Меган Куин

Meghan Quinn

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Новинки Меган Куин

  • Bridesmaid for Hire Меган Куин
    ISBN: 978-1728294360, 1728294363
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Bloom Books
    Sometimes the wedding of the century calls for desperate measures.

    And sometimes those desperate measures are to pretend the person you hate most is actually your boyfriend.

    After years of working her tail off at her event-planning business, Maggie Mitchell is ready for a vacation. With nothing on her mind but R & R, she's enjoying the warm weather of Bora Bora when in saunters Brody McFadden, her brother's best friend and also her sworn enemy. Thanks to years of tension between the two―kicked off by a make-out session at her brother's wedding that ended horribly―Maggie has sworn to stay away from the man. That is, until she finds out he's in Bora Bora for his boss's daughter's wedding, hoping to use the trip to win a real future at the company.

    Maggie promised herself she wouldn't even think of work on the island, but as word spreads about the "wedding of the century" taking place in the midst of her vacation, she realizes offering her services as a bridesmaid and planner could bring her business to the next level. The only catch? She needs to pose as Brody's girlfriend to get the job…while letting him stay in her peaceful bungalow.

    Tensions rise, irritation flairs, and despite years' worth of bickering behind closed doors, Maggie can't quite squash the sparks building between her and her new fake boyfriend, especially when she learns the real reason their first kiss was cut short. But as the wedding day draws closer and everything starts to go wrong, it just might be Brody who sends Maggie's business crashing down―and her heart along with it.
  • Целуй и молчи Меган Куин
    ISBN: 978-5-17-163121-5
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский
    Черт, ну я и идиот. Спорим, никогда не слышали подобное от мужчины?..

    Да, меня зовут Пейси Лоус, я знаменитый хоккеист, мечта миллионов девчонок и… полный придурок. Вообще-то, конечно, я классный парень, только начинаю странно себя вести рядом с красивыми девушками. Ничего не могу с собой поделать. И когда эта сумасшедшая с забавным именем Винни ввалилась в наш с парнями дом посреди разбушевавшейся грозы, пародируя сцену из фильма ужасов, я потерял дар речи. Она оказалась невероятно привлекательной, забавной, находчивой и… бывшей моего сводного брата.

    Понравилась ли она мне с первого взгляда? Да. Решил ли я завоевать ее сердце? Конечно. Сообщил ли ей о том, что знаю ее?.. Нет. Разумеется, нет.

    Теперь вы понимаете, как сильно я облажался?
  • The Reason I Married Him Меган Куин
    ISBN: 978-1959442219, 195944221X
    Год издания: 2024
    He proposed . . . and I said yes.
    Normally a jovial occasion for a couple in love, but this proposal has a very different feel.
    Because the man that I'll be calling my husband blew into town with one thing on his mind . . . to make my life a living nightmare.

    So why did I say yes?

    Well, because we both need something from each other.

    Namely, I want the farm land he currently owns, and he needs a wife in order to inherit his family cabin in his grandfather’s will.

    So as he so eloquently put it, my hand, for his land.

    At first, I thought the idea was nuts.
    Who really gets married out of convenience?
    Apparently, I do.

    And now we have to sell our relationship to the town. Meaning, we're holding hands, he's pinching my cheeks . . . upper and lower. We're even forced to share the one-bedroom guest house on the farm where his monstrous body is taking up a large percentage of the bed.

    But we’re so persuasive about our farse, that now I’m starting to think he actually might like me. Especially when he grabs me by the wrist and teases the shell of my ear as he whispers, “Mine.”
  • Dragoste la prima avere Меган Куин
    ISBN: 9786060883814
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Leda Bazaar
    Язык: Румынский
    Un roman de dragoste cu accente comice despre un miliardar disperat care își caută logodnică și, totodată, o abordare modernă, incredibil de inteligentă și amuzantă a poveștii din Pretty Woman, care te va face să dai pagină după pagină!

    „Cum v-ați întâlnit?” Întrebarea de bază de care are parte orice cuplu. Iar răspunsul este de obicei o poveste siropoasă despre cum ați ajuns voi doi în cătarea arcului lui Cupidon.

