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Omri Boehm 0.0
Die Ideologie der Identität hält das gesamte politische Spektrum besetzt – während die Linke in Kategorien von race und gender kämpft, betreibt die Rechte Politik im Namen der Nation. Und der Universalismus? Geschrumpft auf eine leere Hülle. Denn der moderne Liberalismus ist alles andere als Humanismus: Anstatt die von Kant postulierten, absoluten Pflichten gegenüber den Menschen zu schützen, schützt der Liberalismus die Interessen der Bürger. Nicht ohne Grund prangern ihn deshalb viele als Rassismus an. Omri Boehm führt uns zurück zum Ursprung, zum radikalen Universalismus der jüdischen Propheten und ihrer Wiederentdeckung durch Immanuel Kant. Sein Buch ist ein eindringliches Plädoyer, diesen humanistischen Universalismus zum Leben zu erwecken.
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Джони Питтс 0.0
'Afropean. Here was a space where blackness was taking part in shaping European identity ... A continent of Algerian flea markets, Surinamese shamanism, German Reggae and Moorish castles. Yes, all this was part of Europe too, and these were people and places it needed to understand and embrace if it wanted fully functional societies. And Black Europeans, too, need to demand the right to document and disseminate our stories ... With my brown skin and my British passport - still a ticket into mainland Europe at the time of writing - I set out in search of the Afropeans, on a cold October morning.'

Afropean is an on-the-ground documentary of areas where Europeans of African descent are juggling their multiple allegiances and forging new identities. Here is an alternative map of the continent, taking the reader to places like Cova Da Moura, the Cape Verdean shantytown on the outskirts of Lisbon with its own underground economy, and Rinkeby, the area of Stockholm that is eighty per cent Muslim. Johny Pitts visits the former Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow, where West African students are still making the most of Cold War ties with the USSR, and Clichy Sous Bois in Paris, which gave birth to the 2005 riots, all the while presenting Afropeans as lead actors in their own story.
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László F. Földényi 0.0
Als Kissen des Teufels bezeichnete man die Melancholie im Mittelalter und nicht selten wurden auch Geisteskranke als Melancholiker abgestempelt. Wörtlich übersetzt heißt Melancholie nichts anderes als schwarze Galle. Was aber ist Melancholie? Ein Gemütszustand, eine Haltung, ein Überrest?
László F. Földéndyi zeigt, wie sich im Übergang vom analogen zum digitalen Zeitalter unsere Wahrnehmung auf allen Gebieten des täglichen Lebens radikal verändert, und stellt die Frage, welche Bedeutung Melancholie in der heutigen Vergnügungsgesellschaft noch haben kann.
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Masha Gessen 4.4
Hailed for her "fearless indictment of the most powerful man in Russia" by the Wall Street Journal, award-winning journalist Masha Gessen is unparalleled in her understanding of the events and forces that have wracked her native country in recent times. In The Future Is History, she follows the lives of four people born at what promised to be the dawn of democracy. Each came of age with unprecedented expectations, some as the children and grandchildren of the very architects of the new Russia, each with newfound aspirations of their own — as entrepreneurs, activists, thinkers, and writers, sexual and social beings. Gessen charts their paths not only against the machinations of the regime that would crush them all, but also against the war it waged on understanding itself, ensuring the unobstructed reemergence of the old Soviet order in the form of today's terrifying and seemingly unstoppable mafia state.
Powerful and urgent, The Future Is History is a cautionary tale for our time and for all time.
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Asne Seierstad 4.1
