Моя оценка

He isn't human; but he isn't all robot either. He started life in a lab, went to Parochial School, was kidnapped by gypsies, chased by roboticidal, and incompetent, hit-men, told fortunes on the Midway, and finally fostered by an elderly couple who gave up writing science fiction when their stories came true. He's Roderick, the first robot programmed to learn and think, and sent out into the world to re-invent it...

Номинации на премии:
- Премия Филипа К. Дика / Philip K. Dick Award, 1983 // Лучшая НФ-книга в США
- Дитмар / Ditmar Award, 1983 // Зарубежная фантастика (США/Великобритания; роман)

Форма: роман

Первая публикация: 1982

Язык: Английский

Номинант: 1983 г.Премия Филипа К. Дика (Лучшая НФ-книга в США)

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