
Книга года
Нора Робертс 4.0
У Рис Гилмор было все: отличная работа, карьера, множество друзей и большие планы на будущее. Но однажды в результате произошедшей на ее глазах кровавой драмы привычный мир Рис рухнул...
Чтобы хоть как-то оправиться от потрясения и вновь обрести себя, девушка покидает родной Бостон и после долгих странствий решает поселиться в крошечном городке на западе Соединенных Штатов — Кулаке Ангела.
Но недолго ей пришлось радоваться размеренному течению жизни: Рис становится свидетельницей убийства. С этого дня жизнь девушки вновь превращается в настоящий кошмар. Для того чтобы прервать череду этих ужасных событий, она вместе со своим новым знакомым Броуди. автором детективов, решает во всем разобраться и во что бы то ни стало найти преступника...
Дебют года
Диана Сеттерфилд 4.3
Маргарет Ли работает в букинистической лавке своего отца. Современности она предпочитает Диккенса и сестер Бронте. Тем больше удивление Маргарет, когда она получает от самой знаменитой писательницы наших дней Виды Винтер предложение стать ее биографом. Ведь ничуть не меньше, чем своими книгами, мисс Винтер знаменита тем, что еще не сказала ни одному интервьюеру ни слова правды. И вот перед Маргарет, оказавшейся в стенах мрачного, населенного призраками прошлого особняка, разворачивается в буквальном смысле слова готическая история сестер-близнецов, которая странным образом перекликается с ее личной историей и постепенно подводит к разгадке тайны, сводившей с ума многие поколения читателей, - тайне "Тринадцатой сказки"
Харпер Ли 4.6
История маленького сонного городка на юге Америки, поведанная маленькой девочкой.

История ее брата Джима, друга Дилла и ее отца – честного, принципиального адвоката Аттикуса Финча, одного из последних и лучших представителей старой «южной аристократии».

История судебного процесса по делу чернокожего парня, обвиненного в насилии над белой девушкой.

Но прежде всего – история переломной эпохи, когда ксенофобия, расизм, нетерпимость и ханжество, присущие американскому югу, постепенно уходят в прошлое.

«Ветер перемен» только-только повеял над Америкой. Что он принесет?..
Детская иллюстрированная книга
Дэвид Визнер 5.0
A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam-anything floating that has been washed ashore. Bottles, lost toys, small objects of every description are among his usual finds. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery: a barnacle-encrusted underwater camera, with its own secrets to share . . . and to keep.
Книга для детей среднего возраста
Брайан Селзник 4.3
Перед вами книга, книга необычная. Прежде чем открыть ее, зажмурьтесь и представьте, будто вы пришли в кино. Свет погас, и вы видите первые кадры: восходит солнце, перед вами разворачивается панорама Парижа, и вот, наконец, камера выхватывает красивое старинное здание вокзала. Словно по мановению волшебной палочки двери его распахиваются, и вы попадаете в огромный гулкий зал, заполненный пассажирами. Вы пробираетесь сквозь толпу, и вдруг ваше внимание привлекает мальчик-оборвыш, который куда-то спешит. Советую не отставать от него, потому что это и есть Хранитель Времени Хьюго Кабре. Без него никаких приключений не будет... А теперь открывайте глаза и приступайте к чтению. И вы сами поймете, чем удивительна эта книга.
Книга для подростков
Патришия Маккормик 5.0
Thirteen-year-old Lakshmi lives with her family in a small hut on a mountain in Nepal. Though they are desperately poor, Lakshmi’s life is full of simple pleasures: playing hopscotch with her best friend, looking after her black-and-white speckled goat, having her mother brush her hair by the light of an oil lamp. But when Lakshmi’s family lose all that remains of their crops in a monsoon, her stepfather says she must leave home and take a job in the city. Lakshmi undertakes the long journey to India full of hope for her new life, proud to be able to earn, daring to hope that she will make enough money to make her mother proud too. Then she learns the unthinkable truth: for 10,000 rupees she has been sold into prostitution.
Общая литература
Кормак Маккарти 4.1
После катастрофы Отец и Сын идут через выжженные земли, пересекая континент. Всю книгу пронизывают глубокие, ранящие в самое сердце вопросы. Есть ли смысл жить, если будущего — нет? Вообще нет. Есть ли смысл жить ради детей? Это роман о том, что все в жизни относительно, что такие понятия, как добро и зло, в определенных условиях перестают работать и теряют смысл. Это роман о том, что действительно важно в жизни, и о том, как это ценить. И это также роман о смерти, о том, что все когда-нибудь кончается, и поэтому нужно каждый день принимать таким, какой есть. Нужно просто... жить.
Графический роман
Scott McCloud 4.6
Scott McCloud tore down the wall between high and low culture in 1993 with Understanding Comics, a massive comic book about comics, linking the medium to such diverse fields as media theory, movie criticism, and web design. In Reinventing Comics, McCloud took this to the next level, charting twelve different revolutions in how comics are generated, read, and perceived today. Now, in Making Comics, McCloud focuses his analysis on the art form itself, exploring the creation of comics, from the broadest principles to the sharpest details (like how to accentuate a character's facial muscles in order to form the emotion of disgust rather than the emotion of surprise.) And he does all of it in his inimitable voice and through his cartoon stand–in narrator, mixing dry humor and legitimate instruction. McCloud shows his reader how to master the human condition through word and image in a brilliantly minimalistic way. Comic book devotees as well as the most uninitiated will marvel at this journey into a once–underappreciated art form.
Детектив, саспенс, триллер
Лора Липпман 3.3
Однажды две сестры-подростка, Санни и Хизер, не вернулись домой. Исчезли без следа. Долгие годы их безуспешно разыскивала полиция, и даже родители девочек уже перестали надеяться вновь увидеть своих дочерей… И вот, спустя тридцать лет, в полицию попала женщина, сделавшая сенсационное признание: она – Хизер, одна из пропавших много лет назад сестер. В участок на опознание срочно приехала ее мать. И тут начались странности. Арестованная рассказала о таких деталях детства двух сестер, которые, казалось, давно должна была забыть, а вот действительно важные вещи не помнила напрочь… Хизер ли это? А если нет – то кто она и зачем выдает себя за нее?..
Кевин Янг 0.0
In this passionate new collection, Kevin Young takes up a range of African American griefs and passages. He opens with the beautiful “Elegy for Miss Brooks,” invoking Gwendolyn Brooks, who died in 2000, and who makes a perfect muse for the volume: “What the devil / are we without you?” he asks. “I tuck your voice, laced / tight, in these brown shoes.” In that spirit of intimate community, Young gives us a saucy ballad of Jim Crow, a poem about Lionel Hampton's last concert in Paris, an “African Elegy,” which addresses the tragic loss of a close friend in conjunction with the first anniversary of 9/11, and a series entitled “Americana,” in which we encounter a clutch of mythical southern towns, such as East Jesus (“The South knows ruin & likes it / thataway—the barns becoming / earth again, leaning in—”) and West Hell (“Sin, thy name is this / wait—this place— / a long ways from Here / to There”).
For the Confederate Dead finds Young, more than ever before, in a poetic space that is at once public and personal. In the marvelous “Guernica,” Young’s account of a journey through Spain blends with the news of an American lynching, prompting him to ask, “Precious South, / must I save you, / or myself?” In this surprising book, the poet manages to do a bit of both, embracing the contradictions of our “Confederate” legacy and the troubled nation where that legacy still lingers.
Любовный роман
Нора Робертс 4.0
Тоненькая, как ивовый прутик. Больше похожа на портрет в рамке, а не на женщину из плоти и крови. Писателю Броуди достаточно было одного взгляда на Рис Гилмор, чтобы понять - девушка чего-то смертельно боится. Сам Броуди приехал в провинциальный городок, чтобы написать новый детектив. А как ее занесло в такую глушь? Скрывается от любовника или от полиции? Он решил приглядывать за девушкой, которая притягивает неприятности, как магнит…
Научная фантастика, фэнтези, ужасы
Патрик Ротфусс 4.5
Все началось со страха. Однажды, вернувшись с лесной прогулки, юный Квоут, актер бродячей труппы, нашел на месте разбитого на ночь лагеря страшное пепелище. И изуродованные трупы друзей-актеров, его странствующей семьи. И тени странных созданий, прячущихся во мраке леса. Так впервые в жизнь юноши вторгаются чанд-рианы, загадочное племя, чьим именем пугают детей и о жутких делах которых рассказывается в древних преданиях. Теперь отыскать убийц и воздать им по заслугам становится целью Квоута. Но чтобы воевать с демонами, нужно овладеть знаниями, недоступными для простого смертного,- изучить магическое искусство и научиться повелевать стихиями...
Религия, духовность
Стивен Протеро 0.0
The United States is one of the most religious places on earth, but it is also a nation of shocking religious illiteracy.

