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Charming, very funny indeed. Angela Thirkell is perhaps the most Pym-like of any twentieth-century author, after Pym herself -- Alexander McCall Smith Appealing Glasgow Sunday Herald A smart new…
Серия: Virago Modern Classics
Издательство: Virago

Successful lady novelist Laura Morland and her boisterous young son Tony set off to spend Christmas at her country home in the sleepy surrounds of High Rising. But Laura's wealthy friend and neighbor George Knox has taken on a scheming secretary whose designs on marriage to her employer threaten the delicate social fabric of the village. Can clever, practical Laura rescue George from Miss Grey's clutches and, what's more, help his daughter Miss Sibyl Knox to secure her longed-for engagement?Utterly charming and very funny, High Rising is irresistible comic entertainment.

ISBN: 978-1844088836

Год издания: 2014

Язык: Английский

Series: Virago Modern Classics (Book 1)
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Virago UK; Reissue edition (September 1, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1844088839
ISBN-13: 978-1844088836

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