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Shimmering stories set in California’s Central Valley, the first book in a decade from a virtuoso story writer.

“Her immediate concern was money.” So begins the first story in Manuel Muñoz’s…
Издательство: Graywolf Press

ISBN: 9781644452066

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский

224 pages, Paperback


"From deportation fears and the complications of teenage motherhood to the search for belonging and the healing power of kindness, The Consequences covers the full breadth of human experience and gives voice to a segment of the population too often stereotyped, taken advantage of or made invisible by our larger society. Simply put, Muñoz's stories are as observant as they are revealing — full of nuanced subtext and bracingly honest depictions of vulnerability and hope, love and regret, and everything in between. They deserve all the attention they can get."

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