A harrowing and thorough account of the massacre that upended Norway, and the trial that helped put the country back together On July 22, 2011, Anders Behring Breivik detonated a bomb outside government buildings in central Oslo, killing eight people. He then proceeded to a youth camp on the island of Utøya, where he killed sixty-nine more, most of them teenage members of Norway’s governing Labour Party. In The Island, the journalist Åsne Seierstad tells the story of this terrible day and what led up to it. What made Breivik, a gifted child from an affluent neighborhood in Oslo, become a terrorist?
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Матиас Энар 4.0
Роман Матиаса Энара «Компас» (2015), принесший писателю Гонкуровскую премию, - как ковер-самолет, вольно парящий над Веной и Стамбулом, Парижем и Багдадом, - открывает нам Восток, упоительный, завораживающий, благоуханный, издавна манивший европейских художников, композиторов, поэтов. Весь этот объемный роман-эпопея заключен в рамки одной бессонной ночи, ночи воспоминаний и реальной опасности, ведь главным героям книги меланхоличному Францу и красавице Саре не понаслышке знаком иной Восток: тревожный, обагренный кровью давних войн и взрывами нынешних конфессиональных конфликтов. Этих кабинетных исследователей, рассуждающих о Дебюсси и Бартоке, Низами и Гюго, манят дальние странствия, стрелка их компаса упорно указывает на Восток, но суждено ли им совпасть в одной точке необозримого пространства или арабская вязь их судеб так и не сольется в единый текст?..
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Генрих Август Винклер 0.0
Neuware - Der Westen - seit dem Zeitalter der Entdeckungen ist er gleichsam das welthistorische Maß aller Dinge. Er hat fremde Reiche erobert und ganze Kontinente unterworfen, die Erde bis in ihre entlegensten Winkel erschlossen, die Naturwissenschaften und die moderne Technik hervorgebracht, die Menschen- und Bürgerrechte, die Herrschaft des Rechts und die Demokratie erfunden. Aber er hat auch oft genug seine Werte verraten, Freiheit gepredigt und Habgier gemeint und mit dem Kapitalismus eine Ökonomisierung aller Lebensverhältnisse entfesselt, die bis heute die Menschheit in Atem hält. In einem grandiosen Werk, das von der Antike bis in die unmittelbare Gegenwart führt, erzählt Heinrich August Winkler zum ersten Mal überhaupt die Geschichte des Westens - und damit auch die Geschichte unserer eigenen Identität.
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Mircea Cartarescu 0.0
"Nu stiam daca sirurile vietii mele (voci si atingeri, nori si orase, rasete si pamant plin de rame) se citesc vertical sau orizontal, de la stanga sau de la dreapta, sau daca nu cumva trebuie sa merg inainte si inapoi in boustrophedon-ul copilariei mele, daca e o scriere pictografica sau fonetica, daca este o scriere... In filigranul oricarei file vedeai o tesatura de firisoare albastre si rosii, zvacnind la un singur puls, irigand paragrafele... Pergamentul era viu ca pielea abia smulsa a unui martir si mustea de cerneala si sange. Ce scria insa pe pielea mea, sau ce era tatuat acolo, intre sfarcurile pieptului meu, era deocamdata complet obscur pentru mine."
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Pankaj Mishra 5.0
A little more than a century ago, independent thinkers across Asia sought to frame a distinct intellectual tradition that would inspire the continent's rise to dominance. Yet this did not come to pass, and today those thinkers―Tagore, Gandhi, and later Nehru in India; Liang Qichao and Sun Yat-sen in China; Jamal al-Din al-Afghani and Abdurreshi al Ibrahim of the Ottoman Empire―are seen as outsiders within the main anticolonial tradition. But as Pankaj Mishra demonstrates in this enthralling portrait of like minds, Asia's revolt against the West is not the one led by faith-fired terrorists and thwarted peasants; rather, it is rooted in the ideas of these once renowned intellectuals. Now, when the ascendency of Asia seems possible as never before, From the Ruins of Empire is as necessary as it is timely―a book indispensable to our understanding of the world and our place in it.
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Klaus-Michael Bogdal 5.0
Ausgezeichnet mit dem Leipziger Buchpreis zur Europäischen Verständigung 2013

