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Fear casts a long shadow, and shadows take many shapes…

From award-winning editor, Jeani Rector, who brought you the terrifying anthology, WHAT FEARS BECOME, comes a wicked brew of…
Издательство: Imajin Books

1 - The Horror Zine Rides Again and Again - essay by Joe R. Lansdale
4 - The Thing That Was Not There - short story by James Marlow
9 - Red Velvet - short story by Shaun Meeks
18 - The End of the Trail - short story by Bentley Little
29 - Same Sex Vampire Wedding - short story by Garrett Rowlan
39 - The Church - short story by Matthew Wilson
46 - Holodomor Girl - short story by Yvonne Navarro
52 - The Hung Preacher - short story by Scott Nicholson
60 - The Unknown - short story by Chris Castle
69 - Don't Feed the Dog - short story by Rick McQuiston
74 - The Classmate - short story by Melanie Tem
82 - Abandoned - short story by Bruce Memblatt
90 - Wet Birds - short story by Elizabeth Massie
103 - Fearful Symmetry - short story by Devon Carey
115 - "Come Down to the Store, Minerva!" - short story by Earl Hammer
126 - The People Eaters - short story by Christian A. Larsen
134 - 101 Damnations - short story by Carl Barker
143 - The Tin House - short fiction by Simon Clark
156 - The Cellar - short story by Tim Jeffreys
165 - Pig - short story by Michael Thomas-Knight
171 - Dream House - short story by Cheryl Kaye Tardif
187 - The Last Memory - short story by Dominick Nole
197 - The Wood Witch - short story by Jonathan Chapman
207 - The Housewarming - short story by Ronald Malfi
218 - I Am the Feeder - short story by Christopher Hivner
226 - Red Ink - short story by Lisa Morton
234 - Sassafras - short story by John T. Biggs
245 - Tommy Boy - short story by J. M. Cozzoli
250 - Willard Junction - short story by Christopher Nadeau
259 - Suka: The White Wolf - short story by Jeff Bennington
274 - Seeing the Light - short story by William Rasmussen
286 - Them Ol' Negro Blues - short story by JG Faherty
298 - Happy Cthulhu to You - short story by Lance Zarimba
303 - The Gremlin - short story by David W. Landrum
311 - Flame of Freedom - short story by Aaron J. French
319 - Reanimated - short story by Jeani Rector
326 - The Famous Film Star - short story by Jeani Rector
335 - Foundlings - short story by Dean H. Wild

ISBN: 978-1927792049

Год издания: 2013

Язык: Английский

Paperback, 348 pages

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