Only 10 percent of American teenagers can name all five major world religions and 15 percent cannot name any.
Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that the Bible holds the answers to all or most of life's basic questions, yet only half of American adults can name even one of the four gospels and most Americans cannot name the first book of the Bible.
Despite this lack of basic knowledge, politicians and pundits continue to root public policy arguments in religious rhetoric whose meanings are missed—or misinterpreted—by the vast majority of Americans.

"We have a major civic problem on our hands," says religion scholar Stephen Prothero. He makes the provocative case that to remedy this problem, we should return to teaching religion in the public schools. Alongside "reading, writing, and arithmetic," religion ought to become the "Fourth R" of American education.

Many believe that America's descent into religious illiteracy was the doing of activist judges and secularists hell-bent on banishing religion from the public square. Prothero reveals that this is a profound misunderstanding. "In one of the great ironies of American religious history," Prothero writes, "it was the nation's most fervent people of faith who steered us down the road to religious illiteracy. Just how that happened is one of the stories this book has to tell."

Prothero avoids the trap of religious relativism by addressing both the core tenets of the world's major religions and the real differences among them. Complete with a dictionary of the key beliefs, characters, and stories of Christianity, Islam, and other religions, Religious Literacy reveals what every American needs to know in order to confront the domestic and foreign challenges facing this country today
Биография, мемуары
Уолтер Айзексон 4.5
Уолтер Айзексон, автор знаменитой биографии Стивена Джобса, написал книгу об одном из самых известных ученых XX века, Альберте Эйнштейне. Он не только подробно и доступно изложил суть научных концепций и открытий автора теории относительности, но и увлекательно рассказал об Эйнштейне-человеке. В книге приводится множество документальных материалов – письма, воспоминания, дневниковые записи. Перед нами встает образ удивительно талантливого человека, мечтателя и бунтаря, гуманиста и мыслителя.
Роберт Саттон 3.2
In a landmark article published in the esteemed Harvard Business Review, Stanford University professor Robert I. Sutton addressed a taboo topic that affects every workplace: employees who are insensitive to their colleagues, corporate bullies, bosses who just don't get it, the kind of people who make you exclaim in exasperation, "What an asshole!"