Geborene Diebe und Lügner, Gefährten des Satans, Waldmenschen, unzähmbare Wilde, eine Bande von Asozialen … Dies sind nur einige der Zuschreibungen, mit denen die Romvölker Europas in den letzten 600 Jahren ausgegrenzt wurden. Wie es möglich wurde, daß jahrhundertealter Haß in einem Spannungsverhältnis von Faszination und Verachtung sich bis heute halten konnte, zeigt in seinem brillant recherchierten Buch nun Klaus-Michael Bogdal zum ersten Mal im europäischen Vergleich.

Der Autor weist in dieser spannend und anschaulich erzählten Geschichte nach, wie die Europäer zum verachteten Volk am unteren Ende der Gesellschaftsskala stets die größtmögliche Distanz suchten. Keine der unterschiedlichen Gesellschafts- und Machtordnungen, in denen sie lebten, ließ und läßt eine endgültige Ankunft in Europa zu. Ohne einen schützenden Ort sind sie seit ihrer Einwanderung vor 600 Jahren ständigen Verfolgungen und Ausgrenzungen ausgesetzt: in den Imaginationen der Kunst und in der politischen Realität.

Das Buch umfaßt die Geschichte der Darstellung der ›Zigeuner‹ in der europäischen Literatur und Kunst vom Spätmittelalter bis heute – von Norwegen bis Spanien, von England bis Rußland. Die Dokumente, die Bogdal heranzieht, reichen von den frühen Chroniken und Rechtsdokumenten über ethnographische Werke und künstlerische Darstellungen bis hin zu den Holocausterinnerungen von Sinti und Roma.
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Тимоти Снайдер 4.3
С 1933-го по 1945 год в Восточной Европе было уничтожено 14 миллионов человек. Книга профессора Йельского университета (США), блестящего историка и искусного рассказчика Тимоти Снайдера, «Кровавые земли: Европа между Гитлером и Сталиным» посвящена трагическим страницам в истории Восточной Европы. Украинский Голодомор, сталинские массовые экзекуции, Холокост, расстрелы немцами гражданского населения в ходе антипартизанских операций, преднамеренное морение голодом советских военнопленных, послевоенные этнические чистки… Две тоталитарные системы совершали одинаковые преступления в одно и то же время, в одних и тех же местах, содействуя друг другу и подстрекая друг друга.

Книга Тимоти Снайдера мгновенно стала мировым бестселлером, пережила 29 изданий на 26 языках мира. На русском языке публикуется впервые.
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Ian Kershaw 3.8
From the preeminent Hitler biographer, a fascinating and original exploration of how the Third Reich was willing and able to fight to the bitter end of World War II.

Countless books have been written about why Nazi Germany lost World War II, yet remarkably little attention has been paid to the equally vital question of how and why it was able to hold out as long as it did. The Third Reich did not surrender until Germany had been left in ruins and almost completely occupied. Even in the near-apocalyptic final months, when the war was plainly lost, the Nazis refused to sue for peace. Historically, this is extremely rare.

Drawing on original testimony from ordinary Germans and arch-Nazis alike, award-winning historian Ian Kershaw explores this fascinating question in a gripping and focused narrative that begins with the failed bomb plot in July 1944 and ends with the German capitulation in May 1945. Hitler, desperate to avoid a repeat of the "disgraceful" German surrender in 1918, was of course critical to the Third Reich's fanatical determination, but his power was sustained only because those below him were unable, or unwilling, to challenge it. Even as the military situation grew increasingly hopeless, Wehrmacht generals fought on, their orders largely obeyed, and the regime continued its ruthless persecution of Jews, prisoners, and foreign workers. Beneath the hail of allied bombing, German society maintained some semblance of normalcy in the very last months of the war. The Berlin Philharmonic even performed on April 12, 1945, less than three weeks before Hitler's suicide.

As Kershaw shows, the structure of Hitler's "charismatic rule" created a powerful negative bond between him and the Nazi leadership- they had no future without him, and so their fates were inextricably tied. Terror also helped the Third Reich maintain its grip on power as the regime began to wage war not only on its ideologically defined enemies but also on the German people themselves. Yet even as each month brought fresh horrors for civilians, popular support for the regime remained linked to a patriotic support of Germany and a terrible fear of the enemy closing in.

