Ричард Брэнсон

Richard Branson

  • 55 книг
  • 78 подписчиков
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Ричард Брэнсон — новинки

  • У пошуках нової незайманості. Нова автобіографія Ричард Брэнсон
    ISBN: 978-966-948-338-6
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: КМ-БУКС
    Язык: Украинский
    Якщо ти здатен змінити світ довкола себе на краще, — змінюй; якщо тобі дано більше, ніж іншим, — неси максимум добра та позитиву. Таким є життєвий принцип успішного бізнесмена та щедрого мецената, шукача екстремальних пригод і чудового сім'янина, лицаря Її Величності і борця за права знедолених Річарда Бренсона — автора цієї автобіографічної книги, що є продовженням першої частини життєпису "Втрачаючи невинність".
  • The Virgin Way. How to Listen, Learn, Laugh and Lead Ричард Брэнсон
    ISBN: 9780753519899
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Virgin Books
    There's a difference between being a leader and being a boss ...
    In September 2012, a YOUGOV poll conducted in Britain found that the person British workers would most like as their manager was Sir Richard Branson.
    With over 40 years in business, Richard Branson is an inspiring pioneer of humanitarian projects and an iconic business leader. In The Virgin Way: How to Listen, Learn, Laugh and Lead, Richard shares and distils his secrets of leadership and success. Featuring anecdotes from his own business dealings, as well as his observations of many others who have inspired him - from politicians, business leaders, explorers, scientists and philanthropists - Richard reflects on the qualities he feels are essential for success in today's world.
    This is not a conventional book on leadership. There are no rules - but rather the secrets of leadership that he has learned along the way from his days at Virgin Records, to his recent work with The Elders. Whether you're at the beginning of your career, or head of a Fortune 500 company - this is your guide to being your own CEO (Chief Enabling Officer) and becoming a true leader - not just a boss.
  • Під три чорти турботи! Нумо до роботи! Ричард Брэнсон
    ISBN: 9789669484024
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: КМ-БУКС
    Язык: Украинский
    Багато чого змінилося відколи Річард Бренсон заснував компанію "Virgin" у 1968 році. У цій книзі автор розповідає, як він має намір підняти свій бізнес і свої ідеї до наступного рівня, розвинути нові цікаві сфери діяльності, як, наприклад, виробництво палива Virgin. Автор зібрав усі важливі уроки, корисні поради та натхненні вислови, які допомогли йому на шляху до успіху.
  • К черту все! Берись и делай! Ричард Брэнсон
    ISBN: 978-5-00146-129-6
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Манн, Иванов и Фербер
    Язык: Русский
    Ричард Брэнсон - легендарный британский предприниматель, один из самых богатых людей планеты, основавший корпорацию Virgin, которая сегодня объединяет под своим брендом почти 400 компаний в самых разных сферах - от издательской деятельности и авиаперевозок до космического и подводного туризма.

    Брэнсон - яркая, нестандартная личность. Его кредо - брать от жизни все. Это значит не бояться делать то, что хочешь. При этом совершенно неважно, достаточно ли у тебя знаний, опыта или образования. Если есть голова на плечах и достаточно задора в душе, любая цель будет по плечу. Жизнь коротка, чтобы тратить ее на вещи, которые не приносят удовольствия. Если что-то нравится - делай. Не нравится - бросай, не раздумывая.

    В расширенной версии своего бестселлера Брэнсон предлагает "правила жизни", которые должны помочь каждому на пути к творчеству, духовному росту и самовыражению. Книга несет огромный заряд оптимизма, мудрости и веры в возможности...
  • В поисках невинности: Новая автобиография Ричард Брэнсон
    ISBN: 978-5-9614-2062-3
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Альпина Паблишер
    Язык: Русский

    Невинность теряют только один раз, но в случае Ричарда Брэнсона это совсем не так. И в бизнесе, и в приключениях он каждый день старается сделать что то впервые в жизни. Брэнсон — выдающийся предприниматель, основатель группы компаний Virgin, искатель приключений и человек, который двигает мир вперед. Он 75 раз был на волосок от гибели, руководил огромным количеством разнородных, но вместе с тем успешных бизнесов и основал несколько благотворительных организаций. В 1998 году уже выходила автобиография Брэнсона, но за последние 20 лет столько всего произошло, что пришлось писать продолжение. Ричард Брэнсон рассказывает о своих отношениях с…

  • Теряя невинность. Как я построил бизнес, делая все по-своему и получая удовольствие от жизни Ричард Брэнсон
    ISBN: 978-5-9614-6781-9
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Альпина Паблишер
    Язык: Русский
    О чем книга «Теряя невинность: Как я построил бизнес, делая все по-своему и получая удовольствие от жизни»
    О предпринимательском духе, воплощенном в человеке. Создатель уникального бренда Virgin, объединяющего огромное число совершенно разнородных, но вместе с тем успешных бизнесов, продолжает радовать нас новыми достижениями и&nb
  • Finding My Virginity. The New Autobiography Ричард Брэнсон
    ISBN: 0753556138, 9780753556139
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Ebury Press
    Язык: Английский
    Never lose the thrill of trying something for the first time.

