The Raj Quartet: The Jewel in the Crown, The Day of the Scorpion, The Towers of Silence & A Division of the Spoils

Пол Марк Скотт


Моя оценка

An epic full-cast dramatisation of Paul Scott’s classic series of novels charting the last days ofthe British Raj.

Spanning the years from 1942 to 1947, this landmark saga explores the…
Издательство: BBC Digital Audio

ISBN: 9781787532915

Год издания: 2019

Язык: Английский

Length: 512 Minutes

The extensive, star-studded cast includes Anna Maxwell Martin (Bleak House, Motherland), Prasanna Puwanarajah (Doctor Foster), Geraldine James (who also starred in the film of The Jewel in the Crown), Mark Bazeley (Broadchurch), Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock), Kulvinder Ghir (Goodness Gracious Me) and Nina Wadia (Eastenders).

Dramtised by John Harvey (The Jewel in the Crown, The Day of the Scorpion, The Towers of Silence) and Shelley Silas (A Division of the Spoils).
Produced and directed by Sally Avens (The Jewel in the Crown, A Division of the Spoils) and Jeremy Mortimer (The Day of theScorpion, The Towers of Silence).
Music by Raiomond Mirza.


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