Now, in a definitive book that addresses this growing problem, Sutton shows you how you can work with unsavory people without becoming one of them yourself.
Irma Starkhoff Rombauer 5.0
This authoritative American classic has now been updated with new chapters to reflect changing tastes and lifestyles. It is a remarkable reference for everyday cooking, and has 4,500 recipes, 500 of them new, a user-friendly index, and a metric converter.
Здоровье, самоусовершенствование
Джером Групман 5.0
On average, a physician will interrupt a patient describing her symptoms within eighteen seconds. In that short time, many doctors decide on the likely diagnosis and best treatment. Often, decisions made this way are correct, but at crucial moments they can also be wrong -- with catastrophic consequences. In this myth-shattering book, Jerome Groopman pinpoints the forces and thought processes behind the decisions doctors make. Groopman explores why doctors err and shows when and how they can -- with our help -- avoid snap judgments, embrace uncertainty, communicate effectively, and deploy other skills that can profoundly impact our health. This book is the first to describe in detail the warning signs of erroneous medical thinking and reveal how new technologies may actually hinder accurate diagnoses. How Doctors Think offers direct, intelligent questions patients can ask their doctors to help them get back on track.

Groopman draws on a wealth of research, extensive interviews with some of the country’s best doctors, and his own experiences as a doctor and as a patient. He has learned many of the lessons in this book the hard way, from his own mistakes and from errors his doctors made in treating his own debilitating medical problems.

How Doctors Think reveals a profound new view of twenty-first-century medical practice, giving doctors and patients the vital information they need to make better judgments together.
История, текущие события, политика
Альберт Гор 0.0
New York Times bestseller: A visionary analysis of the degradation of our public sphere and its consequences for our democracy. Nobel Peace Prize winner, bestselling author, activist, and political icon, Al Gore has become one of the most respected and influential public intellectuals in America today. The Assault on Reason takes an unprecedented look at how faith in the power of reasonâ€"the idea that citizens can govern themselves through rational debate
Эми Седарис 0.0
Are you lacking direction in how to whip up a swanky soiree for lumberjacks? A dinner party for white-collar workers? A festive gathering for the grieving? Don't despair. Take a cue from entertaining expert Amy Sedaris and host an unforgettable fete that will have your guests raving. No matter the style or size of the gathering-from the straightforward to the bizarre-I Like You provides jackpot recipes and solid advice laced with Amy's blisteringly funny take on entertaining, plus four-color photos and enlightening sidebars on everything it takes to pull off a party with extraordinary flair. You don't even need to be a host or hostess to benefit-Amy offers tips for guests, too! (Number one: don't be fifteen minutes early.) Readers will discover unique dishes to serve alcoholics (Broiled Frozen Chicken Wings with Applesauce), the secret to a successful children's party (a half-hour time limit, games included), plus a whole appendix chock-full of arts and crafts ideas (from a mini-pantyhose plant-hanger to a do-it-yourself calf stretcher), and much, much more!
Michael Weinreb 0.0
An award-winning sportswriter takes you inside a year with the nation’s top high school chess team.
With strict admission standards and a progressive curriculum, Brooklyn’s Edward R. Murrow High School has long been one of New York’s public-education success stories, serving a diverse neighborhood of immigrants and minorities and ranking among the nation’s best high schools. At Murrow, there are no sports teams, and the closest thing to jocks are found on the school’s powerhouse chess team, which annually competes for the national championship.

In The Kings of New York sportswriter Michael Weinreb follows the members of the Murrow chess team through an entire season, from cash games in Washington Square Park to city and state tournaments to the SuperNationals in Nashville, where this eclectic bunch competes against private schoolers and suburbanites. Along the way, Weinreb brings to life a number of colorful characters: the Yale-educated calculus teacher (and former semipro hockey player) who guides the savants while struggling to find funding for his team; an aspiring rapper and tournament hustler who plays with cutthroat instinct; the team’s lone girl, a shy Ukrainian immigrant; the Puerto Rican teen from the rough neighborhood of Bedford-Stuyvesant who plays an ingenious opening gambit named the Orangutan; and the Lithuanian immigrant and team star whose chess rating is climbing toward grandmaster status.

In the bestselling tradition of such books as Word Freak and Friday Night Lights, The Kings of New York is a riveting look inside the world of competitive chess and an inspiring profile of young genius.
Книга года
Tyler Perry 0.0
If you can count on one thing from "Madea" Mabel Simmons, star of the smash hits Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Madea's Family Reunion, and Madea's Witness Protection, it's that she's got something to say. Now the beloved, sharp-tongued, pistol-packing grandmother has her own lifestyle book-part memoir, many parts hard-won, hilarious, straight-up in-your-face words of wisdom. Don't Make a Black Woman Take Off Her Earrings is a #1 New York Times bestseller and a won a Quill Award for Book of the Year, Best Humor Book in 2006.
Дебют года
Julie Powell 3.2
Some people go on pilgrimages; Julie Powell attempted to master one cookbook. Thirty years old, bored with her job, hating her Queens apartment, Powell decided to transcend her life by concocting all 524 recipes in Julia Child's 1961 classic Mastering the Art of French Cooking -- in a single year. Replicating Child's kitchen artistry at such short notice tested Julie's skill and stamina, not to mention her husband's patience; but it did produce a high-spirited, sometimes hilarious memoir.
John Grogan 4.4
This No.1 Sunday Times bestseller tells the heart-warming tale of how a wiggly yellow fur ball of a puppy could grow into a barrelling, ninety-seven pound stramroller of a Labrador retriever who would prove that unconditional love comes in many forms.

John and Jenny were just beginning their life together. They were young and in love, with a perfect little house and not a care in the world. Along comes Marley, mischievous, hyperactive and so unruly he is expelled from obedience school. How could they possibly know that this incorrigible dog could teach them more about love for life than they could hope to teach him?

Since becoming a major motion picture, starring Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson, this heart-warming and unforgettable story of a family and their haphazard dog has become a timeless family favourite.
Детская иллюстрированная книга
Laura Numeroff 4.0
The little pig from If You Give a Pig a Pancake is back in this picture book in the beloved #1 New York Times bestselling If You Give... series!