    Fifty years ago, Sir Richard Branson started his first business. In his new autobiography, Finding My Virginity, the Virgin Founder shares his personal, intimate thoughts on five decades as the world’s ultimate entrepreneur.

    Following on from where bestselling Losing My Virginity left off at the dawn of the new millennium, Finding My Virginity reveals how Branson created 12 different billion dollar businesses and hundreds more companies across dozens of sectors, whilst breaking world records on land, sea and air. It takes us behind the scenes as Sir Richard Branson creates the world's first commercial spaceline, Virgin Galactic, and handles the biggest crisis he has ever faced.

    Join Sir Richard as he juggles working life with raising his children Holly and Sam, building a marriage with his wife Joan and creating a unique company culture. Discover how he created a new life on Necker Island, while continuing to grow the Virgin brand into all corners of the world. Get the real story behind adventures and run-ins with everyone from Bill Gates and Kate Moss to Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama.

    This is the true account of how the Virgin Founder reinvented himself and his brand for the 21st century, while continuing to push boundaries, break rules and reach for the stars in more ways than one. This is the story of the man behind the beard, the business, the bravado and the brand. Find out how the ultimate entrepreneur did it for the first time – all over again.
  • Finding My Virginity: The New Autobiography Ричард Брэнсон
    ISBN: 9780753551202
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Virgin Digital
    Язык: Английский
    Random House presents the abridged audiobook edition of Finding My Virginity by Sir Richard Branson, read by the author.

    50 years ago, Sir Richard Branson started his first business. In his new autobiography, Finding My Virginity, the Virgin Founder shares his personal, intimate thoughts on five decades as the world’s ultimate entrepreneur.

    In Finding My Virginity, Sir Richard Branson shares the secrets that have seen his family business grow from a student magazine into a global brand, his dreams of private citizens flying to space develop from a childhood fantasy to the brink of reality, and his focus shift from battling bigger rivals to changing business for good.

    Following on from where bestselling Losing My Virginity left off at the dawn of the new millennium, Finding My Virginity takes the reader on a rollercoaster ride with the enigmatic entrepreneur. Learn how Branson created 12 different billion dollar businesses and hundreds more companies across dozens of sectors, going from a houseboat to his own private island. But this book goes far beyond the numbers – it is a journey into the heart and mind of Britain’s best-loved businessman.

    Join Sir Richard as he juggles working life with raising his children Holly and Sam, building a marriage with his wife Joan and creating a unique company culture. Discover how he created a new life on Necker Island, while continuing to grow the Virgin brand into all corners of the world. Get the real story behind adventures and run-ins with everyone from Bill Gates and Kate Moss to Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama.

    Go behind the scenes as Sir Richard Branson creates the world’s first commercial spaceline, Virgin Galactic, and handles the biggest crisis he has ever faced. Get under the skin of world record attempts on land, sea and air, and see how the original business hippy adapted to becoming a doting ‘grand-dude’ to his four grandchildren, Eva-Deia, Etta, Artie and Bluey. This is the true account of how the Virgin Founder reinvented himself and his brand for the 21st Century, while continuing to push boundaries, break rules and reach for the stars in more ways than one. This is the story of the man behind the beard, the business, the bravado and the brand. Find out how the ultimate entrepreneur did it for the first time – all over again.
  • Під три чорти турботи! Ричард Брэнсон
    ISBN: 978-966-923-108-6
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: КМ-БУКС

    "Кидаючи собі виклик, ти ростеш. Змінюється твоє життя. Досягнути поставленої мети не завжди буває легко, але це не причина для того, щоб зупинятися. Ніколи не говори «здаюся». Завжди повторюй: «Я можу. І я буду намагатися, допоки не переможу!»" - Річард Бренсон Багато чого змінилося відколи Річард Бренсон заснував компанію "Virgin" у 1968 році. У цій книзі автор розповідає, як він має намір підняти свій бізнес і свої ідеї до наступного рівня, розвинути нові цікаві сфери діяльності, як, наприклад, виробництво палива Virgin. Автор зібрав усі важливі уроки, корисні поради та натхненні вислови, які допомогли йому на шляху до успіху.

