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In Yalda's universe, light has mass, no universal speed, and its creation generates energy; on Yalda's world, plants make food by emitting light into the dark night sky. And time is different: an…
Издательство: Night Shade Books

Лучшая рецензия на книгу

4 июня 2014 г. 23:47



"Can in be real? Is it still science? Is it already a fantazy? What the hell's happening? Holy shit, IT'S A FUCKING MINDBURST!"

People who can be off-put by the number of physical diagrams are definitely not the book's target audience ab origin. But if you are gone to ecstasy by the words «The action takes place in a Riemannian universe, not in the Lorentzian space-time of our own universe», to say the least, you won't be disappointed. To say the most, you'll drizzle with all your neurons in intellectual orgasm.

Egan is a state of mind. Egan is a cultural code. Egan is something like a configuration for intellectual intimacy with other person.

Time is just an another type of space, stars move orthogonally in time, people can do with their bodies whatever they want, Egan will do a hard…


ISBN: 1597802921, 978-1597802925

Год издания: 2012

Язык: Английский

Paperback, 344 pages

Номинант: 2011 г.Выбор сайта Goodreads (Лучшая научная фантастика)


Всего 1

4 июня 2014 г. 23:47



"Can in be real? Is it still science? Is it already a fantazy? What the hell's happening? Holy shit, IT'S A FUCKING MINDBURST!"

People who can be off-put by the number of physical diagrams are definitely not the book's target audience ab origin. But if you are gone to ecstasy by the words «The action takes place in a Riemannian universe, not in the Lorentzian space-time of our own universe», to say the least, you won't be disappointed. To say the most, you'll drizzle with all your neurons in intellectual orgasm.

Egan is a state of mind. Egan is a cultural code. Egan is something like a configuration for intellectual intimacy with other person.

Time is just an another type of space, stars move orthogonally in time, people can do with their bodies whatever they want, Egan will do a hard…


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