If you give a pig a party, she's going to ask for some balloons. When you give her the balloons, she'll want to decorate the house. When she's finished, she'll put on her favorite dress.

Laura Numeroff and Felicia Bond have created another charming story for this beloved character in the tradition of the bestselling If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
Книга для детей среднего возраста
Lemony Snicket 4.2
Dear Reader,

If this is the first book you found while searching for a book to read next, then the first thing you should know is that this next-to-last book is what you should put down first. Sadly, this book presents the next-to-last chronicle of the lives of the Baudelaire orphans, and it is next-to-first in its supply of misery, despair, and unpleasantness.

Probably the next-to-last thing you would like to read about are a harpoon gun, a rooftop sunbathing alon, two mysterious initials, three unidentified triplets, a notorious villain, and an unsavory curry.

Next-to-last things are the first thing to be avoided, and so allow me to recommend that you put this next-to-last book down first, and find something else to read next at last, such a s the next-to-last book in another chronicle, or a chronicle containing other next-to-last things, so that this next-to-last book does not become the last book you will read.

With all due respect,
Lemony Snicket
Книга для подростков
Кристофер Паолини 4.4
Враг сражен, но не повержен... Лишь счастливая случайность помогла Эрагону заставить армию темного короля Гальбаторикса отступить. Но чтобы одержать полную победу над имперскими войсками,одной удачи мало. Эрагон и его верный друг дракон Сапфира должны отправиться в столицу эльфийского королевства - загадочную Эллес- меру. Только здесь он сможет найчиться управлять своей волшебной силой и усовершенствовать владение мечом. Юный драконний Всадник не знает, что легендар- ный город хранит не только секреты мастерства, но и тайну наследия Всадников - магический дар драконов...
Общая литература
Кристофер Мур 4.1
Чарли Ашер - самый обычный парень. Чуток несчастный, слегка невротичный. Он типичный бета-самец - нерешительный, осторожный и склонный к размышлениям, а не к действиям. Чарли даже в кошмарном сне не могло привидеться, что он станет вассалом Смерти. Но именно эта беда с ним и произошла. И его доселе тихая и уютная жизнь обычного ипохондрика превращается в сущий ад: люди вокруг падают замертво, а в блокноте на тумбочке сами собой появляются имена тех, кому скоро предстоит отправиться на тот свет. Похоже, что Чарли принят на новую службу, неприятную и чертовски опасную. Но кто-то же должен выполнять грязную работу и нести людям смерть... "Грязная работа" - изобретательный, гипнотический, хулиганский, умный роман для всех тех, кто не падает в обморок от шуток о смерти и острого словца. От детей и особо нервических граждан его стоит держать подальше, зато остальным новая книга Кристофера Мура категорически рекомендуется - как лучшее средство от пошлости наших будней.
Графический роман
Масаси Кисимото 4.6
Борьба за свитки продолжается! Под влиянием проклятой печати Оротимару Саскэ обретает невероятную силу, с помощью которой без труда расправляется с группой ниндзя из Деревни Звука. Но какова была истинная цель Оротимару и какую тайну скрывает оставленная им проклятая печать? Дальнейшие события экзамена на звание тюнина расставят все по своим местам.
Детектив, саспенс, триллер
Джанет Эванович 4.0
Welcome to Trenton, New Jersey, where bounty hunter Stephanie Plum's life is about to implode in Janet Evanovich's wildest, hottest novel yet!
First a stranger appears
While chasing down the usual cast of miscreants and weirdos, Stephanie discovers that a crazed woman is stalking her.
Then the stranger reveals her secrets
The woman dresses in black, carries a 9mm Glock, and has a bad attitude and a mysterious connection to dark and dangerous Carlos Manoso …street name, Ranger.
Next, somebody dies
The action turns deadly serious, and Stephanie goes from hunting skips to hunting a murderer.
Soon, the chase is on
Ranger needs Stephanie for more reasons than he can say. And now, the two are working together to find a killer, rescue a missing child, and stop a lunatic from raising the body count. When Stephanie Plum and Ranger get too close for comfort, vice cop Joe Morelli (her on-again, off-again boyfriend) steps in. Will the ticking clock stop at the stroke of twelve…or will a stranger in the wind find a way to stop Stephanie Plum…forever?
Maya Angelou 0.0
In this beautiful, deeply moving poem, Maya Angelou inspires us to embrace the peace and promise of Christmas, so that hope and love can once again light up our holidays and the world. “Angels and Mortals, Believers and Nonbelievers, look heavenward,” she writes, “and speak the word aloud. Peace.”

Read by the poet at the lighting of the National Christmas Tree at the White House on December 1, 2005, Maya Angelou’s celebration of the “Glad Season” is a radiant affirmation of the goodness of life and a beautiful holiday gift for people of all faiths.
Любовный роман
Нора Робертс 4.0
Детство Рины Хейли закончилось одной жаркой летней ночью, когда она обнаружила, что в их семейном ресторане начался пожар. Тогда она впервые поняла, что школьная драка может обернуться настоящей бедой, а ненависть и ревность обжигают больно. С тех пор огонь стал наваждением и проклятьем Рины: в пожаре погиб ее первый парень, и она старалась не мечтать о личном счастье. Но встретив Бо Гуднайта и пытаясь его защитить, Рина понимает, что все беды в ее жизни не случайны…
Научная фантастика, фэнтези, ужасы
Диана Гэблдон 4.5
Сага о великой любви Клэр Рэндол и Джейми Фрэзера завоевала серд­ца миллионов читателей во всем мире. Ради такой любви стоит жить и рисковать жизнью. 1773 год. Улицы Бостона заполнены протестующими, а в лесной глуши Северной Каролины горят хижины одиноких поселенцев — это первые тревожные вестники приближающейся американской революции. В этом хаосе губернатор призывает Джейми Фрэзера объединить людей для защиты английской колонии и сохранения власти короля. От своей жены Клэр Джейми знает, что через два года случится непоправимое и тот, кто останется верен королю, будет либо мертв, либо отправлен в изгнание. Но, несмотря ни на что, Клэр с Джейми вновь надеются, что их семья, которая не знает границ времени, сможет изменить свое будущее.
Религия, духовность
T. D. Jakes 0.0
From the bestselling author of He-Motions comes a positive and inspirational book of lessons learned from his mother.