    Întâlnirea mea romantică (mă rog, nu chiar așa de romantică) este puțin diferită. Mă plimbam printr-un cartier exclusivist din Beverly Hills în căutarea cuiva care să mă ia de nevastă, nu de alta, dar ca s-o fac geloasă pe dușmanca mea, care tocmai mă concediase. El a apărut de după colț, un căpcăun superb care bălmăjea ceva despre o afacere pe care nu reușea să o încheie, așa că era disperat să găsească o soluție.

    Și atunci am dat nas în nas. Nicio scânteie. Niciun indiciu că între noi ar putea înflori iubirea.

    Următorul lucru pe care mi-l aduc aminte e că mă îndopam cu cartofi prăjiți și guacamole, ascultându-l pe bărbatul acesta superb povestindu-mi despre problemele lui, care într-un final l-au determinat să îmi ceară ajutorul. Mai exact, m-a rugat să joc pentru el rolul lui Vivian Ward, știi tu, personajul din Pretty Woman, minus partea flușturatică.

    Adică să locuim împreună într-o vilă, să ieșim la întâlniri romantice duble și să ne prefacem că suntem nu numai îndrăgostiți până peste cap unul de celălalt, ci și logodiți. Îți imaginezi? Nebunia supremă!

    Dar oamenii fac lucruri nebunești atunci când sunt disperați, iar eu chiar eram pe culmile disperării. În concluzie, am fost de acord.

    Singura mea greșeală? Singura mea mare… URIAȘĂ… greșeală? M-am îndrăgostit de extraordinarul domn Huxley Cane!
  • He's Not My Type Меган Куин
    ISBN: 978-1959442189
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Meghan Quinn
    Язык: Английский
    Word to the wise, never become roommates with a girl you’ve been pining over for the better part of a year.

    You’re probably wondering why I would do such a thing? Well, I didn’t.

    It was my teammates.

    The moment they found out Blakely White was single, they took it upon themselves to play cupid and instruct me on how I should win her over.

    Don't wear a shirt around her.
    Make her dinner.
    Lightly touch her shoulder when you say goodbye.

    I'm so flustered, so overwhelmed, so madly in love with this woman who barely notices me, that I lose control of the situation and make one huge mistake: I offer to be her fake date for a wedding so she can make her ex jealous.

    That means, for one whole night I get a free pass with her. I get to hold her, dance with her, kiss her…stare at her from across the room like she’s my entire world because she has been for months now.
  • Неидеальная пара Меган Куин
    ISBN: 978-5-17-156517-6
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Дружу ли я с Джей Пи Кейн? Не смешите меня! Кроме того, он считает, что мужчины и женщины, работающие вместе, не могут дружить, так что можно с уверенностью сказать, что мы не друзья. Скорее, скрытые враги. Похоже, этот раздражающе громкий тип, до неприличия красивый, нашел себе развлечение - заводить меня по несколько раз на дню (во всех, между прочим, смыслах). Можете себе представить, как я была "счастлива", когда мне пришлось не только лететь с ним в Сан-Франциско по работе, но и остановиться в одном пентхаусе! Находиться двадцать четыре часа рядом и дышать одним воздухом! А еще Джей Пи взял привычку ходить по номеру с голым торсом…

  • The Way I Hate Him Меган Куин
    ISBN: 978-1959442134, 1959442139
    Год издания: 2023
    Why am I holding a box of stolen memorabilia in my arms? It's called . . . revenge.

    After failing my last semester of grad school, I decided to come back to my hometown and wallow in my boyfriend’s sympathetic arms. Instead, he proceeded to dump me . . . for being boring!

    Now, I'm not typically a spiteful person, but there's only so much I can take. Hence why I’m holding the box of his most cherished possessions…stolen possessions no less!

    The plan? To give the box back to its rightful owner and rat my ex out. How’s that for being boring?

    But plans never go the way you want them, because instead of dropping off the box with a note, I’m pinned with the crime by the true owner of the box himself.

    Hayes Farrow is grumpy, arrogant, and stupidly hot in a way that makes it hard to even look him in the eye. Not to mention he’s my brother’s nemesis so I fully intended to stay far far away from the gorgeous jerk.

