• Последняя остановка Освенцим. Реальная история о силе духа и о том, что помогает выжить, когда надежды совсем нет Эдди де Винд
    ISBN: 978-5-04-157417-8
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Эксмо, Бомбора
    Язык: Русский

    В 1943 году, в разгар немецкой оккупации Голландии, нацисты забрали мать Эдди де Винда в пересыльный лагерь для евреев в Вестерборке. Чтобы спасти ее, он добровольно отправился туда и в обмен на ее освобождение согласился работать в лагере врачом. Но спасти мать Эдди не успел: ее уже депортировали в Освенцим, а через год Эдди и сам оказался там вместе с молодой женой Фридель. В концлагере их разделили: Эдди был вынужден работать фельдшером в одном из мужских бараков, Фридель оказалась в женском блоке, где проводили варварские медицинские эксперименты печально известные врачи Йозеф Менгеле и Карл Клауберг. Подходить к женскому бараку и…

  • Last Stop Auschwitz Эдди де Винд
    ISBN: 9780857526847
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Transworld Publishers
    Язык: Английский

    Eddy de Wind, a Dutch doctor and psychiatrist, was shipped to Auschwitz with his wife Friedel, whom he had met and married at the Westerbork labour camp in the Netherlands. At Auschwitz, they made it through the brutal selection process and were put to work. Each day, each hour became a battle for survival. For Eddy, this meant negotiating with the volatile guards in the medical barracks. For Friedel, it meant avoiding the Nazis’ barbaric medical experiments. As the end of the war approached and the Russian Army drew closer, the last Nazis fled, taking many prisoners with them, including Friedel. Eddy hid under a pile of old clothes and…

  • Last Stop Auschwitz. My story of survival from within the camp Эдди де Винд
    ISBN: 9780857526830
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Doubleday
    Язык: Английский

    Eddy de Wind, a Dutch doctor and psychiatrist, was shipped to Auschwitz with his wife Friedel, whom he had met and married at the Westerbork labour camp in the Netherlands. At Auschwitz, they made it through the brutal selection process and were put to work. Each day, each hour became a battle for survival. For Eddy, this meant negotiating with the volatile guards in the medical barracks. For Friedel, it meant avoiding the Nazis’ barbaric medical experiments. As the end of the war approached and the Russian Army drew closer, the last Nazis fled, taking many prisoners with them, including Friedel. Eddy hid under a pile of old clothes and…

  • Last Stop Auschwitz. My story of survival from within the camp Эдди де Винд
    ISBN: 978-1-78416-498-0
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Black Swan
    Язык: Русский

    Eddy de Wind, a Dutch doctor and psychiatrist, was shipped to Auschwitz with his wife Friedel, whom he had met and married at the Westerbork labour camp in the Netherlands. At Auschwitz, they made it through the brutal selection process and were put to work. Each day, each hour became a battle for survival. For Eddy, this meant negotiating with the volatile guards in the medical barracks. For Friedel, it meant avoiding the s' barbaric medical experiments. As the end of the war approached and the Russian Army drew closer, the last s fled, taking many prisoners with them, including Friedel. Eddy hid under a pile of old clothes and stayed…
