Моя оценка

I am the Queen of the Werewolf Territory, a place that has always been my sanctuary, and yet I must leave my people if I am to save them.

Our world is falling apart, and I must take the task my father set to me, and heal the Veil that protects us all.

A deadly journey lies ahead of me, and no one can know that I am leaving—too many would steal the crown with me gone. With a small, secret contingent I go across the water to the human realm, a land I’ve never set foot on to find the gemstone that is the key to our salvation.

If only that were my single crux. My heart is torn between the man I am hunting down, a man who stole my heart…
Цикл: Территории Альфа, книга №4

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: Caged by Fate

Язык: Английский

Жанры:  Зарубежное фэнтези


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