    But to add insult to the injury that has become my life as of late, Hayes gives me two options: turn me into the police and press full charges . . . or work it off. How could I possibly work for someone I can't stand? Easy, I don't look good in orange.

    But working for Hayes isn't as horrible as I thought it would be. The way I hate him begins to turn into something else - something I never thought I'd feel. But the way my brother reacts when he finds out I’m working for his enemy? He’d prefer me in prison orange.
  • Right Man, Right Time Меган Куин
    ISBN: 9781959442066
    Год издания: 2023
    Язык: Английский

    Running into your ex is never ideal. Running into your ex who is now dating your nemesis is a literal nightmare. That’s how I found myself in a sheer panic, reaching for the closest guy at the bar and kissing him. And to my delight he was easily the most attractive man I’ve ever seen. The only problem is, when I tried to walk away after thanking him for his help, he stopped me with three life-changing words . . .“You owe me.” That’s how I found myself, a college girl, in a fake relationship with a professional hockey player ten years older than me. At first it was easy. He helped me with my internship. I helped keep his ex…

  • Vacation Wars Меган Куин
    ISBN: 978-1662506338
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Montlake
    Prepared for a good time, Tessa is thrilled to spend the weeks before her sister’s wedding at their family’s favorite vacation spot: Santorini. Sandy beaches, stonewashed houses, attractive men—it’s heaven.

    But Tessa’s idea of a girls’ trip comes to a screaming halt when her sister thinks it’s high time Tessa finds some love herself. Unfortunately, Tessa forgot about the deal she made back in high school: she has to find her soulmate before her sister’s wedding. Or else.

    As she dodges suitors and her sister’s pranks, Tessa finds an ally in the oh-so-dreamy Myles, her childhood crush who just so happens to work at the resort. But Myles is dealing with some family conflict of his own. He’s elated at being reunited with Tessa, but his father’s refusal to acknowledge his interest in the family business and relegating him to only grunt work casts a dark cloud.

    As Tessa and Myles help navigate their way through their families’ antics, they begin to realize that their past feelings may have a future—if only they can turn their island fantasies into something real.
  • A Long Time Coming Меган Куин
    ISBN: 978-1959442035
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Independently Published

    Have you ever heard of a man-in-waiting? Yeah, neither has my best friend's soon-to-be monster-in-law. Ooo, sorry, I meant mother-in-law. Nor has she heard of the term, what the bride wants, the bride gets. With wedding planning underway and a short timeline, my best friend, Lia, has recruited me to help her battle the snarly beast that is Mrs. Beaver. Not scared at all, I accept the challenge as her man-in-waiting--aka, man of honor--and take matters into my own hands. The only problem is, with every second we draw closer to the wedding, I'm starting to see my best girl in a different light. She's always been beautiful to me,…

  • Those Three Little Words Меган Куин
    ISBN: 979-8445743484
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    I knocked up my best friend's sister.

    Figured I would get straight to the point because how it happened is a mere snippet of the story I have to tell. The real meat and potatoes is what happened after.

    Let's start with how she decided to inform me and Pacey the news . . . together. Imagine that nightmare. I was going into what I thought was a hockey marketing meeting and then BAM! I'm going to be a dad and my best friend/teammate is attempting to imprint my face with his fist.

    It wasn't pretty.

    Threats were tossed around, friendships were revoked, and then I was marched up to her apartment, suitcases in hand, and forced to live with her so I could take care of her every need. Given how much I've pined for the girl, you would think that wouldn't be a hardship. Wrong.

    This is my one shot to win my teammate back. Pacey is the only family I've got, so hooking up with his sister isn't a mistake I can make twice . . . despite the fact that she's pregnant with my child.

    But with every mood swing, every pair of pants that doesn't fit right, and every late night run to find the perfect donut, I'm finding it harder and harder not to fall for my best friend's little sister.

    Especially when she kisses me...
  • Untying the Knot Меган Куин
    ISBN: 978-1959442011
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Independently Published
    Ryot Bisley is my husband.

    Yes, the former third baseman for the Chicago Bobbies and absolute heart throb of the Windy City. That Ryot Bisley.

    The first time I ran into him, he was grumpy, a horrific host, and left me on his sofa with nothing but a nylon baseball flag to use as a blanket.

