
Медаль Калдекотта
Harrison Vashti 0.0
Once there was a girl with a big laugh and a big heart and very big dreams.
She grew and grew and grew. And it was good... until it wasn't.
When the girl grows big, the world begins to make her feel small. She feels out of place and invisible, and soon she isn't herself at all. But with the girl's size comes huge inner strength - and this helps her look past the hurtful words to see how perfect she really is.
With beautiful illustrations and a gatefold flap, this quietly reassuring story explores the experience of being big in a world that celebrates small, promoting body positivity and self-acceptance in young readers.
Big is the first picture book to be written and illustrated by Vashti Harrison, award-winning creator of the bestselling Little Leaders series.
Медаль Калдекотта
Дуг Салати 0.0
From a critically acclaimed creator comes this summery picture book featuring an overheated--and overwhelmed--pup who finds his calm with some sea, sand, and fresh air.

It's summer in the city, and this hot dog has had enough! Enough of sizzling sidewalks, enough of wailing sirens, enough of people's feet right in his face. When he plops down in the middle of a crosswalk, his owner endeavors to get him the breath of fresh air he needs. She hails a taxi, hops a train, and ferries out to the beach.

Here, a pup can run!

With fluid art and lyrical text that have the soothing effect of waves on sand, Doug Salati shows us how to find calm and carry it back with us so we can appreciate the small joys in a day.
Джейсон Чин
Медаль Калдекотта
Джейсон Чин / Jason Chin
7 книг
1 в избранном

Премия присуждена за иллюстрации к книге "Watercress".

Michaela Goade
Медаль Калдекотта
Michaela Goade
1 книга
1 в избранном

Премия присуждена за иллюстрации к книге Кэрол Линдстрём - We Are Water Protectors

Кадир Нельсон
Медаль Калдекотта
Кадир Нельсон / Kadir Nelson
4 книги
0 в избранном

Премия вручена за иллюстрации к книге «The Undefeated» Kwame Alexander

Медаль Калдекотта
Софи Блэколл 4.2

"Дети будут наслаждаться погружением в увлекательные открытия, которые принесет каждый новый взгляд на эту книгу", - сказала председатель Комитета по медалям Колдекотта Мэри Феллоуз.

A lavish new picture book from Caldecott-winner Sophie Blackall that will transport readers to the seaside in timeless, nautical splendor!

Watch the days and seasons pass as the wind blows, the fog rolls in, and icebergs drift by. Outside, there is water all around. Inside, the daily life of a lighthouse keeper and his family unfolds as the keeper boils water for tea, lights the lamp's wick, and writes every detail in his logbook.

Step back in time and through the door of this iconic lighthouse into a cozy dollhouse-like interior with the extraordinary award-winning artist Sophie Blackall.
Медаль Калдекотта
Мэтью Корделл 0.0
A girl is lost in a snowstorm. A wolf cub is lost, too. How will they find their way home?

Paintings rich with feeling tell this satisfying story of friendship and trust. Here is a book set on a wintry night that will spark imaginations and warm hearts, from Matthew Cordell, author of Trouble Gum and Another Brother.
Медаль Калдекотта
Джавака Стептоу 0.0
Winner of the Randolph Caldecott Medal and the Coretta Scott King Illustrator Award

Jean-Michel Basquiat and his unique, collage-style paintings rocketed to fame in the 1980s as a cultural phenomenon unlike anything the art world had ever seen. But before that, he was a little boy who saw art everywhere: in poetry books and museums, in games and in the words that we speak, and in the pulsing energy of New York City. Now, award-winning illustrator Javaka Steptoe's vivid text and bold artwork echoing Basquiat's own introduce young readers to the powerful message that art doesn't always have to be neat or clean--and definitely not inside the lines--to be beautiful.
Медаль Калдекотта
Линдси Мэттик, Софи Блэколл 0.0
Before Winnie-the-Pooh, there was a real bear named Winnie. And she was a girl!

In 1914, Harry Colebourn, a veterinarian on his way to tend horses in World War I, followed his heart and rescued a baby bear. He named her Winnie, after his hometown of Winnipeg, and he took the bear to war.

Harry Colebourn's real-life great-granddaughter tells the true story of a remarkable friendship and an even more remarkable journey--from the fields of Canada to a convoy across the ocean to an army base in England...

And finally to the London Zoo, where Winnie made another new friend: a real boy named Christopher Robin.

