Моя оценка

Она - «Homo советикус» - называли его - «Сахар Земли».

Он - «Американский герой» - называли ее - «Моя русская принцесса».

Когда-то давно - в конце 80-х - они встретились в Транс-сибирский…
Издательство: Написано пером

ISBN: 978-5-905636-20-2

Год издания: 2012

Язык: Русский

Syberia, summer`89. I finished studying in University and was going home. One day one guy knocked my room in hostel. He was of leaders in our young communists organization. Quite pretty guy, spick-and-span.
Hi, girls! Is there Larisa here?
Here I am!
I heard you`re going home, to Ulan-Ude?
Yes, in days.
Have you bought a ticket?
Not for a while yet.
I have a favour to ask of you
What about?
The fact is that – three germans came here in cultural exchange, from Leipzig. They want to the Lake Baikal. Could you accompany them to Ulan-Ude? But there – you must find how to get them to The Lake. We bear all expenses.
Oh, yes!
But here is one nuance – they are too capricious. They don`t like our dish, our hostel, mosquitos and, generally, our town in their eyes – solid wilderness. Not so civilized like cultured Europe. They disgust Syberia. They turn up noses at all and don`t want to associate (i.e.drink) with us.
They disgust Syberia!?! And where have your germans dug in? Address, please! I`ll «acquaint their faces with table». We`ll see who is «cultured» here. I`ll compel to love every gnat in our wilderness.
Please, more gently! We also, are going to Leipzig in exchange. How we`ll be met there depends on that how much these guys love this trip on the Lake.
Well, I`ll try not to sully image of Motherland, I`ll put up a good show, being dragon, but devilishly charming one.
I saluted jokingly and made magnificent gesture type of knick-knack by hand, then turned round on the heals and went to create this `devilish charm` on my face for conquering germans.
Guests from Leipzig stopped at our student`s hostel. I knocked at the door and heard: “Herein!”
My sciolism in German was from childhood. Movies, movies, movies – of Second World War. And so, every «ich-bin»-phrase begot slightly bellicose mood. And maybe because of this ABC-reflex or something otherwise, some merry boldness suddenly has come on me, - I decided to play like in movies.
«Proud «Uberalles»? Well, I`ll remind you of The Spring-45! All these knights will fall in «sous l’ombre d’un klukva majetueux.»
Almost by kicking – I flung the door and «with corporal steps» came in the middle of the room. Standing in pose «a la Gestapo» - from well-known movies – (feet are hip width apart, arms behind the back, nose slightly up). I slowly look round this Trinity with leaden stare, in which I industriously put in maximum of mocking neglect, - not less than 9 grammes. Then, raising a little my right eyebrow and slightly frowning the left one – I enunciate like an iron commissar – in hanging silence:
Guten Tag, genossen! My name is Lara. Ich! Bin! Lara! Who doesn`t like mosquitos here – please, hands up! Who`s not understood – hande hoh!
Three guys stiffen in astonishment, looking over this strange subject who has burst into their room in the `midmorning` and demands to lift their hands up. Then they slowly exchanged glances and began to smile.
I`m directed to you from Committee. If you not against – I`ll be your guide and get you to the Lake Baikal. You must obey me – implicitly! Step to left – step to right – shooting – without warning! Questions?
They were not against, they were impressed by my `devilish charm`. But alas, my fount of eloquence was wasted in vain. Only one of them can speak Russian freely. And we went through the Syberia,in international company, playing cards, chess, chuck-a-luck, etc…
People in the carriage were looking through the windows upon our bewitching endless expanse. They admired aloud, somebody was shooting a film. While I looked at his kamera, another fellow in very white vest passed by me. I turned my head purely by reflex – that irreal white spot fell within my view, - all people around were in `march-in-field-colours` – but this «dude» made his defile in such a defiant snow-white vest, which – on his suntanned and straightened shoulders – looked «Super-Upper». And generally, all his slim body impressed like «das ist fantastisch!».
Later I saw him in our roomette. And we got acquainted, due to my germans. They told me that `this boy is riding in this train from Canada`. I amused a little with this `train-from-Canada`

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