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What does it mean to take action? To bear witness? What does it cost?

In these ten stories, each set in the changing landscapes of contemporary New York City, a range of characters--from children…
Издательство: Straus and Giroux, Farrar

ISBN: 9780374607036

Год издания: 2023

Язык: Английский

240 pages, Hardcover


"Like all good stories, Brinkley's are slices of life or dramas in miniature that, despite their relative brevity, come packed with incident, insight and emotion ... Some of Brinkley's finest stories depict romantic relationships blossoming or withering on the vine ... Well-drawn characters ... Brinkley is shaping up to be one of the most impressive contemporary practitioners of short stories. Here, as before, we watch in admiration as he makes a little go an extremely long way."


"An extraordinary gathering of stories that confirms Brinkley's place among the most moving, compelling and virtuosic practitioners of the short form ... What seems above all to define the particular brilliance of Brinkley's artistry with the short form... is his ceaseless conjuring of the small groupings that crystallise the predicaments and joys, the folds and the creases, of contemporary life, and Black American life in particular."

Номинант: 2023 г.Киркус (Художественная книга)

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