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Like an avenging, purple-haired Jedi bringing balance to the mansplained universe, Bee Königswasser lives by a simple code: What would Marie Curie do? If NASA offered her the lead on a neuroengineering project—a literal dream come true after years scraping by on the crumbs of academia—Marie would accept without hesitation. Duh. But the mother of modern physics never had to co-lead with Levi Ward.

Sure, Levi is attractive in a tall, dark, and piercing-eyes kind of way. And sure, he caught her in his powerfully corded arms like a romance novel hero when she accidentally damseled in distress on her first day in the lab. But Levi made his…
Цикл: Гипотеза любви, книга №2

Лучшая рецензия на книгу

23 марта 2024 г. 18:04


4.5 That level of hatred requires so much effort and motivation and commitment, it’s basically love

"Love on the Brain" by Ali Hazelwood had me kicking my feet in the air with excitement and giggling like a teenager. This book is easy and enjoyable to read.

The story follows Bee Königswasser, who is offered the opportunity of a lifetime to lead a dream project developing helmets for astronauts in collaboration with NASA. However, there's a catch: her co-leader on the project is none other than Levi Ward, a former colleague from graduate school who seemingly despises her. Yet, as the project progresses, Bee encounters a challenge when the person she sees as her enemy surprisingly offers her help.

The book is filled with funny and charming characters. Bee Königswasser is not your typical romantic lead. She’s a brilliantly crafted character—intelligent, passionate about her work, and…


Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: Love on the Brain

Язык: Английский

Номинант: 2022 г.Выбор сайта Goodreads (Лучшая романтика)


Всего 13

23 марта 2024 г. 18:04


4.5 That level of hatred requires so much effort and motivation and commitment, it’s basically love

"Love on the Brain" by Ali Hazelwood had me kicking my feet in the air with excitement and giggling like a teenager. This book is easy and enjoyable to read.

The story follows Bee Königswasser, who is offered the opportunity of a lifetime to lead a dream project developing helmets for astronauts in collaboration with NASA. However, there's a catch: her co-leader on the project is none other than Levi Ward, a former colleague from graduate school who seemingly despises her. Yet, as the project progresses, Bee encounters a challenge when the person she sees as her enemy surprisingly offers her help.

The book is filled with funny and charming characters. Bee Königswasser is not your typical romantic lead. She’s a brilliantly crafted character—intelligent, passionate about her work, and…


18 ноября 2023 г. 00:16


5 Меньше драмы, больше любви

Когда я беру в руки такие книги, я всегда выбираю их по настроению: хочется ли мне погрустить, или наоборот расслабиться и отдохнуть. И это именно тот случай, когда с книгой можно приятно отдохнуть.

У главных героев хватает своих тараканов. Би - травмирована своими прошлыми отношениями, предательством самых близких людей. Плюс детские травмы (куда без них). И в придачу ко всему этому еще и постоянные унижения на работу из-за гендерного неравенства (ох уж эти ученые «женоненавистники»).

 Вы знаете, чем меня покорил Леви? Тем, что явно отдал целое состояние своему психотерапевту,  и неплохо так проработал свои детские травмы. Поэтому он идеальный главный герой, без лишней драмы, и даже не возникало желания закатывать глаза от его поступков.

Когда я читала про его семью, у меня возникал…


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