
Hye-young Pyun 3.9
In this tense, gripping novel by a rising star of Korean literature, Ogi has woken from a coma after causing a devastating car accident that took his wife’s life and left him paralyzed and badly disfigured. His caretaker is his mother-in-law, a widow grieving the loss of her only child. Ogi is neglected and left alone in his bed. His world shrinks to the room he lies in and his memories of his troubled relationship with his wife, a sensitive, intelligent woman who found all of her life goals thwarted except for one: cultivating the garden in front of their house. But soon Ogi notices his mother-in-law in the abandoned garden, uprooting what his wife had worked so hard to plant and obsessively digging larger and larger holes. When asked, she answers only that she is finishing what her daughter started.

Evoking Herman Koch’s The Dinner and Stephen King’s Misery, award-winning author Hye-young Pyun’s The Hole is a superbly crafted and deeply unnerving novel about the horrors of isolation and neglect in all of its banal and brutal forms. As Ogi desperately searches for a way to escape, he discovers the difficult truth about his wife and the toll their life together took on her.
Samanta Schweblin 3.6
A young woman named Amanda lies dying in a rural hospital clinic. A boy named David sits beside her. She's not his mother. He's not her child. Together, they tell a haunting story of broken souls, toxins, and the power and desperation of family.

Fever Dream is a nightmare come to life, a ghost story for the real world, a love story and a cautionary tale. One of the freshest new voices to come out of the Spanish language and translated into English for the first time, Samanta Schweblin creates an aura of strange psychological menace and otherworldly reality in this absorbing, unsettling, taut novel. 
Линдси Дрэгер 0.0
Using bedtime stories as cautionary tales, a Wrist Scholar relays the story of a fabled group of fathers coping with dead and missing daughters. When the girl sacrifices everything to send a final message to her father through her art and one lost girl is revealed to be not dead or missing but a daughter who has transitioned into a son, fathers are faced with the reality that their children’s “play” is anything but.

Caught in a strange loop that—like Escher’s “Drawing Hands”—confuses the line between reality and artifice, folklore and scholarship, far past and near future, The Lost Daughter Collective illustrates how the stories we receive are shaped by those who do the telling.

A story about the complex relationship between fathers and daughters as well as the ethics of storytelling, The Lost Daughter Collective is a gothic fairy tale fusing the fabulism at work in Donald Barthleme and Ben Marcus with the brevity and language play of Rikki Ducornet and Jenny Offill to raise questions about agency and authorship in our narratives.
Авторский сборник
Carmen Maria Machado 3.6
In Her Body and Other Parties, Carmen Maria Machado blithely demolishes the arbitrary borders between psychological realism and science fiction, comedy and horror, fantasy and fabulism. While her work has earned her comparisons to Karen Russell and Kelly Link, she has a voice that is all her own. In this electric and provocative debut, Machado bends genre to shape startling narratives that map the realities of women s lives and the violence visited upon their bodies.

A wife refuses her husband's entreaties to remove the green ribbon from around her neck. A woman recounts her sexual encounters as a plague slowly consumes humanity. A salesclerk in a mall makes a horrifying discovery within the seams of the store's prom dresses. One woman's surgery-induced weight loss results in an unwanted houseguest. And in the bravura novella Especially Heinous, Machado reimagines every episode ofLaw & Order: Special Victims Unit, a show we naively assumed had shown it all, generating a phantasmagoric police procedural full of doppelgangers, ghosts, and girls with bells for eyes.

Earthy and otherworldly, antic and sexy, queer and caustic, comic and deadly serious, Her Body and Other Parties swings from horrific violence to the most exquisite sentiment. In their explosive originality, these stories enlarge the possibilities of contemporary fiction. 
"Shadows and Tall Trees is a smart, soulful, illuminating investigation of the many forms and tactics available to those writers involved in one of our moment's most interesting and necessary projects, that of opening up horror literature to every sort of formal interrogation. It is a beautiful and courageous series." - Peter Straub