Here is the remarkable true story of the bear who inspired Winnie-the-Pooh.
Медаль Калдекотта
Дэн Сантат 4.2
История начинается на острове, где рождаются яркие фантастические существа, каждый из которых ждет, чтобы его вообразил настоящий ребенок. Как только это происходит, существо отправляется жить в реальный мир. Бикл, маленький симпатичный малыш в короне, живет на фантастическом острове с другими существами, и ждет, что кто-нибудь подумает и о нем. Но это не происходит так долго, что он решает действовать самостоятельно. Он отправляется в полное неизвестности путешествие, и преодолев моря и неизвестность, попадает в мир людей, где наконец встречает того, кого так долго искал...
В 2015 году эта книга была удостоена медали Калдекотта, а так же шестью другими престижными наградами, включая звание "Бестселлер New York Times". По ее мотивам будет снят анимационный фильм.
Медаль Калдекотта
Brian Floca 3.0
It is the summer of 1869, and trains, crews, and family are traveling together, riding America’s brand-new transcontinental railroad. These pages come alive with the details of the trip and the sounds, speed, and strength of the mighty locomotives; the work that keeps them moving; and the thrill of travel from plains to mountain to ocean.

Come hear the hiss of the steam, feel the heat of the engine, watch the landscape race by. Come ride the rails, come cross the young country!
Медаль Калдекотта
Jon Klassen 4.7
When a tiny fish shoots into view wearing a round blue topper (which happens to fit him perfectly), trouble could be following close behind. So it’s a good thing that enormous fish won’t wake up. And even if he does, it’s not like he’ll ever know what happened. . . . Visual humor swims to the fore as the best-selling Jon Klassen follows his breakout debut with another deadpan-funny tale.
Медаль Калдекотта
Крис Рашка 3.8
Предлагаем вашему вниманию книгу Криса Рашки "Мяч для Дейзи".
Медаль Калдекотта
Филип Стед 4.8
Дядя Амос работает в зоопарке. Каждый день он садится в автобус №5 и едет на работу, где его ждут черепаха, сова, слон, носорог и пингвин. Амос заботится о своих друзьях день за днем, и ничто не нарушает привычного течения их жизни. И вот в один ничем не примечательный день дядюшка Амос проснулся с простудой. И не поехал на работу. Поначалу его друзья терпеливо дожидались смотрителя. А потом решили отправиться навестить его. И теперь уже черепаха, сова, слон, носорог и пингвин едут в автобусе №5. Играют с дядюшкой шахматы и прятки, греют ему ноги, приносят носовой платок и читают на ночь сказку, чтобы не страшно было засыпать.
Эту добрую историю о дружбе и преданности, придумали совсем молодые люди: супруги Эрин и Филипп Стэд. Филипп сочинил сказку для Эрин, а Эрин сказку нарисовала. Иллюстраторский дебют Эрин Стэд оказался на редкость удачным. Книгу оценили не только читатели, но и критики: в 2010 году Роберт Сабуда и другие члены жюри газеты The New York Times провозгласили "Дядю Амоса" лучшей иллюстрированной книгой для детей. А в 2011 году книжка "Дядя Амос не идет на работу" получила престижную награду Caldecott - этой медалью награждают лучшие детские книги в США.
Медаль Калдекотта
Джерри Пинкни 3.0
In award-winning artist Jerry Pinkney's wordless adaptation of one of Aesop's most beloved fables, an unlikely pair learn that no act of kindness is ever wasted. After a ferocious lion spares a cowering mouse that he'd planned to eat, the mouse later comes to his rescue, freeing him from a poacher's trap. With vivid depictions of the landscape of the African Serengeti and expressively-drawn characters, Pinkney makes this a truly special retelling, and his stunning pictures speak volumes.
Медаль Калдекотта
Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes 0.0
A spare, patterned text and glowing pictures explore the origins of light that make a house a home in this Caldecott Medal-winning bedtime book for young children. Naming nighttime things that are both comforting and intriguing to preschoolers—a key, a bed, the moon—this timeless book illuminates a reassuring order to the universe.
Медаль Калдекотта
Брайан Селзник 4.3
История, которую я хочу вам поведать, дорогие мои, произошла в 1931 году во Франции, в Париже. Жил-был на свете мальчик по имени Хьюго Кабре. Жил не тужил. И вот в один прекрасный день к нему попал загадочный рисунок, который навсегда переменил его жизнь, - почти как в сказке.
Перед вами книга, книга необычная. Прежде чем открыть ее, зажмурьтесь и представьте, будто вы пришли в кино. Свет погас, и вы видите первые кадры: восходит солнце, перед вами разворачивается панорама Парижа, и вот, наконец, камера выхватывает красивое старинное здание вокзала. Словно по мановению волшебной палочки двери его распахиваются, и вы попадаете в огромный гулкий зал, заполненный пассажирами. Вы пробираетесь сквозь толпу, и вдруг ваше внимание привлекает мальчик-оборвыш, который куда-то спешит. Советую не отставать от него, потому что это и есть Хьюго Кабре. Без него никаких приключений не будет...
А теперь открывайте глаза и приступайте к чтению. И вы сами поймете, чем удивительна эта книга.
Медаль Калдекотта
Дэвид Визнер 5.0
A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam-anything floating that has been washed ashore. Bottles, lost toys, small objects of every description are among his usual finds. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery: a barnacle-encrusted underwater camera, with its own secrets to share . . . and to keep.
Медаль Калдекотта
Norton Juster 2.0
This is a love song devoted to that special relationship between grandparents and grandchild.
The kitchen window at Nanna and Poppy's house is, for one little girl, a magic gateway. Everything important happens near it, through it, or beyond it. Told in her voice, her story is both a voyage of discovery and a celebration of the commonplace wonders that define childhood, expressed as a joyful fusion of text with evocative and exuberant illustrations.The world for this little girl will soon grow larger and more complex, but never more enchanting or deeply felt.
Медаль Калдекотта
Кевин Хенкс 0.0
The nationally bestselling picture book about a kitten, the moon, and a bowl of milk, written by the celebrated author and illustrator Kevin Henkes, was awarded a Caldecott Medal.