Based on prodigious new research, Kershaw's The End is a harrowing yet enthralling portrait of the Third Reich in its last desperate gasps
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Martin Pollack 4.2
Die Freiheitsstatue: Hunderttausende ließen sich um 1900 von diesem verlockenden Bild über den Ozean locken. Damals hatte in Galizien (heute Polen und Ukraine), dem Armenhaus der Habsburger-Monarchie, eine Welle der Emigration eingesetzt. Kleinbauern, Handwerker, jüdische „Luftmenschen“, sie alle suchten eine bessere Zukunft; der Kaiser von Amerika, meinten sie, werde sie nach ihrer Flucht freudig willkommen heißen. Aus dieser Hoffnung entwickelte sich rasch ein einträgliches Geschäft, an dem viele mitverdienten. Schlepper, Agenten, Menschenhändler und die Aussicht auf ein besseres Leben: Martin Pollack erzählt von Menschen, die um 1900 ihr Glück in den USA suchten.
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Karl Schlogel 4.2
Moscow, 1937: the soviet metropolis at the zenith of Stalin’s dictatorship. A society utterly wrecked by a hurricane of violence. In this compelling book, the renowned historian Karl Schl?gel reconstructs with meticulous care the process through which, month by month, the terrorism of a state-of-emergency regime spiraled into the ‘Great Terror’ during which 1 ? million human beings lost their lives within a single year. He revisits the sites of show trials and executions and, by also consulting numerous sources from the time, he provides a masterful panorama of these key events in Russian history. He shows how, in the shadow of the reign of terror, the regime around Stalin also aimed to construct a new society. Based on countless documents, Schl?gel’s historical masterpiece vividly presents an age in which the boundaries separating the dream and the terror dissolve, and enables us to experience the fear that was felt by people subjected to totalitarian rule. This rich and absorbing account of the Soviet purges will be essential reading for all students of Russia and for any readers interested in one of the most dramatic and disturbing events of modern history.
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Геерт Мак 5.0
From the First World War to the waning days of the Cold War, a poignant exploration on what it means to be European at the end of the twentieth-century. Geert Mak crisscrosses Europe from Verdun to Berlin, SaintPetersburg to Srebrenica in search of evidence and witnesses of the last hundred years of Europe. Using his skills as an acclaimed journalist, Mak locates the smaller, personal stories within the epic arc ofhistory-talking to a former ticket-taker at the gates of the Birkenau concentration camp or noting the neat rows of tiny shoes in the abandoned nursery school in the shadow of Chernobyl. His unique approach makes thereader an eyewitness to a half-forgotten past, full of unknown peculiarities, sudden insights and touching encounters. Sweeping in scale, but intimate in detail "In Europe" is amasterpiece.
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Юрий Андрухович 3.7
Вена - Львов - Карпаты - загробный мир... Таков маршрут путешествия Карла-Йозефа Цумбруннена, австрийского фотохудожника, вслед за которым движется сюжет романа живого классика украинской литературы. Причудливые картинки калейдоскопа архетипов гуцульского фольклора, богемно-артистических историй, мафиозных разборок объединены трагическим образом поэта Богдана - Игоря Антоныча и его провидческими стихотворениями. Однако главной героиней многослойного, словно горный рельеф, романа выступает сама Украина на переломе XX-XXI столетий.
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Slavenka Drakulić 4.4
"Who were they? Ordinary people like you or me—or monsters?” asks internationally acclaimed author Slavenka Drakulić as she sets out to understand the people behind the horrific crimes committed during the war that tore apart Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Drawing on firsthand observations of the trials, as well as on other sources, Drakulić portrays some of the individuals accused of murder, rape, torture, ordering executions, and more during one of the most brutal conflicts in Europe in the twentieth century, including former Serbian president Slobodan Milošević; Radislav Krstić, the first to be sentenced for genocide; Biljana Plavšić, the only woman accused of war crimes; and Ratko Mladić, now in hiding. With clarity and emotion, Drakulić paints a wrenching portrait of a country needlessly torn apart.
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Джевад Карахасан 0.0
...Sarajevo, Exodus Of a City is a remarkable reminiscent prose, the depicition ot the siege of Sarajevo and the functioning of the human community in unhuman conditions...
Csordás Gábor
Csordás Gábor
1 книга
1 в избранном

Венгерский поэт, переводчик, редактор и критик получил награду за выдающиеся достижения в области публикаций, а также за работу переводчика и многоязычного посредника в работе с европейскими авторами.

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Hugo Claus 5.0
Het verdriet van België omspant de periode 1939-1947: vrede, oorlog en vrede. Louis Seynaeve is elf jaar, leerling op een nonneninternaat? Verwarring, hunkering en bedrog vormen zijn jongensjaren in de schoot van een kleurrijke en verbazingwekkende familie.
Het Vlaamse leven in deze historische crisisperiode van oorlog, collaboratie en overleven, wordt door Hugo Claus in een stroom van groteske en ontroerende verhalen opgeroepen, in een even complexe als meeslepende roman, die het hoofdwerk uit zijn oeuvre mag worden genoemd.
Людвик Кундера
Людвик Кундера / Ludvík Kundera
1 книга
1 в избранном

Чешский поэт, писатель, драматург, переводчик, литературовед, историк литературы Людвик Кундера получил награду за заслуги в качестве переводчика чешской и немецкоязычной литературы. В его жизни и творчестве высокий литературный ранг, политическая невозмутимость и человеческая целостность сочетаются с многолетним стремлением перевести две литературы на другой язык, чтобы возродить европейскую идею. Отредактированные им сборники являются ключевыми работами немецко-чешского литературного образования.

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Claudio Magris 0.0
In his acclaimed work Danube, Claudio Magris painted a vast canvas stretching from the source of the river to the Black Sea. Now he focuses on the tiny borderlands in Istria and Italy, where he was born and where he has lived most intensely. From the forests of Monte Nevoso to the hidden valleys of the Tyrol to a Trieste cafe, Microcosms pieces together a mosaic of stories -- comic, tragic, picaresque, nostalgic -- from life's minor characters. Their worlds might be small, but they are far from minimalist: in them flashes the great, the meaningful, the unrepeatable significance of every existence.Magris is a profoundly original modern writer. With its illuminating, elegant prose, Microcosms, like Danube, is destined to become a classic of travel literature.
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Ханна Кралль 0.0
Obyczajowy fresk, który wojenną rzeczywistość przedstawia na granicy wspomnienia, snu i faktu. Wszystkie płaszczyzny przecina los kilkunastu osób, które nie dają jedynie świadectwa o wadze historycznej, ale i głęboko ludzkiej. Aż po metafizyczne zadziwienie...
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