
Моя оценка

With over 100 pages drawn by Mignola himself, The Complete Short Stories Vol. 2 features an incredible roster of artists! The two Short Stories volumes, along with the four-volume Hellboy Omnibus…
Серия: Hellboy: the Complete Short Stories
Издательство: Dark Horse Books

The Troll Witch, The Chained Coffin, The Bride of Hell, The Right Hand of Doom, and The Crooked Man, including "Heads," "Buster Oakley Gets His Wish," and "A Christmas Underground

ISBN: 1506706657

Год издания: 2018

Язык: Английский

This 368-page volume covers Hellboy's adventures from 1961 to 1993, leading up to Seed of Destruction.

Возрастные ограничения: 12+

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