    The second time, he reluctantly bought me dinner, stared at my chest the entire night, and still sported that permanent frown.

    The third time . . . well, that was a game changer. His smile captured me, his teasing charmed me, and his touches excited me.

    So when he was called up to the majors that didn’t stop us from knocking it out of the park and all the way down the aisle.

    Eleven years later…I’d love to say we’re happy as ever but the man who sent me dirty text messages every day is long gone and Mr. Frowny Face is back.

    He’s so focused on trying to build a life after baseball that he doesn’t see the life we’ve already created together. . .so I make the hard decision and serve him divorce papers.

    Problem is…my husband refuses to accept those papers. Instead, he has a new game plan that makes untying the knot of our marriage a little tricky. And just when I thought I wanted to be traded . . . he's slowly, tantalizingly roping me back in.
  • Runaway Groomsman Меган Куин
    ISBN: 978-1542035002
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Montlake
    Hollywood screenwriter Sawyer Castle knows a good love story when he sees it. But when it comes to real life romance, he’s a mess. That’s how he finds himself standing at the altar…as his ex-girlfriend ties the knot with his very famous best friend. The pressure, the resentment, the media coverage—it’s all too much—and before he knows exactly what he’s doing, he’s making a run for it, leaving a shocked congregation and flashing cameras in his wake.

    Needing to lie low amid the media fallout, Sawyer lands in the charming town of Canoodle, California, where he crosses paths with Fallon Long, who runs the Canoodle Cove Cabins, a family-owned business and Sawyer’s new short-term residence. Overwhelmed with renovations and her long list of responsibilities, Fallon is struggling to make ends meet while attempting to bring the cabins back to their original glory. So when Sawyer arrives, she is grateful for the income, but immediately writes him off as just another vapid Hollywood hack, until he begins to prove her wrong at every turn.

    As Fallon comes closer to saving the family business, an undeniable bond forms between her and the handsome screenwriter. But the pressures of her family obligations and Sawyer’s notoriety might prove to be too much for anyone to handle. Could Canoodle be the setting for a new romance—or is true love just a Hollywood cliché?
  • Resting Scrooge Face Меган Куин
    ISBN: 9781662510427
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    From USA Today and Amazon Charts bestselling author Meghan Quinn comes a festive short romance about old flames and mistaken identities.

    After a bad breakup, Nola wants nothing to do with Christmas, especially in her quaint hometown of Bright Harbor, Maine. Infuriatingly charming and cheery, Nola’s surroundings only worsen her sour mood.

    To make matters worse, Caleb, the boy who broke her heart years ago, is all grown up and still living in town. While doing her best to avoid him, Nola bumps into the local mailman, who gives her a mysterious letter. And when she finds that the writer is a fellow Scrooge, she can’t help but feel her spirit lifting.

    Nola writes back to her new pen pal—who, unbeknownst to Nola, is none other than Caleb. When Caleb gets a response hand delivered by the mailman, he’s intrigued by the mystery sender. A friendly correspondence develops—and quickly turns flirtatious.

    Although Nola and Caleb claim they can’t stand each other, they can’t deny the simmering attraction that brought them together in the first place.

    Can these nameless pen pals write their own love story—or will they be too caught up with the ghosts of their Christmases past to find a future together?
  • Неидеальное свидание Меган Куин
    ISBN: 978-5-17-148886-4
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Как вы познакомились? Типичный вопрос, который задают каждой паре. Я бродила по богатому району в Беверли-Хиллз в поисках кого-то, кто взял бы меня в жены. Это чтобы вызвать зависть у моей заклятой подруги, которая недавно меня уволила. Он шел мне навстречу, что-то бормоча под нос. И тут мы столкнулись! Скажу сразу: искры не было. Ни намека на вспыхнувшую любовь. Но люди в отчаянии совершают сумасшедшие поступки! Чтобы помочь друг другу, мы заключили сделку. И вот я стала его "беременной" невестой.

