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In these tales illustrated by master comics artist Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, Superman battles Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor, Solomon Grundy, and teams up with Supergirl, The Flash, Adam Strange, the Metal…
Издательство: DC Comics

Superman #294: "The Tattoo Switcheroo!"
Superman #301: "Solomon Grundy Wins on a Monday!"
Superman #302: "Seven-Foot-Two... and Still Growing!"
Superman #307: "Krypton -- No More!"
Superman #308: "This Planet Is Mine!"
Superman #309: "Blind Hero's Bluff!"
All-New Collectors' Edition #C-54: "Superman vs. Wonder Woman"
DC Comics Presents #1: "Chase to the End of Time!"
DC Comics Presents #2: "Race to the End of Time!"
DC Comics Presents #3: "The Riddle of Little Earth Lost"
DC Comics Presents #4: "Sun-Stroke!"
DC Comics Presents #17: "The Ice Slaves of Killer Frost!"
DC Comics Presents #20: "Inferno from the Sky!"
Superman #347: "The Sleeper Out of Time!"
DC Comics Presents #24: "The Man Who Was the World!"
DC Comics Presents #31: "The Deadliest Show on Earth!"

ISBN: 9781401238568

Год издания: 2013

Язык: Английский

Hardcover, 360 pages

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