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Other Worlds, the fourth volume in Jon Scieszka’s Guys Read anthology series for tween boys, features ten thrilling new tales of science fiction and fantasy from some of the biggest names in…
Серия: Guys Read
Издательство: Walden Pond Press

Before We Begin by Jon Scieszka

01. Percy Jackson and The Singer of Apollo by Rick Riordan

02. Bouncing the Grinning Goat by Shannon Hale

03. The Scout by D.J. Machale

04. Rise of the RoboShoes by Tom Angleberger

05. The Dirt on Our Shoes by Neal Shusterman

06. Plan B by Rebecca Stead

07. A Day in the Life by Shaun Tan

08. The Klack Bros. Museum by Kenneth Oppel

09. The Warlords of Recess by Eric Nylund

10. Frost and Fire by Ray Bradbury

ISBN: 0061963798

Год издания: 2013

Язык: Английский

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