When Things Get Dark: Stories Inspired by Shirley Jackson


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Legendary editor, Ellen Datlow, collects today’s best horror writers in tribute to the genius of Shirley Jackson. Featuring Joyce Carol Oates, Josh Malerman, Paul Tremblay, Richard Kadrey, Stephen…
Издательство: Titan Books

“Introduction” Ellen Datlow
“Funeral Birds” M. Rickert
“For Sale By Owner” Elizabeth Hand
“In the Deep Woods; The Light is Different There” Seanan McGuire
“A Hundred Miles and a Mile” Carmen Maria Machado
“Quiet Dead Things” Cassandra Khaw
“Something Like Living Creatures” John Langan
“Money of the Dead” Karen Heuler
“Hag” Benjamin Percy
“Take Me, I Am Free” Joyce Carol Oates
“A Trip to Paris” Richard Kadrey
“The Party” Paul Tremblay
“Refinery Road” Stephen Graham Jones
“The Door in the Fence” Jeffrey Ford
“Pear of Anguish” Gemma Files
“Special Meal” Josh Malerman
“Sooner or Later, Your Wife Will Drive Home” Genevieve Valentine
“Tiptoe” Laird Barron
“Skinder's Veil” Kelly Link

ISBN: 9781789097153

Год издания: 2021

Язык: Английский

384 pages, Hardcover

Лауреат: 2023 г.Это — хоррор (Антология года)

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