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From Pulitzer Prize winner Richard Ford: the final novel in the world of Frank Bascombe, one of the most indelible characters in American literature

Over the course of four celebrated works of…
Издательство: Ecco Press

ISBN: 9780063267923

Год издания: 2023

352 pages, ebook

Published June 13, 2023


"Ford hides himself away and lets the inescapably, unstoppably logocentric Frank tell his tale in his own distinctive, discursive voice, a roving 'I' addicted to description and speculation. Every Bascombe book is full-on Frank ... If you're up for a dazzling, acutely painful 342-page monologue from a 74-year-old whose favorite shoe is a Weejun, who likes to rhapsodize about suburbia, and who is right now preoccupied with an unspooling tragedy on a road trip through a tranche of Trump country, Be Mine is just the ticket ... The astonishing core of Be Mine is the barbed, tender, despairing bond between father and son ... Every sentence is considered, yet many look like they're about to fall apart in their devious careening."

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