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You've never met anyone quite like Rufus Moffat. He gets things done, but he gets them done his way.
When he wants to check out library books, Rufus teaches himself to write...even though he…
Издательство: Harcourt, Brace & World

Each chapter in this book tells another story about Rufus and his family. Rufus has a great imagination. He uses it to create interesting friends for himself.For example, a flying horse named Jimmy and an invisible piano player who lives in the Saybolts. He decides to create a best friend, Cardboard Boy[who is also Rufus's enemy. He and his friend even ride around town on a bicycle.

Rufus is also quite persistent. He wants a library card, even though he can't read yet, so he works hard to learn to write his name. Things are tight for his family; it's not easy for Rufus' mother to earn enough to feed four children. So Rufus plants some special "Rufus beans". Unfortunately he can't resist digging them up every day to see if they are growing.

World War I is in its final year, and Rufus M. shows its effect on the family, with shortages of some food and coal. Rufus also writes to a soldier, at one point asking for a pony from France. The books ends with the family celebrating Armistice Day writing their dreams for the future on paper and burning them at the stove.

Год издания: 1943

Язык: Английский

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