Scoundrel: How a Convicted Murderer Persuaded the Women Who Loved Him, the Conservative Establishment, and the Courts to Set Him Free

Сара Уайнман


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From the author of The Real Lolita and editor of Unspeakable Acts, the astonishing story of a murderer who conned the people around him--including conservative thinker William F. Buckley--into…
Издательство: Ecco

ISBN: 9780062899767

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский

464 pages, Hardcover


"... a riveting chronicle ... Weinman, who lays out the details with a prosecutor's care, convincingly demonstrates Smith was the killer ... As a writer, she's more interested in the lives of the victims than Smith's psychology ... It's hard to imagine anyone grasping the importance of [Knopf editor Sophie] Wilkins's role as well as Weinman does ... The relationship between Wilkins and Smith is the surprising secret heart of this book, showing how a sensitive, intelligent person might fall for a con-man. It's a mirror for all the others who believed his claims of innocence—the people who bought Smith's books, his wives, his mother, his friends, and defenders ... Weinman is able to tell the story in vivid detail because of letters and their permanence ... Many of these letters are excerpted to lay out the story as it moves forward in granular detail."

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