The Review of Contemporary Fiction : Vol. III, #1: William Eastlake, Aidan Higgins


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Литературный журнал "The Review of Contemporary Fiction" – William Eastlake, Aidan Higgins
Серия: Литературный журнал "The Review of Contemporary Fiction"
Издательство: Dalkey Archive Press

John O’Brien, “Interview with William Eastlake”
Edward Abbey, “William Eastlake: Para mi Amigo”
Gerald Haslam, “The Southwestern Novels of William Eastlake”
James R. Lindroth, “Poetry, Abstraction, and the Comedy of Dream: Portrait of an Artist with 26 Horses”
Larry McCaffery, “Style in Eastlake’s Southwestern Novels: Personal Visions and Digressions”
Delbert E. Wylder, “William Eastlake: Satiric Voice Looking for a Poem”
Albert Wachtel, “Eastlake: The Artist as Director of Revels”
Robert Creeley, “Cowboys and Indians”
George Bowering, “Portrait of a Horse with Twenty-Six Artists”
Barbara E. Barnes, “Debunking the Myth of the West”
Eric Mottram, “The Limits of Survival with the Weapons of Humour: William Eastlake”
William McPheron, “The Critical Reception of William Eastlake”
William McPheron, “William Eastlake: A Checklist”
Selected Works by Aidan Higgins
Aidan Higgins, “A Sketch”
Aidan Higgins, “The Heroe’s Portion: Chaos or Anarchy in the Cultic Twoilet”
Aidan Higgins, “Imaginary Meadows”
Aidan Higgins, “Killachter Meadow”
Aidan Higgins, “From Langrishe, Go Down“
Aidan Higgins, “From Scenes from a Receding Past“
Aidan Higgins, “From Bornholm Night-Ferry“
Samuel Beckett, “Letter from Samuel Beckett Concerning Manuscript of Story ‘Killachter Meadow'”
Michael Mullen, “Aidan Higgins: Figures in Landscapes”
Bernard Share, “Down from the Balcony”
John O’Brien, “Scenes from a Receding Past“
James Liddy, “Notes on the Wandering Celt: Aidan Higgins’s Balcony of Europe“
Sam Baneham, “Aidan Higgins: A Political Dimension”
Thomas McGonigle, “51 Pauses after Reading Aidan Higgins”
Dermot Healy, “Towards Bornholm Night-Ferry and Texts for Air: A Reading of Aidan Higgins”
Robert Buckeye, “Form as an Extension of Content: ‘their existence in my eyes'”
Jack Byrne, “Notes on Higgins’s Ladies of Springfield House”
Sean Golden, “Parsing Love’s Complainte: Aidan Higgins on the Need to Name”
Thomas McGonigle, “Let the Dead Bury the Dead: A Prepared Slice from St. Patrick’s Day, Dublin, 1974“
Viktor Shklovsky, “Evgeny Onegin (Pushkin and Sterne)”
Note to Future Contributors

ISBN: 9781564781024

Год издания: 1983

Язык: Английский

Мягкая обложка, 252стр.

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