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Philosopher, statesman and founder of conservatism, Edmund Burke is both the greatest and the most underrated political thinker of the past three hundred years. He was one of the eighteenth…
Серия: Everyman Classics
Издательство: Everyman's Library

Note on the Text
Select Bibliography

From A Vindication of Natural Society (1756)
From A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of ourIdeas of the Sublime and Beautiful (1757)
From An Essay towards an Abridgment of theEnglish History (1757)
On Parties (1757)
Considerations on a Militia (March 1757)
From Thoughts on the Cause of the PresentDiscontents (1770)
Speech on the Middlesex Election (7 February 1771)
Speech at the Conclusion of the Poll at Bristol(3 November 1774)
Speech on Conciliation with America (22 March 1775)
Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol (3 April 1777)
Speech on Economical Reform (11 February 1780)
Speech on a Bill for Shortening the Duration of Parliaments (8 May 1780)
Sketch of the Negro Code (1780)
First Speech on the Seizure and Confiscation of Private Property in the Island of St. Eustatius (14 May 1781)
From Speech on Fox’s East-India Bill (1 December 1783)
Inscription on the Tomb of Lord Rockingham (1784)
Speech on the Reform of the Representation of the Commons in Parliament (16 June 1784)
From Speech in Opening the Impeachment of Warren Hastings (15 and 19 February 1788)
From Speech on the Slave Trade (12 May 1789)
Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790)
Letter to a Member of the National Assembly (1791)
From An Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs (1791)
Letter to Sir Hercules Langrishe (3 January 1792)
Letter to Richard Burke (post 19 February 1792)
Speech on the Petition of the Unitarian Society(11 May 1792)
Speech on War with France (12 February 1793)
Thoughts and Details on Scarcity (November 1795)
From First Letter on a Regicide Peace (1796)
Letter to a Noble Lord (1796)

Private Letters:
To Richard Shackleton (15 February 1745/6)
To the Duke of Richmond (post 15 November 1772)
To Jane Burke (8 November 1774)
To Philip Francis (9 June 1777)
To Charles James Fox (8 October 1777)
To Joseph Harford (27 September 1780)
To William Baker (22 June 1784)
To Miss Mary Palmer (19 January 1786)
To Charles-Jean-Franc¸ois Depont (November 1789)
To Captain Thomas Mercer (26 February 1790)
To Arthur Murphy (8 December 1793)
To French Laurence (28 July 1796)
To Unknown (February 1797)

ISBN: 9781841593654, 9780375712531

Год издания: 2015

Язык: Английский

Hardcover | 1160 Pages
Edited and Introduced by Jesse Norman

Everyman's Library UK
Everyman's Library US

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