In the bestselling The Lady, Her Lover, and Her Lord, Bishop T. D. Jakes examined a woman's most important relationships in life: with God, with her man, and with herself. In the smash hit He-Motions, he turned his gaze to the hearts and minds of the other sex, offering both insight and empowerment to men and the women who love them.

Now, just in time for Mother's Day 2006, Bishop Jakes brings us a book that celebrates motherhood and promises to be his most intensely personal book yet.

Mama Made the Difference comes straight from the heart of the Jakes family to yours. In his uplifting and powerful voice, Bishop Jakes shares personal stories about growing up in his mother's home, revealing the time-honored lessons and values she taught him. Woven into his personal vignettes are inspirational biblical stories about mothers, heartfelt advice for modern-day moms, and testimonials from other prominent African-American figures about the importance of motherhood.

Driven by the Bible and stories straight from his own life and offering praise, inspiration, and instruction, T. D. Jakes has written a must-have for daughters and sons, brothers and sisters, parents and grandparents-and anyone else who has ever felt the mighty power of a mother's love.
Биография, мемуары
John Grogan 4.4
This No.1 Sunday Times bestseller tells the heart-warming tale of how a wiggly yellow fur ball of a puppy could grow into a barrelling, ninety-seven pound stramroller of a Labrador retriever who would prove that unconditional love comes in many forms.

John and Jenny were just beginning their life together. They were young and in love, with a perfect little house and not a care in the world. Along comes Marley, mischievous, hyperactive and so unruly he is expelled from obedience school. How could they possibly know that this incorrigible dog could teach them more about love for life than they could hope to teach him?

Since becoming a major motion picture, starring Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson, this heart-warming and unforgettable story of a family and their haphazard dog has become a timeless family favourite.
Caitlin Friedman, Kimberly Yorio 0.0
Forget what you’ve heard. Nice girls can get the corner office.

As women, we haven’t always had the best role models at work. We’ve either worked for men or we’ve had female bosses who are, well, big bitches. Woman still don’t have much of a road map right now when it comes to taking charge at the office, so the team who brought you the national bestseller The Girl’s Guide to Starting Your Own Business is drawing one for us. Caitlin Friedman and Kimberly Yorio will teach you to be powerful without being possessive, to be opinionated without being brassy, and to have a strong voice without micromanaging. You’ll learn just how to own the role of queen bee in a positive way so that you can be more mentor than manager, one who leads, inspires, and motivates.

So, you finally got that promotion. You’re the boss now. The supervisor. The manager. The captain. The taskmaster. Those days of taking orders, running errands, and clock-watching are over. As exciting as all this might seem, once the rush of the promotion is over, you might be scratching your head wondering exactly what to do. Being the boss is never easy, but it's twice as hard for a woman. It seems like there's no middle ground. Either you're the dragon lady who rules with an iron fist or the mousey girl who gets drowned out at every meeting. When a woman wields authority and dares to make tough decisions, how often is the "B-word" bandied about by her employees? How can she strike that balance between pushover and dictator?

Fear not. You can do the job. All you need is a little helpful advice to send you on your way. Whether you supervise two as a shift manager or lord over an entire corporate empire, Caitlin Friedman and Kim Yorio will show you how to step gracefully into your new position of power. They’ll teach you how to motivate your team without alienating them, how to delegate without feeling guilty, how to deal with office politics and how to handle evaluations, promotions, and even firings. And for those of you who are already running the show, they can help you become the mentor your employees deserve.

Inside, there are self-assessment questionnaires to help you find out where you land on the bitch or wimp scale; interviews with prominent female bosses, human-resources directors, and therapists; and advice from a whole host of experts. In addition, there are funny and informative checklists and tips to make sure you’re the Good Witch around the office and not the Big Bitch. And, most important, Caitlin and Kim will teach you the secrets to owning your role and loving it. You’ve earned your promotion, so enjoy it!
Рэйчел Рэй 0.0
Even your favorite dinner can lose its appeal when it’s in constant rotation, so mix it up! With her largest collection of recipes yet, Food Network’s indefatigable cook Rachael Ray guarantees you’ll be able to put something fresh and exciting on
Здоровье, самоусовершенствование
Джим Хенсон 0.0
In the tradition of The World According to Mister Rogers, a timeless collection of wisdom on life, friendship, individuality, creativity, collaboration, and morefrom Jim Henson and Friends There are few things that evoke such a universal feeling of warmth and humor as the work of Jim Henson. In his own words, as well as those of some of his best-known characters like Kermit the Frog and Ernie, well get a glimpse of the philosophy and humor that was so essential to Jims creations. Well also get a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the collaborative spirit of this gentle artistic genius from the people Jim knew, loved, and inspired. This uplifting collection of quotes, stories, anecdotes, songs, and insights gives new life to Jims magical world. With chapters titled Dynamite Determination; Listen to Your Heart; Together We Can Do It; It Starts When Were Kids; and A Part of Everything and Everyone, Its Not Easy Being Green is by turns entertaining, inspiring, and laugh-out-loud funny, reminding us that every day counts. Readers young and old will cherish this collection. Culled from The Jim Henson Company archives, program transcripts, personal letters, and interviews, along with some of Jims never-before-published writings, Its Not Easy Being Green is a testament to the legacy of a man who changed the way we see the world.
История, текущие события, политика
Альберт Гор 4.4
Книга политика и ученого, вице-президента США в правительстве Клинтона - Альберта ("Ала") Гора "Неудобная правда. Глобальное потепление. Как остановить планетарную катастрофу" рассказывает об экологии и угрозе, вызванной глобальным потеплением.
Tyler Perry 0.0
If you can count on one thing from "Madea" Mabel Simmons, star of the smash hits Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Madea's Family Reunion, and Madea's Witness Protection, it's that she's got something to say. Now the beloved, sharp-tongued, pistol-packing grandmother has her own lifestyle book-part memoir, many parts hard-won, hilarious, straight-up in-your-face words of wisdom. Don't Make a Black Woman Take Off Her Earrings is a #1 New York Times bestseller and a won a Quill Award for Book of the Year, Best Humor Book in 2006.
Daniel Paisner, Holly Robinson Peete 0.0
Year after year, Sunday afternoons and Monday nights during the NFL season have belonged to men. While they cheer and argue play calls, the women in their lives are relegated to beer and chip detail. It's time for these women to join the action, and Holly Robinson Peete, star of 21 Jump Street, For Your Love, and Hangin' with Mr. Cooper, and wife of NFL quarterback Rodney Peete, has written this hip, smart, cheerful guide to help them do so.

