toni Morrison, Salman Rushdie, James Baldwin, Margaret Atwood, and more.
  • Читая Лолиту в Тегеране Азар Нафиси
    ISBN: 978-5-907428-53-9
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Лайвбук
    Язык: Русский

    Выдающийся документальный роман, заслуженно получивший мировую популярность. Книга о том, как политика вторгается в личную жизнь человека и о жажде свободы, которую невозможно уничтожить. Правдивая история, наполненная поразительными деталями, - взгляд изнутри на существование в стране-изгое. Азар Нафиси, дочь мэра Тегерана, получившая образование в Америке, возвращается на родину, чтобы преподавать иранским студентам зарубежную литературу. Исламская революция рушит все планы, и занятия превращаются в тайные собрания. В то время как стражи порядка устраивают рейды по всей стране, фундаменталисты захватывают университеты, а цензура душит…

  • That Other World: Nabokov and the Puzzle of Exile Азар Нафиси
    ISBN: 9780300158830
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Yale University Press
    The ruler of a totalitarian state seeks validation from a former schoolmate, now the nation’s foremost thinker, in order to access a cultural cache alien to his regime. A literary critic provides commentary on an unfinished poem that both foretells the poet’s death and announces the critic’s secret identity as the king of a lost country. The greatest of Vladimir Nabokov’s enchanters—Humbert—is lost within the antithesis of a fairy story, in which Lolita does not hold the key to his past but rather imprisons him within the knowledge of his distance from that past.

    In this precursor to her international best seller Reading Lolita in Tehran, Azar Nafisi deftly explores the worlds apparently lost to Nabokov’s characters, their portals of access to those worlds, and how other worlds hold a mirror to Nabokov’s experiences of physical, linguistic, and recollective exile. Written before Nafisi left the Islamic Republic of Iran, and now published in English for the first time and with a new introduction by the author, this book evokes the reader’s quintessential journey of discovery and reveals what caused Nabokov to distinctively shape and reshape that journey for the author.
  • Le cose che non ho detto Азар Нафиси
    Год издания: 2008
    Язык: Итальянский
  • Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books Azar Nafisi
    ISBN: 978-0812979305
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Random House Inc
    Язык: Английский

    Every Thursday morning for two years in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Azar Nafisi, a bold and inspired teacher, secretly gathered seven of her most committed female students to read forbidden Western classics. Some came from conservative and religious families, others were progressive and secular; some had spent time in jail. They were shy and uncomfortable at first, unaccustomed to being asked to speak their minds, but soon they removed their veils and began to speak more freely–their stories intertwining with the novels they were reading by Jane Austen, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Henry James, and Vladimir Nabokov. As Islamic morality squads…