  • So Not Meant To Be Меган Куин
    ISBN: 978-1735528113
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Hot-Lanta Publishing
    Язык: Английский

    Am I friends with JP Cane? Ha! That's laughable. Besides the fact that he’s adopted some far-fetched notion from the movie When Harry Met Sally that says men and women can't be friends and work together, it’s safe to say we're not friends. He's annoyingly loud, obnoxiously handsome, and has made an art out of poking all my hot buttons . . . multiple times a day. So you can imagine how disgruntled I am when I not only have to fly to San Francisco with him for work, but stay in the same penthouse. Yup, we're sharing the same air, twenty-four-seven. We're talking full-fledged working roommates. The man doesn't know what it means to…

  • The Romantic Pact Меган Куин
    ISBN: 979-8578068263
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Independently Published
    Язык: Английский
    I haven't seen her in three years.

    I haven't talked to her since the kiss.

    So why am I on a plane, flying across the world to spend a week with her in Germany?

    One word: Pops.

    My life’s a mess.
    My possible football career is hanging on by a thread.
    I'm driving the roads of Germany in honor of Pops with the one girl I can never have.
    And I’m sharing a bed with her, the girl I've measured everyone else up to, while desperately trying to not to touch her.

    We made a pact growing up, never to get romantic with each other - never fall in love.

    And I'm about to break that pact. For good.
  • Diary of a bad boy Меган Куин
    ISBN: 9781798935200
    Год издания: 2019
    Язык: Английский
    From USA Today bestselling author Meghan Quinn comes a forbidden romance about an Irish rebel who falls in love with the wrong girl.Dear Diary, I might have gotten myself into a wee bit of trouble—and I'm not talking about the "court mandated community service," or “therapy sessions from bashing a bloke in the head" kind of trouble. I wish it were that simple. Nope. I’m talking about the "falling in love with one of my client's daughters,” kind of trouble . . . The kind of problem I can’t talk my way out of when the truth gets out.How I ended up with her phone is a long story—and when she called to get it back, I took things a bit too far. One innocent exchange wound up leading to so much more.Fun, new, and totally immune to my charm, Sutton is different. And I had no idea she was the daughter of Foster Green. Blame it on the dark colored stout running through my veins, pushing me toward one bad decision after another. Pushing me toward her even though I know right from wrong; even though she's my client's daughter. Dating her might be the best or worst decision I've ever made. Only time, whiskey, and one more roll around the mattress with her will tell. Roark
  • Как замутить с сестрой лучшего друга Меган Куин
    Год издания: 2018
    Тип: Сетевое издание
    Язык: Русский
    Как начать встречаться с сестрой лучшего друга? Элементарно.
    Шаг первый: Притвориться, что хочешь, чтобы она свела тебя с кем-то другим. Это сблизит вас.
    Шаг второй: Сходить на свидание с множеством случайных женщин, продолжать надираться спиртным до беспамятства и болтать о сестре своего лучшего друга, набираясь смелости чтобы, наконец-то, сделать решающий ход.
    Шаг третий: Ни с того ни с сего нарисоваться в ее квартире и признаться в своих чувствах. Женщинам же нравится подобное, верно?
    Все казалось так просто. Беспроигрышная трехступенчатая стратегия, которая гарантирует, что любовь всей жизни втрескается в вас по уши.
    По крайней мере, мой расчет был именно таким. Но попытки завоевать Джулию Уэстин в большинстве случаев возымели обратный эффект. Проблема в Джулии? Она умна, очень умна, и ее лукавый взгляд не скрыть за всем тем очарованием, которое я воспевал в ней. Джулию не интересуют флирт, подарки и мои истории. Возможно, она и хочет меня, но так просто не сдастся...
  • Love Sincerely Yours Meghan Quinn
    ISBN: 9780692170045
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Hot-Lanta Publishing
    Язык: Английский

    Dear Mister... no, too formal. Hey there sweet cheeks... no, too forward. *Clears throat* To whom it may concern, Full disclosure; before we move forward with this email, I would like it to be known that I have consumed an adequate amount of alcoholic beverages to intoxicate myself tonight. Three margaritas, two shots, and one beer--because it was free. I think it's important to be open and honest with your co-workers, don't you? So here I am, being open and honest. Drunk but honest. Or just drunk with lust? You decide. I have a hopeless, foolish, schoolgirl crush on you when you are the last person on earth I should be…

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