Моя оценка

"If your teacher has to die, August isn't a bad time of the year for it," says Russell Culver, fifteen, who's raring to light our for the endless skies of the Dakotas to join a team of harvesters…
Издательство: Scholastic

Part One: Kissing summer good-bye


2.Best boys in the world

3.Me and Lloyd and Charlie Parr

4.Flowers for Miss Myrt

5.Mess of bad puppies

6.First such mishap of the twentieth century

7.Droning of locusts, a mourning of doves

Part Two: Jailhouse of school

8.Called to the trough of knowledge

9.One lucky boy

10.Stony Lonesome

11.Trouble on the way

12.Another old gal in the ditch

13.Only really perfect thing in the world

Part Three: Fall of the year

14.One serious suitor

15.Fatal Friday

16.Two miracles and a mercy

17.Grown and flown.

ISBN: 0439802660

Год издания: 2004

Язык: Английский

First published January 1st 2004
Hardcover, 190 pages
Characters: Charlie Harris, Russell Culver, Tansy Culver
19 editions

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