In Get Your Own Damn Beer, I'm Watching the Game!, Peete shares her infectious enthusiasm for pro football and takes the complexity out of the game by breaking it down to its component parts. She explains the role of each position player, provides a rundown of all on-field penalties and referees' hand signals, and offers an illustrated guide to some of the most common plays in the NFL. She gives her take on the most memorable plays in NFL history and dishes some inside dirt-in a breezy, girl-talkin' narrative that promises to turn the novice spectator into a well-informed football fanatic.
Книга года
Джоан Роулинг 4.7
«Над школой висел светящийся зеленый череп с языком-змеей, знак Упивающихся Смертью… знак, который они оставляют… когда убивают кого-то…»

Когда однажды летней ночью Думбльдор прибывает на Бирючинную улицу, чтобы забрать Гарри, мальчик видит, что у директора почернела и высохла правая рука, но причины этого остаются загадкой. По всему волшебному миру распространяются тайны и подозрения, и даже в «Хогварце» уже не безопасно. Гарри убежден, что Малфой носит темную метку. Один из школьников – Упивающийся Смертью. При изучении самых темных секретов Вольдеморта Гарри понадобятся сильная магия и настоящие друзья. Дамблдор готовит мальчика к встрече с судьбой…
Дебют года
Элизабет Костова 3.9
Старинный манускрипт и пачка пожелтевших писем — ключ к тайне ГРАФА ДРАКУЛЫ! К тайне, разгадать которую пытались многие. И многие поплатились за это жизнью… Но даже это не останавливает молодую женщину-историка, стремящуюся найти ИСТИНУ в пугающих легендах о Владе Цепеше, талантливом полководце — и кровавом, безумном маньяке, чье имя стало синонимом слова «ЗЛО». …Она всего лишь хотела узнать больше о своей семье и открыла старинную рукопись. И теперь ей предстоит по крупицам загадочных недомолвок и обрывочных воспоминаний воссоздать картину жизни трансильванского «князя тьмы» и пройти по бесконечному пути его страстей и страданий.

Город за городом… Церкви и монастыри…

Рукописи и архивы… Все ближе и ближе — РАЗГАДКА ВЕКОВОЙ ТАЙНЫ…
Джон Стюарт 4.2
Jon Stewart, host of the Emmy and Peabody Award-winning The Daily Show, and his coterie of patriots, deliver a hilarious look at American government.
American-style democracy is the world's most beloved form of government, which explains why so many other nations are eager for us to impose it on them. But what is American democracy? In America (The Book), Jon Stewart and The Daily Show writing staff offer their insights into our unique system of government, dissecting its institutions, explaining its history and processes, and exploring the reasons why concepts like one man, one vote, government by the people, and every vote counts have become such popular urban myths. Topics include: Ancient Rome: The First Republicans; The Founding Fathers: Young, Gifted, and White; The Media: Can it Be Stopped?; and more!
Детская иллюстрированная книга
Shel Silverstein 0.0
Runny Babbit lent to wunch And heard the saitress way, "We have some lovely stabbit rew - Our Special for today". Welcome to the world of Runny Babbit and his friends Toe Jurtle, Skertie Gunk, Rirty Dat, Dungry Hog, Snerry Jake, and many others who speak a topsy-turvy language all their own. It's filled with the most amazing adventures and tongue-twisting rhymes imaginable. And, what's more, Shel Silverstein wrote this yook especially for bou.
Книга для детей среднего возраста
Джоан Роулинг 4.7
«Над школой висел светящийся зеленый череп с языком-змеей, знак Упивающихся Смертью… знак, который они оставляют… когда убивают кого-то…»

Когда однажды летней ночью Думбльдор прибывает на Бирючинную улицу, чтобы забрать Гарри, мальчик видит, что у директора почернела и высохла правая рука, но причины этого остаются загадкой. По всему волшебному миру распространяются тайны и подозрения, и даже в «Хогварце» уже не безопасно. Гарри убежден, что Малфой носит темную метку. Один из школьников – Упивающийся Смертью. При изучении самых темных секретов Вольдеморта Гарри понадобятся сильная магия и настоящие друзья. Дамблдор готовит мальчика к встрече с судьбой…
Книга для подростков
Энн Брешерс 4.3
Главные героини повести - Кармен, Лена, Бриджит и Тибби повзрослели еще на один год. Осенью им предстоит разъехаться по разным университетам. Пришло время меняться, и именно теперь Волшебные Штаны нужны подругам, как никогда ранее.
Общая литература
Сью Монк Кидд 3.7
В этом новом романе соткана необыкновенная история о русалках и святых, о духовных страстях и телесных наслаждениях. Он раскрывает малоизведанную область женской души, повествуя о внутреннем пробуждении и примирении с самой собой.