The acclaimed literary anthology Shadows & Tall Trees has featured authors short-listed for the Man Booker Award, and World Fantasy Award winners. Several of our stories have been reprinted in "Year's Best" anthologies and have garnered numerous award nominations. This volume features all-oroiginal new fiction from these masters of weird fiction:
Malcolm Devlin
Brian Evenson
Rebecca Kuder
V.H. Leslie
Robert Levy
Laura Mauro
Manish Melwani
Alison Moore
Harmony Neal
Rosalie Parker
M. Rickert
Nicholas Royle
Robert Shearman
Christopher Slatsky
Simon Strantzas
Steve Rasnic Tem
Michael Wehunt
Charles Wilkinson
Conrad Williams
Эмма Клайн 3.8
Северная Калифорния, бурные 1960-е подходят к завершению. В начале лета одинокая, погруженная в себя 14-летняя Эви Бойд видит в парке компанию девочек. Они разительно отличаются от всех, кого Эви знает. Раскованные манеры, небрежная одежда, свобода в каждом движении, в каждом взгляде и аура отдельности от всего остального мира. Эви зачарована ими. А вскоре она сама станет одной из этих девочек, вольется в коммуну, где нет места правилам, где жизнь совершенно не похожа на привычную обыденность, где мир вращается вокруг харизматичного лидера. Увлеченная новой жизнью, одержимая тягой к новой подруге, Эви все ближе и ближе подходит к бездне, к той точке, что поменяет жизнь и смерть местами. «Девочки» — дебютный роман Эммы Клайн, ставший большим литературным событием. За сюжетом угадывается канва истории Чарлза Мэнсона и его коммуны-секты, состоявшей по большей части из юных девушек. Пронизанный атмосферой шестидесятых роман Эммы Клайн — о тайных желаниях, о глубинных комплексах, спрятанных даже от самих себя, о беззащитности и уязвимости юности, о недостатке любви, о том, как далеко могут зайти девочки в поисках этой любви и тепла.
Victor LaValle 3.3
People move to New York looking for magic and nothing will convince them it isn't there.

Charles Thomas Tester hustles to put food on the table, keep the roof over his father's head, from Harlem to Flushing Meadows to Red Hook. He knows what magic a suit can cast, the invisibility a guitar case can provide, and the curse written on his skin that attracts the eye of wealthy white folks and their cops. But when he delivers an occult tome to a reclusive sorceress in the heart of Queens, Tom opens a door to a deeper realm of magic, and earns the attention of things best left sleeping.

A storm that might swallow the world is building in Brooklyn. Will Black Tom live to see it break?
Robert Jackson Bennett 5.0
It is the time of the Great Depression.
Thousands have left their homes looking for a better life, a new life. But Marcus Connelly is not one of them. He searches for one thing, and one thing only. Revenge.
Because out there, riding the rails, stalking the camps, is the scarred vagrant who murdered Connelly's daughter. No one knows him, but everyone knows his name: Mr. Shivers.
In this extraordinary debut, Robert Jackson Bennett tells the story of an America haunted by murder and desperation. A world in which one man must face a dark truth and answer the question-how much is he willing to sacrifice for his satisfaction?
Victor LaValle 0.0

Ricky Rice is a middling hustler with a lingering junk habit, a bum knee, and a haunted mind. A survivor of a suicide cult, he scrapes by as a porter at a bus depot in Utica, New York, until one day a mysterious letter arrives, summoning him to enlist in a band of paranormal investigators comprised of former addicts and petty criminals, all of whom had at some point in their wasted lives heard what may have been the voice of God.

Infused with the wonder of a disquieting dream and laced with Victor LaValle’s fiendish comic sensibility, Big Machine is a mind-rattling mystery about doubt, faith, and the monsters we carry within us.
Nick Antosca 0.0
In the morning, Bram finds the bones of a murdered child. At noon, the murdered child begs for his help. And by nightfall, they have killed a man together and set off into the afterlife, where nothing is what it was, and death is only the beginning of punishment. An eerie story about the nature of death and the self, Midnight Picnic inhabits an American landscape made strange and unfamiliar. From the author of the cult novel Fires, Midnight Picnic is a haunting and disturbing experience.
Короткая повесть
Стивен Кинг 3.5
Другие названия: Моральные принципы Чад трудится в школе, подменяя других учителей, а Нора работает сиделкой у пожилого преподобного отца Уинстона. Они с трудом сводят концы с концами. Но однажды Нора получает странное и неожиданное предложение от опекаемого...
Karen Joy Fowler 0.0
This story, which won the Shirley Jackson Award in 2009 and a World Fantasy award soon after, is a frankly chilling story of a teenager sent away to a torturous correctional facility in which the girls, when they’re not disappearing, are forbidden to speak. Even scarier: the story is based on an actual reform school for children.
Авторский сборник
Кевин Уилсон 3.0
Случиться может ЧТО УГОДНО. Особенно — на овеянном легендами Глубоком Юге, плавно вкатившемся в ХХI век. Особенно — в фантастике «ближнего прицела». Особенно — у автора, который сам признается в интервью, что в его произведениях «мир настолько причудлив, настолько неподвластен логике, что заставить читателя поверить в предлагаемые странные обстоятельства не так уж и трудно». Немыслимые — но странно правдоподобные сюжеты. Невероятно обаятельные герои — взрослые, которые хотят оставаться детьми, и дети, готовые взвалить на свои плечи груз взрослых забот. Писатель, которого метко называют «южным Рэем Брэдбери эпохи Стивена Кинга»!
Авторский сборник
Robert Shearman 0.0
The first love song in the world, as composed by a pig in the Garden of Eden.

