
Моя оценка

Kiedy w centrum handlowym na Brooklynie detektyw Amelia Sachs próbuje zatrzymać podejrzanego o zabójstwo, dochodzi do tragicznego wypadku: do układu napędowego schodów ruchomych wpada mężczyzna. Gdy…
Цикл: Линкольн Райм, книга №12
Издательство: Prószyński i S-ka

ISBN: 9788381231039

Год издания: 2018

Название оригинала: The Steel Kiss
Цикл: Lincoln Rhyme
Номер в цикле: 12
Количество страниц: 552

"Deaver is a genius when it comes to manipulation and deception. Stellar plot twists are in full abundance in THE STEEL KISS, and the story line veers in several unpredictable directions."―Associated Press

"Deaver doesn't disappoint. With an unmatched ability to create the perfect characters...Deaver takes fans to the edge in this one and dangles them over the cliff...One of the best books of 2016."―Suspense Magazine

"Darkly witty...unsettling."―New York Times Book Review

"Fiendishly inventive...all the usual thrills, which are worth every breathless minute."―Kirkus Reviews

"The plot twists are clever and unexpected, the dialogue is colloquial and natural, and the characters...are vividly realized. Highly recommendable."―Booklist

"Clever...entertaining...Convincing characters and an unexpected closing twist will remind readers why Deaver is one of today's top thriller writers."―Publishers Weekly

"Deaver delivers another heart-stopping thriller in his Lincoln Rhyme series...The action, suspense and horrific crimes continue unabated."―RT Book Reviews

"Deaver at his best and when you are Jeffery Deaver this means the best of the best."―Huffington Post

"Fans will marvel at the creative manner in which Deaver incorporates current technological and societal trends into the plots of his thrillers."―Library Journal

"[THE STEEL KISS is] like a master class in how to perfectly balance plot and character....A terrific novel."―Connecticut News

"If you're looking for a pedal-to-the-floor thriller with reversals and twists, this is the novel for you."―The Big Thrill

"Loaded from first page to (almost) last with suspense of one sort of another....THE STEEL KISS is a terrific novel."―BookReporter


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