  • Достичь небес. Аэронавты, люди-птицы и космические старты Ричард Брэнсон
    ISBN: 978-5-91671-614-6
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Альпина нон-фикшн
    Язык: Русский

    Чтобы стать в авиабизнесе миллионером, начинать лучше миллиардером. Это слова Фрэнка Уиттла - изобретателя реактивного двигателя. Бескорыстие воздушных первопроходцев, их одержимость, граничащая с безумием, сделали наш мир таким, каков он есть. Ричард Брэнсон, всемирно известный британский предприниматель, основатель корпорации Virgin, считает, что за такими энтузиастами будущее. В книге он рассматривает историю полета через призму событий и людей, которые вдохновляли его всю жизнь. На этих страницах вы найдете рассказы о чудесных спасениях, рекордах и удивительных подвигах, включая и некоторые его собственные приключения.

  • The Virgin Way: If It's Not Fun, It's Not Worth Doing Richard Branson
    ISBN: 9781591847984
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Portfolio
    Язык: Английский
    This is a book on leadership from someone who has never read a book on leadership in his life.

    While building the Virgin Group over the course of forty years, Richard Branson has never shied away from tackling seemingly outlandish challenges that others (including his own colleagues on many occasions) considered sheer lunacy. He has taken on giants like British Airways and won, and monsters like Coca-Cola and lost.

    Now Branson gives an inside look at his strikingly different, swashbuckling style of leadership. Learn how fun, family, passion, and the dying art of listening are key components to what his extended family of employees around the world has always dubbed (with a wink) "the Virgin Way."
  • К черту всё! Берись и делай! Ричард Брэнсон
    ISBN: 978-5-00057-461-4
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Манн, Иванов и Фербер
    Язык: Русский

    Сэр Ричард Брэнсон - не просто успешный предприниматель и один из самых богатых людей планеты. Но еще и яркая, нестандартная личность. Кредо Брэнсона - брать от жизни все. Это значит не бояться делать то, что хочешь. При этом совершенно неважно, достаточно ли у тебя знаний, опыта или образования. Если есть голова на плечах и достаточно задора в сердце, любая цель будет по плечу. Жизнь коротка, чтобы тратить ее на вещи, которые не приносят удовольствия. Если что-то нравится - делай. Не нравится - бросай не раздумывая. В новой, расширенной версии своего бестселлера Брэнсон предлагает новые "правила жизни", которые должны помочь каждому…

  • Мои правила. Слушай, учись, смейся и будь лидером Ричард Брэнсон
    ISBN: 978-5-9614-5048-4
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Альпина Паблишер
    Язык: Русский

    Ричард Брэнсон, всемирно известный предприниматель, эксцентрик и миллиардер-бунтарь, создал огромное количество совершенно разнородных бизнесов, объединенных брендом Virgin. В новой книге он с присущей ему откровенностью и юмором рассказывает о своих принципах и правилах жизни, которые позволили проблемному подростку, в 16 лет бросившему школу, основать десятки успешных компаний. Правила Ричарда Брэнсона помогают ему жить на полной мощности и феноменально успешно вести дела на протяжении десятилетий, не чувствуя усталости и не теряя азарта при решении сложных задач.

  • Business Stripped Bare Richard Branson
    ISBN: 9781846572043
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    Business Stripped Bare, available as an audiobook narrated by Richard Branson himself.

    From its creation as a mail-order record company to the literal launch of Virgin Galactic, today Virgin is one of the premier 'way-of-life' brands in the world, trusted and enjoyed by many millions of people.

    In Business Stripped Bare, Sir Richard Branson shares the inside track on his life in business and reveals the incredible truth about his most risky, brilliant and audacious deals. Discover why Virgin tried to take on one of the world's biggest superbrands, how Virgin Mobile USA holds the record as the fastest company in history to generate revenues of over one billion dollars (faster than Microsoft, Google and Amazon) and how Richard is the only person in the world to have built eight billion-dollar companies from scratch in eight different sectors.

    What qualities does Richard look for in the people he hires? How does he manage a crisis? Who are the entrepreneurs he most admires? Find out the true story behind Virgin Blue's success in Australia, what really happened when Virgin bid for Northern Rock and why Richard believes all businesses must work with governments to tackle climate change and invest in the future of our planet.

    Combining invaluable advice with the remarkable and candid inside stories of Virgin's greatest achievements, as well as some of its setbacks, Business Stripped Bare is a dynamic, inspirational and truly original guide to success in business and in life. Whether you are an executive, an entrepreneur or are just starting out, this Richard Branson audiobook strips business down to show how you can succeed and make a difference.
  • Business Stripped Bare Richard Branson
    ISBN: 9780753515037
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    In Business Stripped Bare, Sir Richard Branson shares the inside track on his life in business and reveals the incredible truth about his most risky, brilliant and audacious deals. Discover why Virgin tried to take on one of the world's biggest superbrands, how Virgin Mobile USA holds the record as the fastest company in history to generate revenues of over one billion dollars (faster than Microsoft, Google and Amazon) and how Richard is the only person in the world to have built eight billion-dollar companies from scratch in eight different sectors.