В бенедиктинском монастыре на острове Белой Цапли стоит прекрасное и таинственное кресло, подлокотники которого выполнены в виде русалок с крыльями. Как гласит легенда, кресло обладает чудесной силой. Но поможет ли оно героине сделать главный жизненный выбор? Здесь, среди чарующей красоты природы и величественных белых цапель, Джесси разрывается между своей неожиданной влюбленностью в послушника монастыря и любовью к мужу, между страстью и непреодолимой силой притяжения дома и семьи…
Графический роман
Нил Гейман, Энди Куберт 4.2
Нил Гейман – известный писатель-фантаст и сценарист, его романы "Американские боги", "Сыновья Ананси" и многие другие переведены на множество языков во всём мире, а серия комиксов "Th e Sandman. Песочный человек" невероятно популярна. Marvel 1602 – графический роман, в котором автор отвечает на вопрос как бы выглядели всем известные супергерои вселенной Marvel в пугающем и таинственном средневековом прошлом, где правят мудрые и коварные короли и королевы, их окружение плетёт паутину интриг и заговоров, а наёмные убийцы поджидают за каждым углом. Герои и злодеи сменили имена, внешность и оружие, но не свои стремления наказать зло или, напротив, ввергнуть мир в хаос. Переместимся во времени более чем на 400 лет назад и узнаем, какие же приключения ждут Ника Фьюри, Человека-Паука, Доктора Стрэнджа, "Фантастическую четвёрку" и остальных в Англии 1602 года.
Детектив, саспенс, триллер
Janet Evanovich 4.0
Stephanie Plum, Trenton's favorite bondswoman, is having a career crisis, which gives Janet Evanovich plenty of opportunities to showcase her series heroine in a variety of alternative vocations, from dry cleaner to factory worker. Most of them
Langston Hughes 0.0
Book Description A Vintage Original “I believe in an America in which opportunity and justice truly are for all. That was the essence of the life an poetry of Langston Hughes.”—Senator John Kerry, from the Preface
Любовный роман
Debbie Macomber 0.0
Dear Reader,
I love living in Cedar Cove, but things haven't been the same since a man died at our B and B. Turns out his name was Max Russell, and Bob had known him briefly in Vietnam.We still don't have any idea why he came here and—most important of all—who killed him. Because it now appears that he was poisoned. I sure hope somebody figures it out soon!

Not that we're providing the only news in Cedar Cove these days. I heard that Jon Bowman and Maryellen Sherman are getting married. And Maryellen's mom, Grace, has more than her share of interested men! The question is: Which one is she going to choose? Olivia—I guess it's Olivia Griffin now— is back from her honeymoon, and her mother, Charlotte (who's in her mid-seventies at least), seems to have a man in her life, too. I'm not sure Olivia's too pleased….

There's lots of other gossip I could tell you. Come by for a cup of tea and one of my blueberry muffins and we'll talk.

Peggy Beldon
Научная фантастика, фэнтези, ужасы
Кристофер Мур 3.6
Встречайте новый юмористический шедевр Кристофера Мура - лучшее средство поднять настроение. Славный городок Хвойная Бухта гудит в радостном предвкушении скорого Рождества. И только несчастная разведенка Лена не радуется празднику - ей досаждает бывший муж, мелкий и презренный негодяй, который имел наглость вырядиться Санта-Клаусом и в очередной раз пристать к ней...В потасовке бедная женщина нечаянно пришибла мерзавца лопатой. Решив, что Рождество отменяется, маленький Джош вознес молитву очуде, чтобы спасти Рождество. И чудо было ему в ответ - белокурого архангела отправили в Хвойную Бухту с миссией спасти Рождество...Буйство фантазии и концентрация шуток, слабонервным лучше воздержаться от чтения, а остальным добро пожаловать в рождественский хаос!
Религия, духовность
Дипак Чопра 0.0
“There is no way to peace, peace is the way.”

This statement has never been more true. Now, Deepak Chopra expands on A. J. Muste’s insight, teaching us how to expand awareness, stop reacting out of fear, and reject war—one person at a time. As Dr. Chopra says, “Violence may be innate in human nature, but so is its opposite: love. The next stage of humanity, the leap we are poised to take, will be guided by the force of that love.”
Биография, мемуары
Bob Dylan 4.0
would not anticipate a conventional memoir from Bob Dylan--indeed, one would not have foreseen an autobiography at all from the pen of the notoriously private legend. What Chronicles: Volume 1 delivers is an odd but ultimately illuminating memoir that is as impulsive, eccentric, and inspired as Dylan's greatest music.

Eschewing chronology and skipping over most of the "highlights" that his many biographers have assigned him, Dylan drifts and rambles through his tale, amplifying a series of major and minor epiphanies. If you're interested in a behind-the-scenes look at his encounters with the Beatles, look elsewhere. Dylan describes the sensation of hearing the group's "Do You Want to Know a Secret" on the radio, but devotes far more ink to a Louisiana shopkeeper named Sun Pie, who tells him, "I think all the good in the world might already been done" and sells him a World's Greatest Grandpa bumper sticker. Dylan certainly sticks to his own agenda--a newspaper article about journeymen heavyweights Jerry Quarry and Jimmy Ellis and soul singer Joe Tex's appearance on The Tonight Show inspire heartfelt musings, and yet the 1963 assassination of John Kennedy prompts nary a word from the era's greatest protest singer.

