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Interest in the middle ages is at an all time high at the moment, thanks in part to "The Da Vinci Code." Never has there been a moment more propitious for a study of our misconceptions of the Middle…
Серия: Routledge Studies in Medieval Religion and Culture
Издательство: Routledge

Preface ix
Introduction 1 STEPHEN J. HARRIS
The Church 29
1 Was the Medieval Church Corrupt? 31 FRANS VAN LIERE
2 Papal Infallibility 40 ELAINE M. BERETZ
3 “The Age of Faith”: Everyone in the Middle Ages Believed in God 49 PETER DENDLE
4 Everyone Was an Orthodox, Educated Roman Catholic 54 MICHAEL D. C. DROUT
5 The Myth of the Virgin Nun 60 MARY DOCKRAY-MILLER
6 The Medieval Popess 63 VINCENT DIMARCO
7 Medieval Monks: Funnier Than You Thought 70 LIAM ETHAN FELSEN
vi Contents
8 Medieval Attitudes Toward Muslims and Jews 76 MICHAEL FRASSETTO
War 83
9 The Crusades: Eschatological Lemmings, Younger Sons, Papal Hegemony, and Colonialism 85 JESSALYNN BIRD
10 The Myth of the Mounted Knight 90 JAMES G. PATTERSON
Science 95
11 The Myth of the Flat Earth 97 LOUISE M. BISHOP
12 The Medieval Sense of Self 102 RONALD J. GANZE
13 The Middle Ages Were a Superstitious Time 117 PETER DENDLE
14 The Age Before Reason 124 RICHARD RAISWELL
15 Rehabilitating Medieval Medicine 135 ANNE VAN ARSDALL
16 Medical Misconceptions 142 BRYON GRIGSBY
PART IV The Arts 151
17 Medieval Cuisine: Hog’s Swill or Culinary Art? 153 JEAN-FRANÇOIS KOSTA-THÉFAINE
Contents vii
18 What Did Medieval People Eat? 161
20 Shakespeare Did Not Write in Old English 177 MARIJANE OSBORN
21 An Austere Age Without Laughter 183 MICHAEL W. GEORGE
22 King Arthur: The Once and Future Misconception 188 S. ELIZABETH PASSMORE
Society 195
23 A “Peasants’ Revolt”? 197 PAUL STROHM
24 The Medieval Sense of History 204 RICHARD H. GODDEN
25 The Medieval Peasant 213 DINAH HAZELL
26 Witches and the Myth of the Medieval Burning Times 218 ANITA OBERMEIER
27 The Medieval Child: An Unknown Phenomenon? 230 SOPHIE OOSTERWIJK
28 Were Women Able to Read and Write in the Middle Ages? 236 HELEN CONRAD-O’BRIAIN
29 Teaching Chaucer in Middle English 240 C. DAVID BENSON
viii Contents
30 The Medieval Chastity Belt Unbuckled 254 LINDA MIGL KEYSER
Bibliography 263
Contributors 291
Index 293

Год издания: 2007

Язык: Английский

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