Издания и произведения

  • «Я» значит «Ястреб» Хелен Макдональд
    ISBN: 978-5-17-092309-0
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: АСТ, Neoclassic
    Язык: Русский

    Смерть любимого отца расколола жизнь Хелен на ""до"" и ""после"", однако она нашла необычный способ справиться с горем, взяв на воспитание ястреба-тетеревятника. Страдающая от горечи утраты женщина и крылатый хищник – казалось бы, что общего может быть между ними? Однако с каждым днем они все крепче привязываются друг к другу и все глубже постигают красоту окружающего мира и непреходящее очарование бытия.

  • H is for Hawk Helen Macdonald
    ISBN: 1784871109
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Vintage Classics
    Язык: Английский

    Obsession, madness, memory, myth, and history combine to achieve a distinctive blend of nature writing and memoir from an outstanding literary innovator. When Helen Macdonald's father died suddenly on a London street, she was devastated. An experienced falconer—Helen had been captivated by hawks since childhood—she'd never before been tempted to train one of the most vicious predators, the goshawk. But in her grief, she saw that the goshawk's fierce and feral temperament mirrored her own. Resolving to purchase and raise the deadly creature as a means to cope with her loss, she adopted Mabel, and turned to the guidance of The Once and…

  • H Is for Hawk Helen Macdonald
    ISBN: 978-0802123411
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Grove Atlantic
    Язык: Английский

    * Winner the 2014 Samuel Johnson Prize * #1 Bestseller in the UK * A Guardian and Economist Best Book of the Year When Helen Macdonald's father died suddenly on a London street, she was devastated. An experienced falconer—Helen had been captivated by hawks since childhood—she'd never before been tempted to train one of the most vicious predators, the goshawk. But in her grief, she saw that the goshawk's fierce and feral temperament mirrored her own. Resolving to purchase and raise the deadly creature as a means to cope with her loss, she adopted Mabel, and turned to the guidance of The Once and Future King author T.H. White's chronicle…

  • H wie Habicht Helen Macdonald
    ISBN: 978-3793422983
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Allegria
    Язык: Немецкий

    * #1 in Großbritannien * NEW YORK TIMES Bestseller »Um einen Greifvogel abzurichten, muss man ihn wie einen Greifvogel beobachten, erst dann kann man vorhersagen, was er als Nächstes tun wird. Schließlich sieht man die Körpersprache des Vogels gar nicht mehr – man scheint zu fühlen, was der Vogel fühlt. Die Wahrnehmung des Vogels wird zur eigenen. Als die Tage in dem abgedunkelten Raum vergingen und ich mich immer mehr in den Habicht hineinversetzte, schmolz mein Menschsein von mir ab.« Schon als Kind beschloss Helen Macdonald, Falknerin zu werden. Sie eignete sich das komplizierte Fachvokabular an, mit dem sich die Falkner wie in…

  • H is for Hawk Helen Macdonald
    ISBN: 978-0-2240-9700-0, 0224097008
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Jonathan Cape
    Язык: Английский

    As a child Helen Macdonald was determined to become a falconer. She learned the arcane terminology and read all the classic books, including Т. H. White's tortured masterpiece, The Goshawk, which describes White's struggle to train a hawk as a spiritual contest. When her father dies and she is knocked sideways by grief, she becomes obsessed with the idea of training her own goshawk. She buys Mabel on a Scottish quayside and takes her home to Cambridge. Then she fills the freezer with hawk food and unplugs the phone, ready to embark on the long, strange business of trying to train this wildest of animals.

  • Произведения

  • "Я" значит "ястреб" Хелен Макдональд
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: H is for Hawk
    Дата написания: 2015
    Перевод: Н. Жутковская
    Язык: Русский
  • K nagu kull Хелен Макдональд
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: H is for Hawk
    Дата написания: 2015
    Первая публикация: 2018
    Перевод: Kristiina Kivil
    Язык: Эстонский

    Väljapaistva ja tunnustatud autori Helen Macdonaldi raamat on isikupärane segu looduskirjandusest ja memuaaridest, milles põimuvad kinnisideed, hullus, mäletamine, müüdid ja ajalugu. Kui Helen Macdonaldi isa ühel Londoni tänaval ootamatult suri, oli selle mõju tütrele hävitav. Lapsest saati kullidest lummatud ja tolleks ajaks juba kogenud kullikasvatajana ei olnud Helen aga kunagi tundnud kiusatust kasvatada kanakulli, üht kõige raskemini treenitavamatest ja kardetavamatest röövlindudest. Leinates isa, nägi ta nüüd kanakulli raevukas ja metsikus iseloomus peegeldumas midagi endast. Jõudnud otsusele üks selline lind üles kasvatada,…

  • Электронные книги

  • H Is for Hawk Helen Macdonald
    ISBN: 978-0-8021-9167-0
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Grove Atlantic
    Язык: Английский

    When Helen Macdonald's father died suddenly on a London street, she was devastated. An experienced falconer, Helen had never before been tempted to train one of the most vicious predators, the goshawk, but in her grief, she saw that the goshawk's fierce and feral temperament mirrored her own. Resolving to purchase and raise the deadly creature as a means to cope with her loss, she adopted Mabel, and turned to the guidance of The Once and Future King author T.H. White's chronicle The Goshawk to begin her challenging endeavor. Projecting herself "in the hawk's wild mind to tame her" tested the limits of Macdonald's humanity and changed her…