For all the small revelations (it turns out he's been a big fan of Barry Goldwater, Mickey Rourke, and Ice-T), there are eye-opening disclosures, including his confession that a large portion of his recorded output was designed to alienate his audience and free him from the burden of being a "the voice of a generation."

Off the beaten path as it is, Chronicles is nevertheless an astonishing achievement. As revelatory in its own way as Blonde on Blonde or Highway 61 Revisited, it provides ephemeral insights into the mind one of the most significant artistic voices of the 20th century while creating a completely new set of mysteries. --Steven StolderBook Description

"I'd come from a long ways off and had started a long ways down. But nowdestiny was about to manifest itself. I felt like it was looking right at me and nobody else."

So writes Bob Dylan in Chronicles: Volume One, his remarkable book exploring critical junctures in his life and career. Through Dylan's eyes and open mind, we see Greenwich Village, circa 1961, when he first arrives in Manhattan. Dylan's New York is a magical city of possibilities -- smoky, nightlong parties; literary awakenings; transient loves and unbreakable friendships. Elegiac observations arepunctuated by jabs of memories, penetrating and tough. With the book's side trips to New Orleans, Woodstock, Minnesota and points west, Chronicles: Volume One is an intimate and intensely personal recollection of extraordinary times.

By turns revealing, poetical, passionate and witty, Chronicles: Volume One is a mesmerizing window on Bob Dylan's thoughts and influences. Dylan's voice is distinctively American: generous of spirit, engaged, fanciful and rhythmic. Utilizing his unparalleled gifts of storytelling and the exquisite expressiveness that are the hallmarks of his music, Bob Dylan turns Chronicles: Volume One into a poignant reflection on life, and the people and places that helped shape the man and the art.

Download Description" ""I'd come from a long ways off and had started a long ways down. But now destiny was about to manifest itself. I felt like it was looking right at me and nobody else."" So writes Bob Dylan in Chronicles: Volume One, his remarkable book exploring critical junctures in his life and career. Through Dylan's eyes and open mind, we see Greenwich Village, circa 1961, when he first arrives in Manhattan. Dylan's New York is a magical city of possibilities -- smoky, nightlong parties; literary awakenings; transient loves and unbreakable friendships. Elegiac observations are punctuated by jabs of memories, penetrating and tough. With the book's side trips to New Orleans, Woodstock, Minnesota and points west, Chronicles: Volume One is an intimate
Стивен Дж. Дабнер, Стивен Левитт 3.9
What do estate agents and the Ku Klux Klan have in common? Why do drug dealers live with their mothers? How can your name affect how well you do in life? The answer: Freakonomics. It's at the heart of everything we do and the things that affect us daily, from sex to crime, parenting to politics, fat to cheating, fear to traffic jams. And it's all about using information about the world around us to get to the heart of what's really happening under the surface of everyday life. Now updated with the authors' "New York Times" columns and blog entries, this cult bestseller will show you how, by unraveling your life's secret codes, you can discover a totally new way of seeing the world. "A sensation... you'll be stimulated, provoked and entertained. Of how many books can that be said?" Sunday Telegraph "The mot du jour' guardian 'Total controversy... Levitt has shocked the world". Sunday Express "Dazzling... a delight". Economist Издание на английском языке.
Рэйчел Рэй 0.0
No pasta? No dessert? No way! Everything in moderation, says Rachael Ray. After all, some days only chocolate or spaghetti will hit the spot. In Rachael Ray’s 30-Minute Get Real Meals, the bestselling cookbook author and Food Network star serves up
История, текущие события, политика
David McCullough 4.0
In this masterful book, David McCullough tells the intensely human story of those who marched with General George Washington in the year of the Declaration of Independence -- when the whole American cause was riding on their success, without which all hope for independence would have been dashed and the noble ideals of the Declaration would have amounted to little more than words on paper.

Based on extensive research in both American and British archives, 1776 is a powerful drama written with extraordinary narrative vitality. It is the story of Americans in the ranks, men of every shape, size, and color, farmers, schoolteachers, shoemakers, no-accounts, and mere boys turned soldiers. And it is the story of the King's men, the British commander, William Howe, and his highly disciplined redcoats who looked on their rebel foes with contempt and fought with a valor too little known.

At the center of the drama, with Washington, are two young American patriots, who, at first, knew no more of war than what they had read in books -- Nathanael Greene, a Quaker who was made a general at thirty-three, and Henry Knox, a twenty-five-year-old bookseller who had the preposterous idea of hauling the guns of Fort Ticonderoga overland to Boston in the dead of winter.

But it is the American commander-in-chief who stands foremost -- Washington, who had never before led an army in battle. Written as a companion work to his celebrated biography of John Adams, David McCullough's 1776 is another landmark in the literature of American history.
Джон Стюарт 4.2
Jon Stewart, host of the Emmy and Peabody Award-winning The Daily Show, and his coterie of patriots, deliver a hilarious look at American government.
American-style democracy is the world's most beloved form of government, which explains why so many other nations are eager for us to impose it on them. But what is American democracy? In America (The Book), Jon Stewart and The Daily Show writing staff offer their insights into our unique system of government, dissecting its institutions, explaining its history and processes, and exploring the reasons why concepts like one man, one vote, government by the people, and every vote counts have become such popular urban myths. Topics include: Ancient Rome: The First Republicans; The Founding Fathers: Young, Gifted, and White; The Media: Can it Be Stopped?; and more!
Стивен Кинг, Стюарт О’Нэн 3.2
Early in 2004, two writers and Red Sox fans, Stewart O'Nan and Stephen King, decided to chronicle the upcoming season, one of the most hotly anticipated in baseball history. They would sit together at Fenway. They would exchange emails. They would write about the games. And, as it happened, they would witness the greatest comeback ever in sports, and the first Red Sox championship in eighty-six years. What began as a Sox-filled summer like any other is now a fan's notes for the ages.