Моя оценка

"Anyone who has done even a modest amount of browsing on the Internet has probably run across Wikipedia, the user-edited online encyclopedia that now dwarfs the online version of Encyclopedia…
Издательство: Penguin Group

Лучшая рецензия на книгу

21 февраля 2019 г. 13:39


3.5 It's more than just a book about Wikipedia

This book is about how and why companies and enterprises become more and more open and still continue to grow. Contrary to conventional common sense, many companies now don't hold to their intellectual property as hard as they used to. By making some information public they achieve faster and faster growth in their sphere. Wikipedia is just one of the examples. There are also such projects as Linux, Human Genome Project, Second Life, Geek Squad, even Amazon and Ebay. These services share one common feature: every single one is closely connected to its users and develops in collaboration with them. This book is very optimistic. The authors believe in the idea and it can easily be felt by the reader. Even the youngest generation ("Generation net"), so obsessed with their smartphones, PCs…


ISBN: 978-1-59184-193-7

Год издания: 2008

Язык: Русский

Твердый переплет, 368 стр.
Формат: 160x235


Всего 1

21 февраля 2019 г. 13:39


3.5 It's more than just a book about Wikipedia

This book is about how and why companies and enterprises become more and more open and still continue to grow. Contrary to conventional common sense, many companies now don't hold to their intellectual property as hard as they used to. By making some information public they achieve faster and faster growth in their sphere. Wikipedia is just one of the examples. There are also such projects as Linux, Human Genome Project, Second Life, Geek Squad, even Amazon and Ebay. These services share one common feature: every single one is closely connected to its users and develops in collaboration with them. This book is very optimistic. The authors believe in the idea and it can easily be felt by the reader. Even the youngest generation ("Generation net"), so obsessed with their smartphones, PCs…


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