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The connection between communication and reality is a relatively new idea. It is only in recent decades that the confusions, disorientations and very different world views that arise as a result of…

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19 февраля 2019 г. 21:14


5 TL;DR “real” is relatively real :)

Awesome collection of real life (!) stories, anecdotes, philosophical and logical paradoxes about a theme old as the world — what is truth?

Main focus of the book is communication and interpretation. This is all we basically have to construct our “reality”.

Book includes stories about:

1. “be spontaneous!” type of paradoxes 2. The case of clever Hans story and others about subtle power of communication / https://www.seeker.com/the-curious-case-of-clever-hans-1765582634.html 3. what is real randomness as opposed to pseudo randomness? 4. The windshield mystery story (about focus of mass attention) 5. The Orleans rumor (how masses can be fooled) https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/edgar-morin/the-rumor-in-orleans/ 6. The prisoner's dilemma (about “how what i think you think that i think…


Год издания: 1977



Всего 1

19 февраля 2019 г. 21:14


5 TL;DR “real” is relatively real :)

Awesome collection of real life (!) stories, anecdotes, philosophical and logical paradoxes about a theme old as the world — what is truth?

Main focus of the book is communication and interpretation. This is all we basically have to construct our “reality”.

Book includes stories about:

1. “be spontaneous!” type of paradoxes 2. The case of clever Hans story and others about subtle power of communication / https://www.seeker.com/the-curious-case-of-clever-hans-1765582634.html 3. what is real randomness as opposed to pseudo randomness? 4. The windshield mystery story (about focus of mass attention) 5. The Orleans rumor (how masses can be fooled) https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/edgar-morin/the-rumor-in-orleans/ 6. The prisoner's dilemma (about “how what i think you think that i think…


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