From one of the most celebrated and beloved picture book creators working in the field today comes a memorable new character and a suspenseful adventure just right for reading and sharing at home and in the classroom. It is Kitten's first full moon, and when she sees it she thinks it is a bowl of milk in the sky. And she wants it. Does she get it? Well, no . . . and yes. What a night!

A brief text, large type, and luminescent pictures play second fiddle to the star of this classic picture book—brave, sweet and lucky Kitten! "Henkes's text, reminiscent of Margaret Wise Brown's work in the elemental words, rhythms, and appealing sounds, tells a warm, humorous story that's beautifully extended in his shimmering, gray-toned artwork."—ALA Booklist

Winner of the Caldecott Medal, an ALA Notable Book, a New York Times Best Illustrated Book, and winner of the Charlotte Zolotow Award
Медаль Калдекотта
Мордикай Герштейн 4.0
The story of a daring tightrope walk between skyscrapers, as seen in Robert Zemeckis' The Walk, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

In 1974, French aerialist Philippe Petit threw a tightrope between the two towers of the World Trade Center and spent an hour walking, dancing, and performing high-wire tricks a quarter mile in the sky. This picture book captures the poetry and magic of the event with a poetry of its own: lyrical words and lovely paintings that present the detail, daring, and--in two dramatic foldout spreads-- the vertiginous drama of Petit's feat.

The Man Who Walked Between the Towers is the winner of the 2004 Caldecott Medal, the winner of the 2004 Boston Globe - Horn Book Award for Picture Books, and the winner of the 2006 Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Children's Video.
Медаль Калдекотта
Эрик Романн 5.0
Rabbit saves the day in a most ingeneous way.

When Mouse lets his best friend, Rabbit, play with his brand-new airplane, trouble isn't far behind. From Caldecott Honor award winner Eric Rohmann comes a brand-new picture book about friends and toys and trouble, illustrated in robust, expressive prints.

My Friend Rabbit is the winner of the 2003 Caldecott Medal.
Медаль Калдекотта
Дэвид Визнер 5.0
This Caldecott Medal-winning picture book begins placidly (and familiarly) enough, with three pigs collecting materials and going off to build houses of straw, sticks, and bricks. But the wolf’s huffing and puffing blows the first pig right out of the story . . . and into the realm of pure imagination. The transition signals the start of a freewheeling adventure with characteristic David Wiesner effects—cinematic flow, astonishing shifts of perspective, and sly humor, as well as episodes of flight.
Satisfying both as a story and as an exploration of the nature of story, The Three Pigs takes visual narrative to a new level. Dialogue balloons, text excerpts, and a wide variety of illustration styles guide the reader through a dazzling fantasy universe to the surprising and happy ending. Fans of Tuesday’s frogs and Sector 7’s clouds will be captivated by old friends—the Three Pigs of nursery fame and their companions—in a new guise.
Медаль Калдекотта
Дэвид Смолл, Джудит Сент. Джордж 0.0
This new version of the Caldecott-winning classic by illustrator David Small and author Judith St. George is updated with current facts and new illustrations to include our forty-second president, George W. Bush. There are now three Georges in the catalog of presidential names, a Bush alongside the presidential family tree, and a new face on the endpaper portraiture.
Hilariously illustrated by Small, this celebration by St. George shows us the foibles, quirks and humanity of forty-two men who have risen to one of the most powerful positions in the world. Perfect for this election year--and every year!
Медаль Калдекотта
Симмс Табак 5.0
Вашему вниманию предлагается издание "У Иосифа было пальтишко...".
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