Detransition, Baby

Торри Питерс - Detransition, Baby

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A whipsmart debut about three women--transgender and cisgender--whose lives collide after an unexpected pregnancy…
Издательство: One World

ISBN: 780593133378

Год издания: 2021

337 стр.

Теги:  Sex, GenderВсе теги


"... compassionate and convincing ... Peters weaves together this multifaceted cast in ways that leave the reader empathizing with each one even as they undermine one another. Her characters are so vividly drawn and human that the reader comes to feel personally close to them ... Peters doesn't shy away from exposing her characters' flaws. Nor does she shy away from an original plot. As Katrina's pregnancy progresses and the characters shift in their desires and identities, we remain hooked on their every word. Delivered with heart and savvy, their deliberations upend our traditional, gendered notions of what parenthood can look like. By the end of Detransition, Baby, questions remain unanswered, but still the reader somehow feels satisfied."


"... dishy, engrossing ... the story moves seamlessly from present to past ... prickly, funny Reese is the star of the show. Her casually devastating assessments of other characters and her sardonic narration lend the novel its insider chattiness. It's full of the kind of talk that trans people would normally reserve for one another ... Peters's invocation of detransition, a relatively rare phenomenon commonly cited to claim that trans people are delusional, has an air of menace to those invested in shifting transphobic attitudes. But, in refusing to avoid the sore spots of trans life, Peters offers a lucidity that would be impossible if her only goal were to inspire sympathy. She is refreshingly uninterested in persuading the public of the bravery and nobility of trans people, and lets them be as dysfunctional as anyone else."

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