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Aria is excited to celebrate her puppy’s first Christmas – they’ll make snowmen and eat lots of food, and she’s even bought him a special present with her pocket money! But when Aria’s family come to stay, Jackson becomes over-excited and scares Aria’s younger cousin.

On Christmas morning things only seem to get worse. Jackson is shut out of the living room while gifts are being opened, Aria can’t find his present and then the puppy eats Grandma’s fluffy winter boots! With her parents refusing to take her side, will Aria and Jackson get their perfect Christmas after all?
Цикл: Истории о зверятах, книга №50

Форма: повесть

Оригинальное название: A Puppy's First Christmas

Дата написания: ~2021

Первая публикация: October 14, 2021

Язык: Английский

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