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‘I was born ugly. That’s what my mother always said.’
So begins the story of young Sonny Mahadewala who lives a dual life: between his adoptive England where he lives in eccentric union with a…
Издательство: Penguin Random House India

In Kandy, the ancient capital of Sri Lanka, Sonny Mahadewala has survived a difficult childhood – his mother plainly believes he is the work of the Devil. So when Sonny gets a sore throat she is convinced he has caught a bad case of demons. And then his mother calls in not the local GP but the exorcist..

At the age of nineteen, Sonny escapes this mad medieval world to England, where demons are démodé, an old disease like TB. But like TB, they are about to make a comeback. In England he meets Luisa, the love of his life; and then his troubles really begin, when she asks to meet his family.

In this richly comic Sri Lankan morality tale Ferrey takes a sly look at evil: how it only survives in the West today as a curious intellectual concept, a poor emaciated shadow of its former historic self; but how it lives on in Sri Lanka, amply nourished, a freshly beating heart beneath the skin of day-to-day island life. In Sri Lanka where every prospect pleases, according to the hymn, and only man is vile . . .

ISBN: 0143428659 (978-0143428657)

Год издания: 2016

Язык: Английский

Paperback: 296 pages
Product Dimensions: 19.2 x 13 x 2 cm


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