Моя оценка

In a debut novel as radiant as it is caustic, a former influencer confronts her past—and takes inventory of the damages that underpin the surface-glamour of social media.

At 19, she was an…
Издательство: Soho Press

Aesthetica, роман

ISBN: 9781641294003

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский

264 pages, Hardcover


"It's an interesting and zeitgeisty premise, and the novel, which comes endorsed by real internet celebrities like Caroline Calloway, harnesses it effectively ... The experience of reading the novel is as compelling, and occasionally as tiresome, as spending time online. The sentences are rich with double meaning, and often over-qualified ... But Rowbottom's expressive and searching style is apt to capture both the bottomless emptiness and dark allure of image-centric internet life ... The novel is full of inquiry and analysis, both to its advantage and disadvantage. It's full of intelligence, but like its central character, self-scrutinises to a fault."

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