Вручение 2019 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2019 г.

Медаль Калдекотта

Софи Блэколл 4.2

"Дети будут наслаждаться погружением в увлекательные открытия, которые принесет каждый новый взгляд на эту книгу", - сказала председатель Комитета по медалям Колдекотта Мэри Феллоуз.

A lavish new picture book from Caldecott-winner Sophie Blackall that will transport readers to the seaside in timeless, nautical splendor!

Watch the days and seasons pass as the wind blows, the fog rolls in, and icebergs drift by. Outside, there is water all around. Inside, the daily life of a lighthouse keeper and his family unfolds as the keeper boils water for tea, lights the lamp's wick, and writes every detail in his logbook.

Step back in time and through the door of this iconic lighthouse into a cozy dollhouse-like interior with the extraordinary award-winning artist Sophie Blackall.