The Devil, alarmed when his hobby of writing romantic fiction begins to upstage his day job.

A man finding love with someone who has an allergy to his happiness.

Another losing love altogther when his wife gives him back his heart in a Tupperware box.

By turns macabre and moving, horrific and laugh-out-loud funny, Robert Shearman's short stories come from a place just to the left of the corner of your eye. Following his World Fantasy Award-winning Tiny Deaths, this new collection puts a bizarre twist on the love story. What is love, why does it hurt so much, and how is it we keep coming back for more?

Love Songs is sometimes poignant, sometimes cruel - but always as startling and fresh as Shearman's fans have come to expect.
Ellen Datlow 0.0
Compiled by multi-award winning editor, Ellen Datlow, this collection commemorates the second centenary of Edgar Allan Poe's birth. It features Poe-inspired tales by some of the finest talents in the field, including Kim Newman, Pat Cadigan, Sharyn McCrumb, Lucius Shepard, Laird Barron, Suzy McKee Charnas and others. This all-star line-up has several Hugo, Edgar, Tiptree and British Fantasy Award winners.
Джеффри Форд 4.0
Как Рэй Брэдбери в своем шедевре «Вино из одуванчиков» наве­ки нанес на карту мировой литературы американский Средний Запад предвоенной поры, так и Джеффри Форд в «Годе призраков» мастер­ски воспроизводит вкус, цвет и ощущение детства. Здесь, на Лонг-Айленде накануне «революции цветов», развозит мороженое мистер Тай-во-рту, школьникам задают на дом изготовить гипсовую Луну, Драный город в подвале предсказывает новое явление призра­ка, успевшего перепугать местных домохозяек,- и оставляет за собой шлейф трупов зловещий мистер Уайт, любитель трубочного табака и маниакальный апологет чистоты.,.
Elizabeth Hand 3.5
Cass Neary made her name in the 70s as a photographer embedded in the burgeoning punk movement in New York City. Her pictures of the musicians and the hangers-on, the infamous, the damned, and the dead, earned her a brief moment of fame. Thirty years later she is adrift, on her way down, and almost out when an old acquaintance sends her on a mercy gig to interview a famously reclusive photographer who lives on an island in Maine. When she arrives Down East, Cass stumbles across a decades-old mystery that is still claiming victims, and she finds one final shot at redemption.

Patricia Highsmith meets Patti Smith in this mesmerizing literary thriller.
Короткая повесть
Glen Hirshberg 0.0
В «умирающем» шахтерском городке болезненно переживающий взросление школьник Тед отчаянно пытается удержать отношения с одноклассницей Джилл и одновременно пытается разобраться в причинах деструктивного поведения школьного хулигана Мэтта, чей умирающий от неизвестной болезни отец недавно вернулся из странной поездки в Южную Америку. Связаны ли вспышки внезапного и необъяснимого насилия в действиях Мэтта с переживаниями о своем бессилии по спасению родителей или же его одолевает некая загадочная сила, которую завез с собой отец из заброшенной деревни инков?
Авторский сборник
Laird Barron 3.8
The title story of this collection - a devilishly ironic riff on H. P. Lovecraft's "Pickman's model" - was nominated for a World Fantasy Award, while "Proboscis" was nominated for an International Horror Guild award and reprinted in The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror 19. In addition to his previously published work, this collection contains an original story.