    Combining invaluable advice with the remarkable and candid inside stories of Virgin's greatest achievements, as well as some of its setbacks, Business Stripped Bare is a dynamic, inspirational and truly original guide to success in business and in life. Whether you are an executive, an entrepreneur or are just starting out, Richard strips business down to show how you can succeed and make a difference.
  • Business Stripped Bare Richard Branson
    ISBN: 9781905264438
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    From its creation as a mail-order record company to the literal launch of Virgin Galactic, today Virgin is one of the premier 'way-of-life' brands in the world, trusted and enjoyed by many millions of people.

    In Business Stripped Bare, Sir Richard Branson shares the inside track on his life in business and reveals the incredible truth about his most risky, brilliant and audacious deals. Discover why Virgin tried to take on one of the world's biggest superbrands, how Virgin Mobile USA holds the record as the fastest company in history to generate revenues of over one billion dollars (faster than Microsoft, Google and Amazon) and how Richard is the only person in the world to have built eight billion-dollar companies from scratch in eight different sectors.

    What qualities does Richard look for in the people he hires? How does he manage a crisis? Who are the entrepreneurs he most admires? Find out the true story behind Virgin Blue's success in Australia, what really happened when Virgin bid for Northern Rock and why Richard believes all businesses must work with governments to tackle climate change and invest in the future of our planet.

    Combining invaluable advice with the remarkable and candid inside stories of Virgin's greatest achievements, as well as some of its setbacks, Business Stripped Bare is a dynamic, inspirational and truly original guide to success in business and in life. Whether you are an executive, an entrepreneur or are just starting out, Richard strips business down to show how you can succeed and make a difference.
  • The Virgin Way: How to Listen, Learn, Laugh and Lead Ричард Брэнсон
    ISBN: 978-1-905264-90-2
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Virgin Books
    Язык: Русский
    In September 2012, a YOUGOV poll conducted in Britain found that the person British workers would most like as their manager was Sir Richard Branson.
    With over 40 years in business, Richard Branson is an inspiring pioneer of humanitarian projects and an iconic business leader. In The Virgin Way: How to Listen, Learn, Laugh and Lead, Richard shares and distils his secrets of leadership and success. Featuring anecdotes from his own business dealings, as well as his observations of many others who have inspired him - from politicians, business leaders, explorers, scientists and philanthropists - Richard reflects on the qualities he feels are essential for success in today's world.
    This is not a conventional book on leadership. There are no rules - but rather the secrets of leadership that he has learned along the way from his days at Virgin Records, to his recent work with The Elders. Whether you're at the beginning of your career, or head of a Fortune 500 company - this is your guide to being your own CEO (Chief Enabling Officer) and becoming a true leader - not just a boss.
  • The Virgin Way: How to Listen, Learn, Laugh and Lead Ричард Брэнсон
    ISBN: 978-1-846-57453-5
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Virgin Books
    Язык: Английский
    Over forty years in business Richard Branson has never shied away from seemingly outlandish challenges that others considered sheer lunacy - including his own colleagues on several occasions. He has taken on monsters like British Airways and won, and giants like Coca-Cola and lost.
    Now, in The Virgin Way, Richard gives you an inside look at his strikingly different swashbuckling style of leadership. Learn how fun, family, passion and the dying art of listening are key components to what Branson's employees have always described (with a wink) as the Virgin Way.
    This unique perspective comes from a man who dropped out of school at sixteen, suffers from dyslexia, and has never worked for anyone but himself.
    Famous for "'thinking outside the box" - an expression he despises - Branson asserts that, "You'll never have to think outside the box if you refuse to let anyone build one around you."

    This is leadership - the Virgin way!
  • The Virgin Way: How to Listen, Learn, Laugh and Lead Ричард Брэнсон
    ISBN: 978-0-75-351988-2
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Virgin Books
    Язык: Английский
    Over forty years in business Richard Branson has never shied away from seemingly outlandish challenges that others considered sheer lunacy -including his own colleagues on several occasions. He has taken on monsters like British Airways and won, and giants like Coca-Cola and lost. Now, in THE VIRGIN WAY, Richard gives you an inside look at his strikingly different swashbuckling style of leadership. Learn how fun, family, passion and the dying art of listening became key components of the leadership style of a man who dropped out of school at sixteen, suffers from dyslexia, and has never worked for anyone but himself.
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