Гегемония или борьба за выживание. Стремление США к мировому господству

Ноам Хомский

18 февраля 2019 г. 17:25


4 Is he right?

The first thing I asked Google about after reading this book was: "Is Noam Chomsky right?". I found what I hoped for. Lots of critical articles and reviews. I wanted them because I was kinda scared of living here (planet Earth) after what I had read, assuming that it was true, of course. Most of the critique was reasonably well explained, but It didn't actually make things any better. I felt so confused because I couldn't make out what was true and what wasn't... Then I just returned to my old position: people are people and we all do horrible things, and people in USA don't possess inborn instincts about destroying smaller nations to secure the interests of country's investors. I still recommend reading it, because it has a lot of facts that let you see the world clearer. It shows…


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