Dancing with Mr. Darcy: Stories Inspired by Jane Austen and Chawton House Library

Sarah Waters

12 февраля 2012 г. 22:29



Actually, I found this book by chance. By a lucky chance. I was surfing the Net for the books by Sarah Waters, as she's one of my favourite female writers. But, as it turned out later, Waters was not the author of this very book. In 2009 there was a competition of short stories held by the Chawton library. Twenty stories were selected among 3000. Sarah Waters was one of the judges of this competition.

To tell the truth, I'm not much of Austen's fan. Frankly speaking, I read only "Sense and sensibility" long ago, and before reading "Dancing with Mr. Darcy" I knew absolutely nothing about Jane Austen's live and very few about her works. Nevertheless, I did enjoy this book. In the opinion of the judges, the best story from the 20 selected is "Jane Austen over the Styx". It's rather good, to…


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