
Моя оценка

Scarred by betrayal and unsure of his place in the war that wracks the galaxy, Knight Errant Garviel Loken seeks sanctuary, but the ghosts of his past haunt him still...

Returning from a secretive mission to Caliban at the command of Malcador the Sigillite, the Knight Errant Garviel Loken finds sanctuary in one of the abandoned bio-domes of Luna. Scarred by betrayal and bewildered by the changing face of the galaxy, the weary warrior is almost unsurprised when he is visited by the long-dead Tarik Torgaddon – is this a sign of a fractured and exhausted mind playing tricks on itself, or truly the spirit of a departed friend?

It's a…

Форма: рассказ

Оригинальное название: Luna Mendax

Дата написания: ~2013

Первая публикация: January 25, 2016

Язык: Английский



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